коммерческое условие перевозки пассажиров на регулярном рейсе авиаперелета по ценам ниже обычных тарифов с фиксированным количеством мест под обязательство их полной оплаты вне зависимости от количества фактически проданных мест.
гость может покинуть гостиницу не позднее этого времени.
На компьютере для этого установлена специальная программа, называемая «Расчет» (Check out)....
При этом учитывается система единого расчетного часа, принятая во всем мире «check out time – 12:00.
In present clause problems of legal maintenance of audit under the legislation of the Russian Federation are considered. The author investigates concept "auditor activity", attributes of audit are allocated, corresponding characteristics of audit and auditor activity, the purpose of spent auditor check are formulated, some requirements, shown according to legislation of the Russian Federation to auditors and the auditor organizations are analyzed. In essay some bases and ways of classification of audit, in particular, depending on executors of auditor check, its compulsion, time and the period of carrying out, an orientation, etc. also are resulted.
One of the main activities of general practitioners (GPs) in Bulgaria is the annual holding of a general checkup of people over ‘18 prophylactic examination includes a basic package of activities and research based on who identify as persons with diseases and patients who are at increased risk for developing certain major diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the scope of the population and the views of patients and GPs for conducting check-ups. They are used official data from the National Health Insurance Fund and has held direct individual survey with 229 GPs from three areas of Bulgaria and 515 insured persons over 18 years. It was found that despite the mandatory nature of these reviews had a relatively low range of the underlying population approximately 50% of adults annually performs check-up. Record the underfunding of this activity. Main drawbacks are indicated in surveys of doctors, insufficient awareness and motivation, and lack of time. The majority of patien...
коммерческое условие перевозки пассажиров на регулярном рейсе авиаперелета по ценам ниже обычных тарифов с фиксированным количеством мест под обязательство их полной оплаты вне зависимости от количества фактически проданных мест.
торговые марки, входящие в гостиничные цепи (сети).
время заселения туриста в номер (местное) в день заезда.
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