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Speech recognition

Предмет Информатика
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автоматическое преобразование произносимых слов в компьютерный код (распознавание речи).

Научные статьи на тему «Speech recognition»

Голосовой помощник на Python

Библиотека speech recognition. Библиотека Wikipedia. Библиотека webbrowser. Библиотека os.path....
голосе engίne.setProperty('voίce', voίce$[1]$.ίd) # 0-мужской голос, 1-женский голос Здесь: Mίcrosoft Speech

Статья от экспертов

Extended speech emotion recognition and prediction

Humans are considered to reason and act rationally and that is believed to be their fundamental difference from the rest of the living entities. Furthermore, modern approaches in the science of psychology underline that humans as a thinking creatures are also sentimental and emotional organisms. There are fifteen universal extended emotions plus neutral emotion: hot anger, cold anger, panic, fear, anxiety, despair, sadness, elation, happiness, interest, boredom, shame, pride, disgust, contempt and neutral position. The scope of the current research is to understand the emotional state of a human being by capturing the speech utterances that one uses during a common conversation. It is proved that having enough acoustic evidence available the emotional state of a person can be classified by a set of majority voting classifiers. The proposed set of classifiers is based on three main classifiers: kNN, C4.5 and SVM RBF Kernel. This set achieves better performance than each basic classif...

Научный журнал

Emotion recognition and speaker identification from speech

The performance of spoken dialogue systems (SDS) is not perfect yet, especially for some languages. Emotion recognition from speech (ER) is a technique which can improve the SDS behavior by finding critical points in the human-machine interaction and changing a dialogue strategy. Inclusion of the speaker specific information, by conducting the speaker identification procedure (SI) at the set up of ER task could also be used in order to improve the dialogue quality. Choosing of both appropriate speech signal features and machine learning algorithms for the ER and SI remain a complex and challenging problem. More than 50 machine learning algorithms were applied in the study for ER and SI tasks, using 9 multi-language corpora (Russian, English, German, and Japanese) of both acted and non-acted emotional utterance recordings. The study provides the results of evaluation as well as their analysis and future directions.

Научный журнал

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