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Talent Management

Предмет Инновационный менеджмент
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целенаправленная деятельность по созданию в компании системы привлечения, найма, развития и использования, удержания талантливых сотрудников, способных достигать исключительных результатов в бизнесе.

Научные статьи на тему «Talent Management»


Developing the talents of the organization’s employees is becoming an increasingly important component for the formation of the organization’s competitive advantages since it is aimed at attracting and retaining high-quality specialists. The concept of talent can be described as a multifaceted phenomenon, including person’s abilities acquired from birth, skills obtained throughout life, and involvement in a favorite type of occupation. The article describes the main ways to identify employees’ talents, such as: “Tricky questions”, “Matrix for determining talent”, and analysis of employee’s personal life. The author recommends paying special attention to the context and examples of difficult situations from the employee’s work activities, the made-up decisions in these conditions, as well as to analyze the most successfully mastered areas. The author also identifies key positions regarding the motivation of talent development and emphasizes that the main driving force in creative act...

Научный журнал

Global talent management challenges

This article contains a research on the matter of current global talent management challenges, starting with a brief introduction of the basic aspects of talent management itself as a concept, later on moving to short definition of the form of current challenges, followed by the literature review on the topic. As a result of publications observation on global talent management challenges, added by author’s research on practical aspects of the matter and analytical outcomes there were defined several challenges met by HR specialist in the field of talent management today.

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Вертикальный метод продвижения инноваций

при этом методе весь инновационный цикл сосредоточивается в одной организации с передачей результатов, достигнутых на отдельных стадиях инновационной деятельности, от подразделения к подразделению.

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Критически важная технология

технология, отвечающая стратегическим общенациональным целям, способная повысить конкурентоспособность и обороноспособность государства.

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