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Научные статьи на тему «auto»

Словообразование во французском языке

префиксов: super-; ultra-; sur-; dé-; in-; anti-; trans-; a-; en-; re-; maxi-; mini-; nano -; bio-; auto...
exosquelette (automat.) bio-: biocarburant (énerg.), bioterrorisme (chim.), biodiesel (énerg., techn., chim.) auto

Статья от экспертов

Philosophy or auto-anthropology?

Timothy Williamson is mainly right, I think. He defends armchair philosophy as a variety of armchair science, like mathematics, or computer modeling in evolutionary theory, economics, statistics, and I agree that this is precisely what philosophy is, at its best: working out the assumptions and implications of any serious body of thought, helping everyone formulate the best questions to ask, and then leaving the empirical work to the other sciences. Philosophy-at its best-is to other inquiries roughly as theoretical physics is to experimental physics. You can do it in the armchair, but you need to know a lot about the phenomena with which the inquiry deals.

Научный журнал

Алгоритм поиска в глубину

Пример алгоритма на языке C++ const vector g) { visited[start] = true; for (auto u...
Пример алгоритма на языке C++ { visited[start] = true; for (auto u : g[start]) if (!

Статья от экспертов

Chinese auto industry policy

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