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Psychological Testing in Personnel Selection: Contemporary Issues in
Cognitive Ability and Personality Testing
*Steven L. Thomas and **Wesley A. Scroggins
Missouri State University
This paper examines the development of personnel selection testing from the late 19th century to
the present, emphasizing general cognitive ability and personality testing. The development of
methods and standards in employment testing is examined with particular emphasis on selection
validity and utility. The issues of fairness and discrimination in cognitive ability selection testing
are explored. The transformation of older models of personality into the current Big-Five
personality paradigm is discussed. The utility and fairness of personality testing for modern
organizations is explored, particularly when used as part of a composite selection process with
cognitive ability testing.
Key Words: Personality testing, Cognitive ability testing, Selection testing, Test validation and
It is widely recognized that many human resource
functions have the capacity to dramatically alter the
effectiveness of organizations. None have more
potential impact on an organization’s effectiveness
and its ability to develop a sustainable competitive
advantage than the staffing function. The role of
human resources in creating competitive advantage
has been broadly acknowledged. The resource-based
view offered by Barney and Wright (1998) argue that
human resource skills add value because talent is
rare, nonsubstitutable, and difficult to imitate.
Similarly, well known best practice models (Pfeffer,
1995) argue that traditional sources of competitive
advantage such as economies of scale, proprietary
technology, or protected markets have become less
important in sustaining long-term competitive
advantage than the manner in which companies
utilize their human resources.
These views of human resources as a source of
competitive advantage all contain a common thread.
To achieve competitive advantage through people,
organizations must be able to select individuals who
have exceptional skills and whose talents, values, and
motives best fit the organization’s culture, structure,
and reward systems. If it is true that talent is rare and
vital to organizational success, the organization’s
system of selection must include processes that allow
companies to accurately identify aptitude, ability, and
other characteristics in applicants that are recognized
as contributing to organizational effectiveness. This
need underscores the pivotal role of the staffing
function and the importance of psychological testing
in the development of sustainable competitive
advantage since it is, to a great extent, these
instruments that allow an organization to identify
desirable candidates.
Journal of Business Inquiry
If we can assume that this contemporary view of
competitive advantage through people is a paradigm
widely embraced by both managers and scholars, it
follows that psychological testing of job applicants is
likely to become more important in the future. It is
imperative that managers understand the potential
and the limitations of psychological testing in
employee selection. To that end, this paper reviews
many of the issues associated with the development
and use of psychological testing in employee
selection, specifically focusing on developments in
two widely used sets of instruments: tests of
cognitive ability and personality.
The Roots of Psychological Testing
The use of paper-and-pencil psychological tests in
human resource selection was essentially nonexistent
prior to the beginning of the 20th century. The
contemporary application of psychological tests and
measures to personnel selection can be traced to the
dual influences of the turn-of-the-century industrial
psychologists and the field of management science.
Although the investigation of personality has roots
that extend to the ancient Greeks, many psychologists
of the late 19th century viewed the application of
psychological testing to problems in business and
industry with disdain (Hearnshaw, 1987). By the end
of the 19th century, however, the field of industrial
psychology emerged with individuals such as Walter
Dill Scott and Hugo Munsterberg advocating the
exploration of psychological principles to applied
problems in education and business (Mankin, Ames,
& Grodski, 1980). The field of industrial psychology
and the role of psychological testing achieved a
substantial level of legitimacy when in 1916 the
National Academy of Sciences created the National
Research Council, a group of prominent
psychologists who developed a set of tests and
measures to select and place troops during World
War I (Driskell & Olmstead, 1989). Despite some
reluctance within the military, the government funded
the testing process and some 3.5 million soldiers
were tested and placed, thus validating the role of
psychological testing in organizations (Van De
Water, 1997).
At about the same time, the influence of the industrial
engineers provided additional impetus for
psychological testing in selection. The influence of
Frederic Taylor began with his late 19th century
writings addressing the problems of industrial
efficiency by relying on the scientific analysis of
work through time and motion studies, and on the
scientific selection of workers that matched job
characteristics and rewards to individual worker
skills and abilities (Taylor, 1916, in Mankin et al.,
1980). Taylor’s successors, most notably Frank and
Lillian Gilbreth, worked to refine the approaches of
scientific management, especially in attempts to
consider the psychology of the worker, and formed
closer alliances with industrial psychology.
After World War I, American business grew in size
and complexity and faced increasing competition and
employment regulation. The natural response was a
push for the development of rational management
systems and the increasing application of scientific
methods to organizational problems. A group of
individuals referred to as the “entrepreneurial
psychologists” expanded the field of industrial
psychology through their marketing efforts and the
establishment of professional organizations and
journals (Van De Water, 1997, p. 487). Ultimately,
the control of the field fell to the academic
community who challenged many of the conventional
tools of selection such as employment interviewing
and character analysis, and began to develop
psychological instruments to take their place. The
application of the scientific method to selection saw
standards for test development, evaluation, and
validation emerge. The distinction between scientific
management and industrial psychology became more
pronounced as psychologists began to emphasize the
importance of individual factors such as personality
and intelligence rather than contextual factors such as
incentives (Van De Water, 1997; Viteles, 1932).
The field of psychological testing continued to
expand throughout World War II as the federal
government established organizations such as the
Committee on Service Personnel and Selection to
investigate the role of psychological testing in the
war effort. Throughout the war, psychologists
continued advancing the application of psychological
testing to selection, training, and performance
evaluation (Driskell & Olmstead, 1989).
effectiveness of psychological testing during the war
effort has been documented (Flanagan, 1947). As a
result of these successes, several organizations were
established to support research: the Office of Naval
Research, the National Science Foundation, the Army
Journal of Business Inquiry
Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences, and
the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory.
Psychologists continued the development of selection
and classification testing culminating in the use of the
Armed Forces Qualification Test and the Armed
Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as widely
accepted instruments for selection, placement, and
training decisions for recruits (Driskell & Olmstead,
1989; Lubinski, 1996).
Early Issues in Psychological Testing
The fields of industrial psychology, engineering, and
management merged to deliver the practical
application of psychological testing to organizational
problems, but not all forms of psychological testing
enjoyed the same level of acceptance.
cognitive ability testing became broadly established
and gained rather wide public acceptance, other types
of testing, most notably personality testing, did not
gain the same level of support. The validity of
cognitive ability tests for predicting job skill
acquisition and performance has been widely
established, as has its economic value to an
organization through the selection of superior job
candidates (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). However, the
potential success of cognitive ability testing has been
tempered by the universally recognized fact that these
types of tests tend to discriminate against some
minority groups (Sackett & Ellingson, 1997).
Personality tests, by contrast, have not traditionally
enjoyed the same level of support and their use in
employment selection is much more controversial.
Many experts conclude that personality tests as used
in personnel selection lack validity, are easily faked,
and are generally unsuitable for pre-employment
screening (Blinkorn & Johnson, 1990). Many of the
problems in personality testing originate with
historical controversies over how personality is
defined, how personality traits are described and
measured, and how traits relate to behavior. Prior to
the development of the Big Five personality models,
general agreement on these issues was lacking
(Heneman, Judge, & Heneman, 2000).
Handbook of Industrial and Organization
Psychology, in its 1976 chapter on personality,
describes a confusing set of motivation models, trait
theories, and personality instruments originating from
Hippocrates and continuing to the 1960s. A list of
more than 30 personality instruments includes brief
and long self-report measures, measures of values,
vocational interest measures, and projective
techniques, the range and breadth of which serve to
underscore the problems in defining suitable
personality measures for selection purposes (Hough,
1976). Many of these measures are clinical or
developmental instruments inappropriately used in
personnel selection. Others have not demonstrated
sufficient reliability or validity to be adequate
selection measures (Heneman et al., 2000). While
studies show that there is fairly consistent agreement
on sets of personality traits common in successful
managers (Grimsley & Jarrett, 1975; Jackson,
Peacock, & Holden, 1982), historical reviews of the
research exploring the validity of personality testing
have pessimistically concluded that personality
testing has little utility (Guion & Gottier, 1966).
Contemporary Research in Psychological Testing
Despite these less than stellar reviews, recent
research has far more room for optimism about the
role of personality testing in selection (Heneman et
al., 2000). The remainder of this article is devoted to
exploring these trends and issues associated with both
tests of cognitive ability and personality, and in
discussing the role of each in contemporary human
resource selection.
The Issue of Test Validity
The field of psychological testing has not been
exempt from the influence of fads and the
introduction of ineffective tools, particularly in the
manner tests are used and test results interpreted.
Professional psychologists have continuously urged
caution in the employment testing arena (Dawes,
1994; Dunette, 1966; Dunette & Hough, 1990, 1991,
1992; Lubinski, 1996; Lykken, 1991). Concern over
the application of scientific principles to human
resource selection has proven to be well-founded as
the field has struggled with both methods and
outcomes in attempts to identify instruments that
would satisfy the need for scientific rigor and the
tests of acceptance and utility demanded by
The validity of selection measures is fundamental to
useful personnel selection practice (Cascio &
Aguinis, 2005). The exact definition of validity
varies depending on the types of selection
Journal of Business Inquiry
instruments used and the situation. The validity of
cognitive ability and personality tests is defined as
the degree to which scores can be used to infer one or
more measures of individual performance. This
process is called criterion-related validity and it
involves collecting test score data from either job
applicants (predictive validity) or current employees
(concurrent validity) and calculating the correlation
between those scores and some measure of job
performance (the criterion measure). Greater validity
is evidenced by a greater degree of correlation
between the test scores (predictors) and the measure
of job performance (criterion measures). It should be
noted that any specific selection instrument can have
different validities since performance can be defined
in any number of ways (Cascio & Aguinis), including
how long it takes an employee to learn a job,
measures of job tenure, measures of work output or
job performance, or employee attitudes.
measure of performance might correlate differently
with a specific selection test.
Establishing criterion-related validity has an
additional purpose. Since selection testing will
eliminate some job candidates, the organization must
be able to demonstrate that an instrument is jobrelated, should it generate adverse impact by
disqualifying a disproportionate number of protected
group members. Because of this legal imperative, the
methods for establishing validity evidence are
regulated and described in the EEOC’s Uniform
Guidelines on Employee Selection (U.S. Department
of Labor, 1999). Under the Uniform Guidelines,
companies may conduct their own validity studies,
but the process is time-consuming, costly, and
depends on having large sample sizes in order to
achieve reasonable results. Companies may also rely
on evidence of validity generalization or that a
commercially purchased test has transportability in
its application. This may occur when the test is fair,
and validity evidence suggests that it has proven to be
valid for similar jobs requiring similar levels and
types of skills and abilities.
The notion that selection tests have validities that
generalize to other jobs and situations beyond those
specifically tested for is one that, although widely
accepted now, has not always been embraced. Prior
to the 1970's, many industrial and organizational
psychologists believed that selection instruments
were situationally specific in that test validity varied
not only from job-to-job but also from location-tolocation (Guion, 1965). The implication was that an
organization would have to conduct a separate
validity study for each specific situation to insure
accuracy in testing. This would be difficult and
costly, and impractical or impossible to accomplish.
This prescription proved to be unnecessary because
by the end of the 1970s, researchers found that
virtually all of the differences in validity outcomes
were produced not by actual differences in the
validities of the tests, but by statistical and
measurement error brought about because of small
sample sizes (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998; Schmidt,
Hunter, McKenzie, & Muldrow, 1979). Many earlier
validity studies had been completed on sample sizes
of fewer than 100 employees. In such small samples,
much of the variation in both test scores and
performance measures can be due to idiosyncratic
fluctuations in the data (Ghiselli, 1966; Guion, 1965;
Lubinski, 1996). By the late 1970s, analytic tools
such as meta-analysis allowed researchers to
statistically pool the data across studies, thereby
eliminating much of the impact of sampling bias.
Results of these studies supported the concept of
validity generalization, eliminated much of the need
to perform in-house validity studies, and provided
evidence to support the application of commercially
available selection tests validated on different
populations (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998).
The Cognitive Ability Test in Human Resource
Cognitive ability has been defined in various ways
and there is still substantial disagreement among
experts as to whether cognitive ability is a general
ability (general intelligence) or a label for a set of
more specific and distinct abilities. It is useful to
think of cognitive ability as ability related to
thinking, perception, reasoning, verbal, and
mathematical skills. Measuring cognitive ability for
selection purposes is among the easiest and least
expensive of all selection tests. Commercial tests
such as the widely used Psychological Corporation’s
Wonderlic Personnel Test are readily available, take
only about fifteen minutes to complete, and cost less
than $5.00 per applicant. Based on meta-analysis
results, cognitive ability tests appear to be among the
most valid of all psychological tests and are valid for
most occupations. While these tests are more valid
for jobs of greater complexity and tend to do better at
Journal of Business Inquiry
predicting training criteria than long term job
performance, cognitive ability tests generalize across
organizations and jobs and have been shown to
produce large economic gains for companies that use
them (Gatewood & Feild, 1998; Heneman et al.,
Cognitive Ability Testing and Fairness in
Despite the apparent predictive validity and high
utility offered by cognitive ability testing, few
companies use them as selection tools. One reason
for this is that cognitive ability testing has been
demonstrated to produce group differences or adverse
impact (Cleary, Humphreys, Kendrick, & Wesman,
1975; Hartigan & Wigdor, 1989; Wigdor & Gamer,
1982). In general, groups including Hispanics and
African-Americans score lower than the general
population while other groups including AsianAmericans score higher (Heneman et al, 2000;
Lubenski, 1995). The visibility of legal challenges to
cognitive ability testing began with the famous 1971
Griggs v. Duke Power case. In this case, the
Supreme Court ruled that when a selection test
produces adverse impact against protected group
members the company must be able to defend it by
showing that use of the test is a “business necessity”
for the operation of the business. The courts have
held narrow interpretations of business necessity that
require companies to show that no other acceptable
selection alternative exists (Sovereign, 1999). As a
result, many companies abandoned cognitive ability
The problem over group differences in psychological
instruments has proven to be a vexing one for
psychologists, and is particularly troublesome as it
regards the demonstrable success of mental ability
testing. The field of industrial psychology has
struggled with the clash between ethics and cultural
sensitivity and intellectual honesty in dealing with the
issues of group differences (Kimble, 1994; Lubinski,
1996). The contributions of cognitive ability testing
are mitigated by policies limiting the use of selection
tools that produce differential outcomes across
protected groups. Therefore, many experts argue that
some validity must be sacrificed to reduce adverse
impact. The Uniform Guidelines require that where
two procedures are reliable and valid, the company
should select the one that produces the lesser adverse
Commission, 1978).
This puts the staffing
professional in the difficult position of having to
weigh validity against adverse impact.
validity is sacrificed because less valid selection
procedures are selected to avoid the risk of
discrimination charges (Gatewood & Feild, 1998;
Hartigan & Wigdor, 1989; Maxwell & Arvey, 1993).
Employers using a valid selection test typically desire
to use a selection strategy that is as efficient as
possible since it has been shown that hiring
employees as much as one standard deviation above
the mean in ability translate into economic values of
as much as 40 percent more than the average
employee (Schmidt & Hunter, 1983; 1998). Usually,
the most efficient means is to incorporate a top-down
method of selection where the best scoring candidates
are selected first. Where organizations are concerned
with addressing affirmative action and balancing
efficiency with social consciousness, there may be
opportunity costs that impact the bottom line
(Schmidt & Hunter, 1998).
The adverse impact inherent in cognitive ability
testing has been addressed in several ways. One
solution that emerged in the late 1970s was a practice
adopted by the Department of Labor for employment
testing called “race-norming” ( Cascio & Aguinis,
2005). In race-norming, the differences in selection
test scores across races is viewed as an empirical fact
but the raw scores are converted to percentile scores
within the racial group. In 1989, the National
Academy of Sciences actually endorsed this practice,
concluding that the moderate validities of the General
Aptitude Test Battery produced selection errors that
were more pronounced on minorities (Hartigan &
Wigdor, 1989). Many experts felt that this process
was unfair to non-protected individuals and this view
was embraced by Congress when race-norming was
banned in the language of the Civil Rights Act of
1991. The relative lack of opposition by the
scientific community provided some evidence of the
realization that although race-norming created larger
minority applicant pools, it came at the expense of
selection utility (Gottfredson, 1994).
A company wanting to comply with the Civil Rights
Act’s prohibitions against discrimination could attack
the problem of adverse impact by adopting a multiple
hurdle process to selection such as applying a pass-
Journal of Business Inquiry
fail technique to cognitive ability testing. A cut-score
can be manipulated to insure an acceptable number of
protected group members in the selection pool and a
secondary selection tool can be used to fill job
vacancies without showing discrimination. The
problem of this approach is that it produces less than
optimal selection outcomes. Moreover, the process
does not absolve the employer of liability. Based on
the 1982 decision in Connecticut v. Teal, a test that
has a pass/fail score preventing a large portion of
protected group members from going on to the next
step in the selection process is a civil rights violation
regardless of the ultimate hiring outcomes
(Sovereign, 1999).
Another approach that aims to address group
differences in selection test scores is banding.
Testing experts acknowledge that since no test is
perfectly reliable, small differences in test scores can
be due to error and other artifacts and lack statistical
significance. Banding is a way to address this issue
by designating bands or narrow ranges of scores
(Cascio & Aguinis, 2005). All scores within a band
are assumed to be equivalent for decision-making
purposes and the organization is free to select any
candidate scoring within the band. The proponents of
banding argue that it can reduce adverse impact at
low cost to utility, but even the proponents of
banding recognize that top-down approaches have
better predictive ability (Cascio, Zedeck, Goldstein,
& Outtz, 1995). Those opposed to banding place
greater emphasis on the amount of validity that is
sacrificed (Gottfredson, 1994). Others point out that
using banding with highly reliable tests that do
generate adverse impact (such as cognitive ability
tests) produces substantial loss of utility with little
actual reduction in adverse impact (Heneman et al.,
individual rights. The humanitarian concern for the
application of the scientific method to business has a
long historical base as evidenced by early opposition
to scientific management (Peterson, 1990). Concern
regarding psychological testing and the social and
ethical problems it produces became of particular
importance after 1964. This was due to the legal
imperative created by the passage of the Civil Rights
Act and subsequent court challenges. The ability to
use powerful selection tools such as cognitive ability
tests became more limited by the necessity to avoid
adverse impact (Hartigan & Wigdor, 1989). On the
other hand, those legal constraints placed on
psychological testing have also been the subject of
continued criticism. For example, Herrnstein and
Murry (1996) argue that real differences in
intelligence test scores exist across protected groups,
that cognitive ability test results are highly valid, and
that ignoring those differences is unscientific and
economically irresponsible. Because of the need to
balance science with fairness, the application of
certain types of tests to employee selection, most
notably cognitive ability tests, has been difficult.
The Role of Personality in Selection
Science, Business, and Government
While the utility of cognitive ability testing in
selection has been broadly accepted, the utility of
personality testing, until relatively recently, has not.
Historically, research documenting the low predictive
validity and the potential for invasion of privacy
based on item content has made their application as
selection instruments questionable (Hogan, Hogan, &
Roberts, 1996). In addition, the lack of agreement
regarding the components of personality, the many
different types of personality instruments available,
and the inappropriate application of clinical
instruments to selection have contributed to the
reluctance of many organizations to apply personality
testing to employee selection.
The situation described above highlights the
differences between psychology as pure science, the
application of psychology to business problems, and
the role of the government in protecting the rights of
the individual. Psychology deals with the application
of the scientific method in pursuit of truth. When the
psychologist seeks application to business problems,
the goals become more complicated, particularly
when attempting to balance the organization’s need
for efficiency with social objectives dealing with
While the bulk of the research before the 1990s was
critical of personality testing, the continued search
for alternative instruments to ameliorate the disparate
impact produced by tests of cognitive ability has
renewed interest in personality instruments (Schmidt,
Ones, & Hunter, 1992). Some have suggested that
pairing personality testing with cognitive ability
testing may be one means to enhance validity while
reducing adverse impact (Ryan, Ployhart, & Friedel,
1998). Advocates of cognitive ability testing are
Journal of Business Inquiry
aware that it is a highly valid predictor of job
performance because individuals with high levels of
cognitive ability appear to acquire job knowledge
faster and better, leading to increased levels of
performance. It is also likely, however, that some
aspects of personality enhance individual ability to
apply intellectual capacity while other personality
traits limit its application (Kaufman & Lichtenberger,
1999). Some set of personality traits relating to the
individual ability to be receptive, willing to receive
and use information, and interact with others, may
ultimately prove to be a moderating variable that
allows one to fulfill the potential of his or her
cognitive ability in a work situation.
The Development of a Useable Model of
Personality: The Big-Five Model
Given that personality research is potentially one of
the most useful approaches to enhancing selection
validity and utility, why has it taken so long for
personality testing to gain acceptance? Modern
researchers point to the historical lack of an accepted
definition of personality and little consensus
regarding personality traits. Models of personality
have ranged from Eysenck’s two basic dimensions of
personality to Cattell’s 171 traits with an abundance
of models in between (Dunnette, 1976). It has only
been recently, with the development of sophisticated
meta-analytic techniques, that researchers have been
able to aggregate specific traits into broad definitions
of personality that have allowed the prediction of
broad behaviors that define job performance
(Heneman et al., 2000). Since the early 1990s,
estimates of the validity of personality testing have
inched upward due to the development of factorial
approaches to personality that have become known as
the Big-Five personality dimensions that appear to be
the core elements of personality assessment (Barrick
& Mount, 1991). As the Big-Five model has become
more accepted, interest in the use of personality
measures in selection has increased.
Research delving into the components of personality
testing goes back at least three-quarters of a century
to the work of Thurstone in the 1930s, who may have
been the first to identify five independent
components of personality (Thurstone, 1934). Other
researchers found different numbers of components.
Cattell (1947), for example, described twelve core
factors of personality. When subsequent research
examined Cattell’s variables, only five factors were
shown to be unique, and researchers throughout the
1980s and 1990s have generally confirmed the five
factor structure (Digman,1990; Digman & Inouye,
1986; Goldberg, 1992; John, 1990; McCrae & Costa,
1985, 1987; McCrae & John, 1992; Wiggins &
Pincus, 1992).
Although agreement on the names and descriptions of
factors is not complete, the Big-Five factors have
been labeled as follows: Extraversion (Factor I);
Agreeableness (Factor II); Conscientiousness (Factor
III); Emotional Stability (vs. Neuroticism, Factor IV);
Openness to Experience (Factor V) (Heneman et al,
2000). New instruments that assess the Big-Five
include the Personal Characteristics Inventory (PCI;
Mount & Barrick, 1995), the NEO Personality
Inventory (NEO-PI; Costa & McCrae, 1985), and the
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI; Hogan, Hogan &
Roberts, 1996). All three are self-report, paper-andpencil measures that are relatively inexpensive and
efficient for selection purposes.
These factors have been shown to have reliably
predicted supervisors’ ratings of job proficiency and
training proficiency (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Tett,
Jackson, & Rothstein, 1991). Comparisons of the
validity coefficients of the intellect and agreeableness
factors and the well accepted cognitive tests for
selection purposes, indicate that these correlations
approach each other (Hogan, Hogan, & Roberts,
1996). Integrity tests, U.S. army personnel selection
instruments, and customer service measures contain
facets of the Big-Five dimensions and have been
found to have validity coefficients in the .33 to .50
range (McHenry, Hough, Toquam, Hanson, &
Ashworth, 1990; Ones, Viswesvaran, & Schmidt,
1993). These validities approach the validity of
cognitive ability tests and dispute the pre-1990s
position that personality tests have little validity in
personnel selection applications. Hogan, Hogan, and
Roberts (1996) have stated that those who label
personality tests in employment selection as having
low validities and limited utilities are wrong.
Evidence for the utility of personality testing
continues to increase as researchers identify the
correlates of personality traits and the importance of
these relationships for work organizations. The
development of both better models and methods of
analysis has facilitated the examination of the effects
Journal of Business Inquiry
of personality traits on attitudinal and behavioral
variables of interest to organizations. In one of the
earliest meta-analytic studies using the Big Five
paradigm, Barrick and Mount (1991) found that
conscientiousness was a significant predictor of job
performance across each of the occupational groups
included in the study. They also reported that
extraversion was a significant predictor of success in
managerial and sales positions. At approximately the
same time, Tett, Jackson, and Rothstein reported
moderate validities for the traits of agreeableness and
openness to experience with job performance. Mount
and Barrick (1998) examined the relationships
between the Big Five personality traits, job
proficiency, and training proficiency. They reported
that conscientiousness was significantly related to
both job proficiency and training proficiency.
Extraversion was found to be significantly related to
both job performance dimensions in both managerial
and sales positions. They also reported that openness
to experience and agreeableness were valid predictors
of training proficiency across all occupations
included in the study.
In a more recent meta-analysis, Judge and Ilies
(2002) examined the relationships between the Big
Five traits and performance motivation. Their results
indicated that neuroticism was negatively correlated
with performance motivation, especially for goalsetting
conscientiousness to be a significant predictor of
performance motivation across three motivational
perspectives (goal-setting, expectancy, self-efficacy).
These meta-analytic studies provide evidence that
personality traits are valid predictors of employee
motivation and job performance.
Research also suggests that personality is related to
career success.
Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, and
Barrick (1999) studied the relationships between the
Big Five traits and job satisfaction, income, and
occupational status, which they used as measures of
career success. Similar to other studies, they found
that conscientiousness was a valid predictor of all
three measures of career success, while neuroticism
negatively predicted income and occupational status.
Personality traits may have significant effects on the
types of psychological contracts that employees form
with the employer (Raja, Johns, & Ntalianis, 2004).
Individuals high in neuroticism were more likely to
form transactional psychological contracts, but
individuals high in conscientiousness were more
likely to form relational contracts.
contracts were found to influence employee attitudes
and behaviors, being related to higher levels of job
satisfaction, affective organizational commitment,
and fewer intentions to leave the organization.
Individuals with high neuroticism and low
conscientiousness were also more likely to perceive a
breach of the psychological contract.
As the research cited above suggests, there is
considerable evidence that personality is directly or
indirectly related to individual cognitive, attitudinal,
and behavioral variables that provide value to
organizations. This evidence, coupled with better
methodology and the availability of more construct
valid measures of personality, has made the use of
personality tests in personnel selection and
development activities more common.
Personality Testing, Adverse Impact, and
Incremental Validity
Researchers have advocated adding a personality test
to an ability test as a means of enhancing validity
while reducing adverse impact of the selection
system. The assumption underlying this argument is
that there are factors related to job performance other
than cognitive ability and that using these factors to
predict job success produces less adverse impact. If
these alternative factors are included with cognitive
ability in a selection battery, then adverse impact
should be significantly reduced. Recent research
studies have concluded that the addition of a
predictor producing smaller group differences (i.e.,
personality test) to a predictor producing higher
group differences (i.e., cognitive ability test) does not
reduce the potential for adverse impact to the degree
that is often expected (Bobko, Roth, & Potosky,
1999; Schmitt, Rogers, Chan, Sheppard, & Jennings,
1997). These studies reported that the addition of
alternative predictors (personality test, interview,
biodata) to cognitive ability measures in a selection
battery reduced, but did not remove the potential for
significant group differences and adverse impact.
This reduction in adverse impact appears to only
occur with the addition of two or three predictors.
Beyond the addition of two or three predictors, there
is little gain in the reduction of potential for adverse
impact (Sackett & Ellingson, 1997).
Journal of Business Inquiry
Although the use of personality tests with measures
of cognitive ability may not have the desired effects
on reducing adverse impact, it appears that the
addition of personality measures to measures of
cognitive ability as a composite predictor results in
significant incremental validity (Bobko et. al., 1999;
Schmitt et. al.,1997). These studies found that the
validity of predictor composites was highest when
alternative predictors were used in combination with
cognitive ability.
Though this combination of
predictors resulted in the highest predictive validity,
the inclusion of cognitive ability with these
alternative predictors increased the potential for
adverse impact.
These findings explain the conflict for organizations
that desire optimal prediction in selection processes
but also want to avoid the negative effects that
optimal prediction might have on protected groups.
For optimal prediction, it is best to create a predictor
composite that includes a measure of cognitive ability
and an additional measure such as a personality test.
This will enhance incremental validity and prediction
to the degree that the composite predictors are
uncorrelated and account for unique variance in the
prediction of job performance.
Under these
conditions, the potential for adverse impact increases.
For maximum reduction of adverse impact, a
predictor composite should exclude cognitive ability
and include other predictors with high correlations
among them. This should result in minimum potential
for adverse impact but will also result in decreased
predictive and incremental validity due the increased
common variance shared among predictors and
common variance that the predictors share with the
criterion variable.
Research supports the use of personality tests in
addition to cognitive ability measures where both are
valid predictors of job performance (Bobko et. al.,
1999; Sackett & Ellingson, 1997; Schmitt et.
al.,1997). The use of personality tests with cognitive
ability tests can reduce the potential of adverse
impact created by the use of the cognitive ability
measure and increase the predictive validity of the
selection process. Organizations must be aware that
the inclusion of a personality test will probably not
reduce adverse impact to the degree that they might
expect. Potential for adverse impact in the selection
process will likely continue to exist. Organizations
must make their own decisions regarding their use of
these predictors. Decisions should be based on the
value placed on validity maximization versus
potential adverse impact creation in the context of
organizational values, needs, and strategy. Since
personality tests used alone can result in adverse
impact, some argue it would be better to use them in
combination with cognitive ability for maximum
predictive validity. They argue that this would be
more defensible in court due to the increased validity
of the selection process (Bobko, et. al, 1999).
The rich history of the application of the scientific
method in human resource selection has
demonstrated that measures go through iterations
shaped by the tools of the science, changes in the
social, cultural, and political environments, and
organizational need. The manner in which various
instruments are received is subject to change based
on changes in these forces. The history of cognitive
ability and personality testing have witnessed those
perceptual nuances. While cognitive ability testing
fell out of favor because of social and regulatory
pressures, personality testing has been refined and
has emerged as a valuable management tool. Both
types of testing will be the subject of continued
refinement and will likely play a pivotal role in
human resource selection for the foreseeable future.
*Steven L. Thomas is a professor of management at
Missouri State University. He received his Ph.D.
from the University of Kansas. He has published
extensively in labor relations and human resource
management. **Wesley A. Scroggins is an assistant
professor of management at Missouri State
University. He received his Ph.D. in management
from New Mexico State University. He has published
in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Public
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