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Язык робота (robot language)

Предмет Технологические машины и оборудование
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язык программирования, используемый для описания программы задач.

Научные статьи на тему «Язык робота (robot language)»

2020. 03. 030. Албертс Л. Встретим их на полпути : изменение стандартов языка для упрощения взаимодействия человека и робота. Alberts L. meeting them halfway : altering language conventions to facilitate human-robot interaction // Stellenbosch papers in linguistics Plus (spil Plus). - 2019. - vol. 56. - p. 97-122

Научный журнал

The Language of Human-Machine Communication

This essay for the inaugural issue of Technology and Language discusses the problem of finding an optimal form of human-machine communication. In the ongoing search for an alien mind, humanity seems to find it not in the infinities of space, but in its own environment. Changes in the language of human-machine interaction made it understandable not only to trained specialists but to every household. In the course of time, home appliances and devices have developed their language abilities even more and reached a very advanced level – by way of status indicators, displays, emergency sound and color signals. The transition to computer-assisted communication brought about a great diversity of human expression forms translated into the discrete digital language of technologies. According to some prognoses, the first human-robot marriage might be registered in the future, however, such a union is not the only possible human-machine alliance.

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Технологические машины и оборудование»

Опора (base)

конструкция, к которой крепится первая исходная связка манипулятора.

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