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Lawyers in film. Film Reflection Assignment "The Verdict"

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Lawyers in Film LAW/ART 279 LLM 526 Fall 2019 Film Reflection Assignment “The Verdict” Student Name: ID#: Film Title: The Verdict Year: 1982 I. Reflections: 1. Explain how, in your opinion, “The Verdict” qualifies as a “law film” film using Machura’s 4 characteristics: a. The geography of the law b. The language and dress of the law c. Legal personnel d. The authority of the law 2. What characteristics define a “villain”? Do these same characteristics define a “villain lawyer”? Does such a thing (i.e. a “villain lawyer”) exist? 3. Do you believe Frank Galvin is a “villain”? Why? Why not? 4. Which of the following statements do you believe is most true? Why? a. Films that follow changes in popular viewpoints are more likely to resonate with viewers than those that challenge them. Therefore, ticket buyers are more likely to accept as realistic a movie about a “bad” lawyer than, say, a “bad” grandmother. b. Movies that depict “bad” characters, such as “bad” lawyers, are one of the factors that negatively affect the public’s opinion of those characters, cause people to acquire negative feelings about those characters and reinforce the negative feelings they already have about them. 5. Film and television are visual media. One difficulty with the visual character of film and television is that the inner lives of the characters, such as their undisclosed thoughts, dreams, fantasies, desires, emotions and feelings, are difficult to show on the screen. Yet good storytelling requires that the viewer understand the motivation of the characters. Audiences are unlikely to empathize with a character unless they understand the character emotionally. How is information about the inner lives of the characters in “The Verdict”, particularly Frank Galvin, conveyed so that viewers can form some emotional connection with them? 6. Using the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct as a guide, did you see any potential ethical violations by any of the lawyers in “The Verdict”? What? Why? Make sure you cite the specific ethical cannon(s) you believe the cited conduct violates.
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