Безбарьерный туризм
вид рекреационного туризма, рассчитанного на людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями.
A brilliant classicist and an editor of Greek tragedians on an altogether firmer footing of firsthand acquaintance with the manuscripts, Peter Elmsley (1774-1825) left quite a few conjectures of his own discreetly placed in the margin. While often palmary and deserving to be promoted into the text, ἀπλάτου in Eur. Medea 151 in the meaning ‘longing for the forsaken marital bed’ Elmsely imparted to it, sits ill in the broader context and, although accepted by the majority of editors has, in the course of its life, shifted in the direction of ‘unapproachable’, ‘monstrous’, to mean ‘the bed of death we should not approach’. Often unequivocal when referring to wild beasts of Heracles’ labours, in subtler contexts, like the one under discussion, it is often believed to be confounded with ἄπληστος often transmitted by part of the ms. tradition. In the case of Medea 151, however, the change is unnecessary, since ἄπληστος of LP can not only offer the meaning ‘insatiable’ referring to ‘marita...
This article deals with the possibility of surgical activity intensification and conditions necessary for its achievement. The results of the activity analysis of several oncologic dispensaries in the USSR are given. As the analysis states, only one third of surgical bed capacity is exploited in oncology. The authors give the results of experiment on intensification of surgical activities in Moscow hospital No. 40. It is noted that optimum ratio of number of beds, surgeons and operating tables makes it possible (along with financial stimulation according to the final results) to increase twice the surgical activities, counting one surgical bed. The statement on new economic mechanism is also examined. Along with its positive features, some shortages to be revised, are pointed out.
вид рекреационного туризма, рассчитанного на людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями.
обмен туристскими группами без визы в паспорте.
документ, подтверждающий сделку туриста с туроператором/ турагентом, определяющий их взаимные права и обязанности по поводу приобретения туристских услуг.
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