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High Tea

Предмет Гостиничное дело
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легкий ранний ужин (обычно состоящий из мяса, салата и фруктов).

Научные статьи на тему «High Tea»

The effect of altitude tea plantations above sea level on the chemical composition of tea

The article presents data on the determination of chemical components in black tea. As objects of research were selected teas produced from raw materials grown on the plantations of Krasnodar region and the largest tea producing countries. We showed that all varieties of tea Krasnodar domestic producers are high quality. Differences in growing conditions and processing of black tea are affected the content of polyphenols and flavonoids. The contents of the main quantitative characteristics of the Krasnodar tea are different from the world of brands (polyphenols of 1.62 mg/g; thearubigins was 0.90 mg/g and theaflavin 0.09 mg/g), which, however, does not affect its taste and aroma performance.

Научный журнал


The article concerns the development of an antioxidant complex (AOC) based on medicinal herb raw materials (MHRM) obtained using mathematical modeling methods, considering the specifics of their functional purpose, and the study of its influence on the quality indicators of tea beverage concentrate (TBC). The research includes results of evaluating the developed AOC model quality, indicating high flavor characteristics and antioxidant properties. The authors developed 4 models of tea beverage concentrate using a computer program for the selection of food ingredients of an antioxidant orientation with regard to the organoleptic compatibility and antioxidant orientation. The article presents the production technology of TBC prototypes briefly. The researchers analyzed a control sample of a tea drink made according to a traditional recipe and developed models of tea beverage concentrates with the addition of an antioxidant complex. They revealed that the AOC introduction in the TBC: a)...

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Глобальные системы бронирования и резервирования в туризме (global distribution system)

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Гостиничные услуги

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