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Single occupancy

Предмет Гостиничное дело
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в номере любой категории проживает один гость (одноместное размещение).

Научные статьи на тему «Single occupancy»

Балобан в борах северо-восточного Казахстана

Under the project Saker Falcon in Central Asia we visited pine forests in north-eastern Kazakhstan since 20 April to 17 May 2006. We moved by vehicle along the edge of forest on the distance 100-300 m and stopped between every 2-3 km for observing the largest trees through a telescope and finding nests of raptors. Locations of found nests we identified with GPS Garmin 72. After that all new data included in the database in GIS. A total of route length along forests in the Pavlodar and Vostochno-Kazakhstankaya districts was 1485 km. We found 10 nests of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug), 31 nests of the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), 3 nests of the Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and a nest of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) during 2 weeks since 24 April. For distinguishing the size clutch and approximate dates of breeding period we checked one nest where found 5 eggs on 26 April. From two nests that had been found in 2005 the first nest was empty, the second was destroyed (t...

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Орел-карлик в Поволжье, на Урале и в Сибири, Россия

Methods Distribution of the Booted Eagle was investigated during field trips in 1996 2006. To estimate a number of the Booted Eagle in GIS the map of inhabitant places that encompass a total area of 42283 km2 was created. Also we set 65 study plots. The area of inhabitant places per each study plot was 20 km2, the total area of inhabitant places in the all of plots was 1300 km2. Extrapolation of data was carried out for every local population: density of breeding pairs in inhabitant places of a study plot was extrapolated for the total area of inhabitant places within a local population range. For researching breeding biology we surveyed 3 breeding pairs with using video cameras in 2004. For evaluation of breeding success we twice visited 6-9 nests a breeding season. The breeding success was estimated as a portion of fledglings per the total number of laid eggs. A diet was analyzed with using video cameras and collecting remains of preys in and under a nest. A total of 120 preys wer...

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Еще термины по предмету «Гостиничное дело»

Агентские (конфиденциальные) тарифы

цены на гостиничные услуги, предлагаемые для реализации турагенту и выражающиеся в виде процентных ски док от опубликованных тарифов.

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Американский завтрак

разновидность английского завтрака, то есть полный завтрак, который обычно включает в себя фруктовый сок, кофе или чай с джемом, тосты, масло и горячее блюдо (овсяную кашу, яичницу с ветчиной и др.).

🌟 Рекомендуем тебе


гость свободного поселения (заселение «с улицы»).

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