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Методология исследования

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МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ © Анна Гурарий 2 Methodology How did you collect or generate the data? How did you analyze the data? © Анна Гурарий 3 Methodology Groups of Research Methods Content Problems to avoid © Анна Гурарий 4 Methodology. Groups of Research Methods The empiricalanalytical group The interpretative group is focused on research questions that can be answered (yes/no) the why, how, or by what means is focused on explanation is focused on understanding phenomenon © Анна Гурарий 5 Methodology. Content 1. Introduce 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the overall methodological approach for investigating your research problem Indicate how the approach fits the overall research design Describe the specific methods of data collection you are going to use Explain how you intend to analyze your results Provide background and a rationale for methodologies that are unfamiliar for your readers Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure Describe potential limitations © Анна Гурарий 6 Methodology. Problems to avoid 1. Irrelevant Detail 2. Unnecessary Explanation of Basic Procedures 3. Problem Blindness 4. Literature Review 5. It’s More than Sources of Information! * Denscombe, Martyn. The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects. 5th edition. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, 2014 © Анна Гурарий 7 Methodology. Shortlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Describing the samples/ participants Describing the materials you used in the study Explaining how you prepared the materials Describing the research design Explaining how you made measurements and what calculations you performed Stating which statistical tests you did to analyze the data Balance between short and long Proof reading !NB! The writing should be direct and precise and always written in the impersonal passive (past) tense © Анна Гурарий 8 Сведения о методике исследования Излагаются: • В специальном разделе (параграфе) статьи (но не в аннотации); • непосредственно в тексте; • в сноске; • в примечании к статье.
«Методология исследования» 👇
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