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Product family

Предмет Логистика
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группа товаров, которые похожи по своим потребительским качествам, – из одной категории, но разного размера, вида, сорта и т.п.

Научные статьи на тему «Product family»

Evaluation of the quality of the hotel product in family hotels

Developed a methodology for assessing the quality of the hospitality product family hotels are specified. Basic and additional criteria by which to carry out the evaluation. There are gaps mainly in: flexibility of the supply of the hotel product, organisation of leisure services; means for diversification of stay; the presence of database for permanent customers. Synthesized are important conclusions about the level of quality of the hospitality product and outlines opportunities for enhancing it.

Научный журнал

Family in the background of socio-cultural transformations in post-war Poland

The article describes the changes that have taken place Poland in recent years in understanding the family, its structure, meaning. Poles appreciate the family, as a socially valued, that is why it is a great theme broadcast advertising campaigns. The family dimension of the product, Family (multi) use of the brand, highlight the attractiveness of the product. Advertising is an instrument of marketing plan, but also an instrument of a system of values to emphasize the importance of the recommended product

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Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»


отменен – статус какого-либо действия в системе.

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Readied pallet

полный поддон - полная паллета c товаром одного типа.

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выгрузка груза из одного транспортного средства и погрузка его в другое, с промежуточным хранением или без такового.

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