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Guest history

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Научные статьи на тему «Guest history»

«Современное искусство, и об этом надо чаще говорить, восполняет в обществе дефицит современности»

Art history is rather young science; it appeared in XVIII due to the work of Johann Winckelmann, German antiquarian and historian. As a program of study the art history formed at the turn of XIX-XX. It is a unique profession in some respect. The specialist of art history must feel delicately, at the level of intuition, think and understand, be very attentive, impartial and objective in own opinion and criticism, have a skill to attract attention of people and be in the thick of things. To talk about modern art history education ’s development way we have invited Tamara Galeyeva, Candidate of Art History, the head of the department of history of art at the faculty of art history and culturology of UrFU. Our guest has told us about Ural school of art history formation, what is included in the field of researchers and students’ interest. Talking about the development of modern art, T. Galeyeva has underlined that today Yekaterinburg is one of the most progressive cities of Russia. The ...

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Фестиваль "Zora!" и XIII конференция коллегии афроамериканских исследований (итонвилл - Орландо, шт. Флорида, США)

The review outlines the history, the major topics and events of the ZORA! Festival of the Arts and Humanities and the XIIIth CAAR biennale conference which took place on January 26 February 3, 2019 at the UCF, Orlando and Eatonville. The first ZORA! Festival was presented in 1990 by the Association to Preserve the Eatonville Community, Inc. Since that time till now the festival aims at three major goals: to celebrate the life and work of Zora Neale Hurston, to underline the historic significance of her hometown, Eatonville, and to preserve the contribution made by the people of African descent to the American and world cultural history. The Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) held its 13th biennial international conference “With Harp and Sword: Navigating and Resisting the Second Nadir” in Orlando, Florida, January 30 February 2, 2019. This conference was unique because of its partnership with the University of Central Florida and ZORA! Festival. The guest speaker was Ali...

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Еще термины по предмету «Гостиничное дело»


тип путешествия в деловых целях, требующий особых туристских услуг.

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Бронирование номеров

предварительное резервирование номеров, производимое отделом бронирования по заявкам клиентов.

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Дестинация туристская

это управляемая социально-экономическая территориальная система, обладающая туристским ресурсным потенциалом, представляющим конкурентоспособную потребительскую ценность и устойчиво привлекающая туристские потоки.

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