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снабжающий поставщик - юридическое лицо, обеспечивающее какой-либо продукцией другое лицо; поставщик может быть изготовителем продукции, исполнителем услуг, посредником (intermediary, middleman, go-between).

Научные статьи на тему «Supplier»

Технологии управления поставщиками

Supplier Relationship Management – Управление взаимоотношениями с поставщиками).

Статья от экспертов

New method of criteria weighting for supplier selection

In the future, researchers focusing on supplier selection are likely to use a combination of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is often used in such combinations. The function of the AHP method in MCDM is criteria weighting. When there are a relatively large number of participants involved in an evaluation judgment, it is difficult to obtain consistent opinions. In such cases, the AHP is a useful method to obtain consistent opinions over time by repeatedly conducting pairwise comparison matrices. This study proposes a new methodology to resolve such problems. In the proposed method, the decision maker assesses the level of contribution of each criterion to the selection of suppliers. Using the proposed method, comparing the contributions of these criteria to supplier selection will always produce a consistent value. The advantage of the proposed method is that decision makers do not have to assess the degree of importance of each i...

Научный журнал

Концепция интегрированной логистики

управление взаимоотношениями с потребителями (CRM - Customer Relationship Management), с поставщиками (SRM - Supplier

Статья от экспертов

Japan as a possible supplier of oil to the mainland in early Middle Ages

After the event of Primorye’s Kraskinskoe gorodishche (Bohai state) having yielded fragments of a vessel with oil remnants in the form of bitumen, we’ve got a new ideas about the role the hydrocarbons played in the early medieval economy of the Far East. In this case the most probable use for the oil was to illuminate urban dwellings. This may indicate the presence of available natural oil seeps within the Bohai state or the existence of regular trade relations with known suppliersfrom remote areas. Still the question remains about geography and routes connecting the producers and consumers of the oil. One of hypothetically possible areas containing oil and gas provinces is the northwestern coast of the Japanese islands. Thee area is known for tectonic activity and repeated destruction of fluid accumulations leading to outpouring of natural hydrocarbon stuff on land surface. Such places have been used by humans since the Neolithic era. One of the reasons for resorting to the oil and...

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Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»


выгрузка груза из одного транспортного средства и погрузка его в другое, с промежуточным хранением или без такового.

🌟 Рекомендуем тебе


1. разгрузка – логистическая операция, связанная с освобождением транспортного средства или тары от груза; разгрузке предшествуют другие логистические операции, например, перевозка, хранение; 2. выгрузка – извлечение груза из трансп. средства, тары, кладовой и т.п.

🌟 Рекомендуем тебе


договор фрахта, по которому отдельные партии груза закрепляют для очередного рейса линейного судна, перевозящего грузы по расписанию, регулярные грузовые линии заблаговременно регистрируют грузы для очередного рейса или рейсов.

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