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Digital Code

Предмет Информатика
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Научные статьи на тему «Digital Code»

About the dynamics of some methods of integrating conversion of analog signal into digital code

The new principles of constructing of the clocked reversible integrating analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with pulse-width (PWM) and in-phase amplitude-frequency-pulse modulation (AFPM), as well as closed integrating ADC with tactless bit-by-bit equilibration is considered. The block diagrams and time diagrams of the ADC are reduced. An analysis of their dynamic characteristics is given. It is shown that the expansion of bandwidth of the ADC with PWM is possible by increasing the number of cycles of sweep conversion "within" the synchronization interval. In particular, it is proved the ADC with inphase AFPM in comparison with the known technical solutions has at least an order higher temperature and time stability of the characteristics. The bandwidth of the closed integrating ADC with tactless bit-by-bit equilibration depends on the time constant of channel integration. Significant expansion of the ADC bandwidth which purchased due to the reducing of the metrological cha...

Научный журнал

The analysis of filtration influence at primary pulsed-code conversion on distortion of input signals of coders with a compression of audio data

The influence of selective circuits of digital-analogue converters at primary pulsed-code conversion on distortion of input signal of coders with audio data compression is considered.

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Еще термины по предмету «Информатика»


abstraction — использование для описания или представления общих свойств объекта без конкретной его реализации (например, типов объектов — "читатель", "фирма", "автомобиль", но не конкретно названных читателей, фирм, марок автомобилей и т.п.)

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Двоичные данные

binarydata — данные, представленные в двоичном коде.

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