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Сбор материала для написания научной статьи. Техники чтения текста

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СБОР МАТЕРИАЛА ДЛЯ НАПИСАНИЯ НАУЧНОЙ СТАТЬИ. ТЕХНИКИ ЧТЕНИЯ ТЕКСТА To write an essay you need to… READ But to read in different ways! 1. Read for background information – here you may skim the text to get the general idea and build your knowledge of the topic of the essay. 2. Read slowly and carefully to understand fully what points are being made and what to include in your essay. 3. Scan to find specific information to develop your thinking. 4. Scan to compare different perspectives in other texts. What is the purpose of reading? • Remind yourself of the purpose of reading: !BE SELECTIVE! SQ3R: reading technique • Survey (skim) = to look through the • • • • text to get a GENERAL idea (titles + heading + pictures + paragraphs’ leaders and conclusion) Questions = to write down the Q you have Read = engage with the text = underline the information to answer the Q you have = write the answers in your own words Recite (recall) = put the main ideas from the text into a set of notes in your own words (mind mapping technique, Cornell notes etc.) Review = to compare your notes with the given information Note - taking techniques How to paraphrase? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read the following paragraph to get an idea of the context. You must make sure that you understand the idea or information you want to paraphrase in relation to its context. Focus on the sentence (or sentences) you want to paraphrase. Without looking at the original, write your understanding of what you have read. Then check to make sure you have got it right. Remember that whether it is a direct quotation, a paraphrase or a summary, you must acknowledge the source. Don’t paraphrase everything! Key terminology should not be replaced with synonyms. Techniques for paraphrasing !Do not try to paraphrase a text you have not understood! 1. Using synonyms 2. Changing the form of words 3. Changing the grammatical structure 4. 1+2+3 + Embed the author's name (According to McDonald (2008), …) + Use these sentence starters to repackage the sentence (This concept is about … This issue focuses on / involves / integrates / highlights / illustrates …) + Change numbers and percentages to different forms Examples Original: Medical professor John Swanson says that global changes are influencing the spread of disease. Paraphrase: According to John Swanson, a professor of medicine, changes across the globe are causing diseases to spread (James, 2004). Original: The U.S. government declared that the AIDS crisis poses a national security threat. The announcement followed an intelligence report that found high rates of HIV infection could lead to widespread political destabilization. Paraphrase: The government of the United States announced that AIDS could harm the nation's security. The government warned the population after an important governmental study concluded that political problems could result from large numbers of people infected with HIV (Snell, 2005). Examples Original: Angier (2001) reported that malaria kills more than one million people annually, the overwhelming majority of them children in sub-Saharan Africa. Paraphrase: Every year, more than a million people are killed by malaria, and most of the victims are children who live in subSaharan Africa (Angier, 2001). Although only about one-tenth of the world’s population lives there, sub-Saharan Africa remains the hardest hit region, accounting for 72 percent of the people infected with HIV during 2000. Paraphrase: Approximately 10 percent of the world’s population resides in sub-Saharan Africa. However, this area of the world has the highest percentage of AIDS-related illnesses. In fact, in 2000, almost three-fourths of the population had the HIV virus (Bunting, 2004). Original: Let’s try! 1. There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers: The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability. Though experts systems have made computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction in the learning process. In my opinion what can be expected is a change of the teachers’ role, but not their disappearance from the classroom. 2. Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable task for a child. This, accompanied by the relaxing attitude and software interactivity, usually contributes to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher educational level the availability of digital books, simulators and other academic materials provide the student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand. Working with the essay topic: raise questions TOPIC: Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Multicultural Perspective Possible questions (to search for information): 1. What are the teaching methods (types, principles, techniques etc.)? 2. What are the foreign language teaching methods? 3. What are the cultural diversity in education? 4. What are the benefits of cultural diversity in the classroom? 5. What is the role of a teacher in the multicultural classroom? Working with the essay topic: raise questions. Your ideas My ideas  • Are there any problems of recruiting teachers? • What are the main criteria of a quality teacher? • What is the role of a teacher nowadays? • Does the knowledge base of a teacher correspond to the demands of the 21st century? • How to be a good teacher in the 21st century? ЗАДАНИЕ. ТАЙМИНГ 15 минут • В группах прочитать предложенный текст (просмотровое чтение, не более 5-7 минут). • Представить в виде схемы основные положения исследования и основные выводы, к которым пришел автор. • Указать, какие вопросы, на Ваш взгляд, могут быть взяты для дальнейшей проработки. • Выбрать представителя от группы для краткой презентации. © Анна Гурарий 16 ЗАДАНИЕ. ТАЙМИНГ: 20 минут • Сформировать 5 команд • Проанализировать полученные тексты • Выделить ключевые отличия в лексико – синтаксической структуре представленных текстов © Анна Гурарий 17 Features of the texts Newspaper IELTS essay AW 1. Reader = “you” = to persuade the reader 1. No “I/you/we etc” 1. No “I/you/we etc” + distance from the reader 2. Style is conversational 2. The structure: causes + impacts + solutions 2. The clear structure 3. Informal spoken language 3. Formal language 3. More formal style. The role of adjectives and grammar constructions! 4. Rhetorical questions 4. From general to specific 4. The purpose is to explore 5. Good journalism is supported by statistics 5. No references to the sources Very precise information about the sources + correct use of them Составление списка ключевых слов для работы с поисковыми системами ТЕМА Факторы выбора гуманитарного образования выпускниками школ Составленные самостоятельно Ключевые слова Выбранные в БД На РЯ На ИЯ На РЯ На ИЯ Гуманитарность Liberal arts Гуманитарное образование Профориентация Career guidance Профессиональн ая ориентация Факторы выбора гуманитарной специальности в вузе Гуманитарные классы в школах Factors of choosing Liberal Arts Выбор профессии Liberal arts education/Geistes wissenschaften Career guidance in higher education/Career education Career preferences Liberal Arts Профильные Classes at schools классы Special Purpose School Programs Выбранные для публикации журналы и условия размещения статьи в них Название журнала Цитиру Условия размещения емость Ссылка на сайт журнала Вестник ЮжноУральского государственного университета. Серия «Социальногуманитарные науки» 0, 013 Журнал включен в Реферативный журнал и Базы данных ВИНИТИ. Статьи – не более 12 страниц. Список литературы оформляется в соответствии с ГОСТ 7.1-2003 «Библиографическая запись. Библиографическое описание. Общие требования и правила составления». http://vestnik.susu.ru/hu manities/about/submiss ions#sub Знание. Понимание. Умение 0, 131 Стоимость – бесплатно, Допустимый объем статьи для соискателей степени кандидата наук - объемом не более 12000 знаков (с учетом пробелов). Заверенная выписка из заседания кафедры с рекомендацией к публикации http://www.zpujournal.ru/zpu/
«Сбор материала для написания научной статьи. Техники чтения текста» 👇
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