Нагрев сопротивлением
электронагрев за счет электрического сопротивления электронагревателя или загрузки.
преобразование программы, представленной на одном языке программирования, г программу на другом языке и в определенном смысле равносильную первой.
In this paper, a tool for automatically generating test programs for MIPS64 memory management units is described. The solution is based on the MicroTESK framework being developed at the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The tool consists of two parts: an architecture-independent test program generation core and MIPS64 memory subsystem specifications. Such separation is not a new principle in the area: it is applied in a number of industrial test program generators, including IBM’s Genesys-Pro. The main distinction is in how specifications are represented, what sort of information is extracted from them, and how that information is exploited. In the suggested approach, specifications comprise descriptions of the memory access instructions, loads and stores, and definition of the memory management mechanisms such as translation lookaside buffers, page tables, table lookup units, and caches. A dedicated problem-oriented language, called mmuSL, is used...
In this work, an approach to generate test programs for functional verification of memory management units of microprocessors is proposed. The approach is based on formal specification of memory access instructions, namely load and store instructions, and memory devices such as cache units and address translation buffers. The use of formal specifications helps automate development of test program generators and makes verification systematic due to clear definition of testing goals. In the suggested approach, test programs are constructed by using combinatorial techniques, which means that stimuli - sequences of loads and stores - are created by enumerating all feasible combinations of instructions, situations (instruction execution paths) and dependencies (sets of conflicts between instructions). It is of importance that test situations and dependencies are automatically extracted from specifications. The approach has been used in a number of industrial projects and allowed to disco...
электронагрев за счет электрического сопротивления электронагревателя или загрузки.
точка начала координат в системе координат мобильной платформы.
конструктивный элемент индукционной электропечи, расположенный внутри индуктора электропечи.
Возможность создать свои термины в разработке
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