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Предмет Программирование
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внешний по отношению к основному программному продукту компонент, который в ходе работы основного приложения может быть динамически к нему подключен и запущен.

Научные статьи на тему «Plug-In»

Structure development and simulation of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

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Matrix dynamic models of elements of technological systems with perfect mixing and plug-flow hydrodynamics in Simulink

The dynamic models of elements of technological systems with perfect mixing and plug-flow hydrodynamics are based on the systems of algebraic and differential equations that describe a change in the basic technological parameters. The main difficulty in using such models in MathWorks Simulink™ computer simulation systems is the representation of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and partial differential equations (PDE) that describe the dynamics of a process as a MathWorks Simulink™ block set. The study was aimed at developing an approach to the synthesis of matrix dynamic models of elements of technological systems with perfect mixing and plug-flow hydrodynamics that allows for transition from PDE to an ODE system on the basis of matrix representation of discretization of coordinate derivatives. A sugar syrup cooler was chosen as an object of modeling. The mathematical model of the cooler is formalized by a set of perfect reactors. The simulation results showed that the mathema...

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