Рассматривается эзотерическое учение П. Д. Успенского, который стремился интегрировать весьма разнородные течения классической и постклассической философии: соединить объективный идеализм с субъективным, механицизм - с принципами эволюции, рационализм подчинить иррационализму. Однако это соединение осуществляется конструктивистским, т. е. недиалектическим путем. Это во многом поставило под вопрос позитивную цель учения мыслителя, его стремление к достижению непротиворечивого мировоззренческого синтеза.The article deals with the esoteric doctrine of P. D. Ouspensky, who sought to integrate highly dissimilar flows of classical and post-classical philosophy: to connect the objective and subjective idealism, mechanicism and the principls of evolution, to subordinate rationalism to irrationalism. However, this connection is realized by constructivist, i. e. non-dialectical way. This has largely called into question the positive goal of the Thinker’s doctrine, his desire to achieve consis...
This article is devoted to the analysis of Indian politics in Central Asia. The interests and opportunities of India have been carefully studied. The article discusses the social, political and cultural issues between India and Central Asia. For India, Central Asia is an important geopolitical region leading to major trade routes. The author examines the current state and prospects of political and economic cooperation between India and Central Asia, joint efforts to address the problems and threats facing sustainable development of the region, which must be addressed in the development of bilateral and multilateral relations logistics and investment cooperation.