Алгоритм рекурсивный
алгоритм, при исполнении которого встречается команда вызова его же самого.
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Relevance of the problem: the article deals with the literary text structure studying as the conceptual domain. Literary text is identified as knowledge format of writer’s worldview projection. The literary conceptual domain is structured as a unit of literary concepts which consist of literary subconcepts. Objective: to identify the specific features of the literary conceptual domain as knowledge format of writer’s worldview projection and analyse the literary concept named “Russian landscape” represented in the novel “World and Peace” by L. Tolstoy as one of the most important concepts in the literary conceptual domain of this roman in Russian and English. Methods: cognitive-hermeneutical modeling, context analysis. Scientific novelty: the cognitive-comparative model of literary conceptual domain is represented as knowledge format. The specific features of the literary concept named “Russian landscape” represented in the novel “World and Peace” by L. Tolstoy are identified. The te...
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Relevance of the problem: the article deals with the literary text structure studying as the conceptual domain. Literary text is identified as knowledge format of writer’s worldview projection. The literary conceptual domain is structured as a unit of literary concepts which consist of literary subconcepts. Objective: to identify the specific features of the literary conceptual domain as knowledge format of writer’s worldview projection and analyse the literary concept named “Russian landscape” represented in the novel “World and Peace” by L. Tolstoy as one of the most important concepts in the literary conceptual domain of this roman in Russian and English. Methods: cognitive-hermeneutical modeling, context analysis. Scientific novelty: the cognitive-comparative model of literary conceptual domain is represented as knowledge format. The specific features of the literary concept named “Russian landscape” represented in the novel “World and Peace” by L. Tolstoy are identified. The te...
алгоритм, при исполнении которого встречается команда вызова его же самого.
программное обеспечение (информационная система), осуществляющее весь спектр операций по управлению базами данных, к которым относятся сама организация хранения данных, обработка инструкций SQL, организация резервного копирования, восстановление резервных копий и т.п.
обеспечивает передачу данных между различными устройствами.
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