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Out of order

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Научные статьи на тему «Out of order»

Английская фразеология

one's seat, add fuel to the fire, have a heart of gold, be at the end of one's rope, have butterflies...
be full of beans, hit (smb) below the belt, learn the ropes, lose one's heart т.д.)....
Bar Syrian refugees from entering the country and kick out any who are already living here, as they might...
Например: «Netflix and ill: is the golden age of TV coming to an end?»...
Juan turns up for work a day early in order to learn the ropes of the decaying jail where he is the newest

Статья от экспертов

Getting Order Out of Chaos: A Mathematical Model of Political Conflict

Time series data about violent internal conflicts such as protests or riots often display irregular fluctuations. This article argues that these fluctuations are manifestations of a deterministic chaos that can be described by a relatively simple difference equation. It presents a mathematical contagion model of the interaction between three groups: (a) already mobilized rebellious citizens, who are protesting against the government and its policies, (b) initially non-rebellious but frustrated groups, which become mobilized by imitating the rebels, and (c) repressive governmental forces, which attempt to curb the rebellion and reduce the number of mobilized persons. The integration of these three processes results in a logistic growth model, which converges for many parameter configurations to stable shares of mobilized protesters, including in certain situations also zero-protest. However, for other specific parameters this logistic process may result in chaotic fluctuations in pro...

Научный журнал

A comparative study on criminal restraining order

The author has carried out a comparative study on the system of restraining order, determination a trial period, and puts forward recommendations on the improvement of Chinese legislation concerning restraining order.

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Гостиничное дело»

Глобальные системы бронирования и резервирования в туризме (global distribution system)

международные компьютерные системы, позволяющие бронировать номера в гостиницах, морские круизы, прокат автомобилей и т.д., то есть предоставлять своим клиентам полный спектр услуг по бронированию в режиме реального времени.

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Марочный знак (логотип)

часть марки, которую можно опознать, но невозможно произнести, например, символ, изображение, отличительная окраска или специфическое шрифтовое оформление.

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