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Предмет Гостиничное дело
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гость свободного поселения (заселение «с улицы»).

Научные статьи на тему «Walk-in»

Простое прошедшее время (The Past Simple tense)

играл», «stay» - «stayed» - «останавливаться, остановился», «work» - «worked» - «работать, работал», «walk...
seminar last week» - «Их не было на семинаре на прошлой неделе», «He wasn’t an excellent footballer in...
, «When was she in America?» - «Когда она была в Америке?»....
Например, «We usually visited grandparents in the village when we were children» - «Мы обычно навещали...
Например, «I met her only once in a lifetime about three years ago» - «Я встречал ее всего один раз в

Статья от экспертов


In a short essay, the renowned poetess and scientist Sally Atkins shares her perception of the Earth and a particular place on Earth as forming a poeticized image that plays a key role and sets a certain reference point in her relation to reality. She considers some systemic concepts that support the attitude to the Earth as a living entity, in particular, the Gaia theory, as well as the idea of J. Hillman about aesthetic sensitivity. Particular importance is attached to artistic and aesthetic ways of interacting with nature.

Научный журнал

Do we walk enough in modern time?

Modern human life style has led to significant decreases of everyday physical activity and bipedal locomotion. It has previously been shown that skeletal robustness (relative elbow breadth) is associated with daily step counts. The aim of the study was to investigate whether other skeletal measures, particularly pelvic breadth, also may have changed in recent decades. Elbow breadth, pelvic breadth (bicristal), and thoracic depth and breadth, of up to 28,975 healthy females and 28,288 healthy males aged 3-18 years from cross-sectional anthropological surveys performed between 1980 and 2012 by the Universities of Potsdam and Berlin, Germany, were re-analysed. Since 1980 relative elbow breadth (Frame index) significantly decreased in both sexes (<0.001). The trend towards slighter built was even more pronounced in absolute and relative pelvic breadth. In contrast, equivalent changes of parts of the skeletal system that are not involved in bipedal locomotion such as thoracic breadth,...

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Гостиничное дело»

Внутренний имидж

атмосфера внутри организации, отношение сотрудников к своей работе, руководителям и проводимой ими политике.

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Возвратное квотирование

передача средством размещения туроператору права на реализацию в течение определенного периода времени (период а квотирования) квоты: для размещения туристов.

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Клиент гостиницы

индивидуал или юридическое лицо, заключившее договор на размещение в гостинице и несущее ответственность за оплату этого размещения.

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