Бермудский план
гостиничный тариф, включающий в себя с тоимость размещения и полного (английского) завтрака.
The article features the importance of regimen of sleep and its impact on human organism. The relationship between sleep peculiarities and weight changes were pointed out. The mechanisms providing weight gaining are explained. The original research data on weight changes related to peculiarities of sleep are provided. Importance of sleep and working regimen and further prospects of such studies are shown.
In this study, it was aimed to determine whether there is a statistically signifi cant diff erence of sleep duration and sleep quality between non-CAD individuals from general population and patients admitted in a third stage cardiology clinic with a diagnosis of CAD. Th is observational, descriptive study was carried out between January 1, 2018 and March 31, 2018 with 150 non-CAD people from general population, and 150 patients with CAD diagnosis admitted in a cardiology clinic. People under 18 years of age and those with sleep apnea syndrome, or other signifi cant medical conditions leading to sleep disturbance were excluded from the study. A questionnaire of socio-demographic characteristics and of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale (PSQS) was applied to the participating patients and control group by face-to-face interview method. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and total sleep duration were determined according to the responses to the questions in the PSQS. Diff erences b...
гостиничный тариф, включающий в себя с тоимость размещения и полного (английского) завтрака.
посетитель, главная цель для поездки которого соответствует бизнес и профессиональным интересам.
основной перечень правил приема и обслуживания туристов.
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