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Theoretical justification

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Конспект лекции по дисциплине «Theoretical justification» pdf
ECONOMETRICS Theoretical justification  Problem -> asked to be solved Data -> checked what data are available, where, how reliable, usable, compareble etc.  Theory -> methods, tools, approaches   Theory comes from the previous knowledge, up-todata understanding of processes and things: 1) how others have tackled this problem; 2) what factors influence; 3) what type or linkage, causality exit (or are belived that it might be)... A.Auziņa-Emsiņa, Econometrics Theoretical justification or knowledge and theory behind   Good fundament - > stable house Bad beginning - > bad results A.Auziņa-Emsiņa, Econometrics Image sources: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1838691.htm http://www.dgofoundationpiers.com/foundation-repair-for-real-estate.html Denominations of the Variables  Outcomes/ Effect Y  Resulting variable Dependent variable  Endogenous variable      Explained variable Predictand Regressand Target variable  Causes/ Causal variables X1, X2, ... Xn  Factors Independent variables  Exogenous variables      Explanatory variables Predictors Regressors Control variables V. Ozolina, Econometrics Types of Interrelations Among Factors  xY  x  Y    x  Y1  Y2 x1  x2  Y x3  x3  x2  x1  Y V. Ozolina, Econometrics Theoretical justification    Textbooks Scientific papers and monographs Other sources V. Ozolina, Econometrics How to conveniently gather and use information? Mendeley system:  Webpage – social network  Mendeley desktop  Web importer  Citation plugin  https://www.mendeley.com/guides/videos V. Ozolina, Econometrics THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION E-resources E-resources in ORTUS V. Ozolina, Econometrics Scopus V. Ozolina, Econometrics Scopus V. Ozolina, Econometrics Scopus V. Ozolina, Econometrics Scopus V. Ozolina, Econometrics Scopus V. Ozolina, Econometrics Thomson Reuters Web of Science V. Ozolina, Econometrics Thomson Reuters Web of Science V. Ozolina, Econometrics Thomson Reuters Web of Science V. Ozolina, Econometrics V. Ozolina, Econometrics Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) V. Ozolina, Econometrics V. Ozolina, Econometrics V. Ozolina, Econometrics MENDELEY SYSTEM Application V. Ozolina, Econometrics V. Ozolina, Econometrics V. Ozolina, Econometrics Citing from Mendeley in Word document V. Ozolina, Econometrics Citing from Mendeley in Word document  Mendeley Desktop has to be open V. Ozolina, Econometrics V. Ozolina, Econometrics Citation + bibliography V. Ozolina, Econometrics May choose reference style V. Ozolina, Econometrics
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