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The key areas of international legal regulation, control and supervision

  • ⌛ 2021 год
  • 👀 666 просмотров
  • 📌 630 загрузок
  • 🏢️ Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Language
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Конспект лекции по дисциплине «The key areas of international legal regulation, control and supervision» doc
JSC "KAZAKH ABYLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGES » Department of International Law at the Faculty of “International Relations” Subject – The key areas of international legal regulation, control and supervision INSERT Reflection PAPER TITLE Fall 2021 Student INSERT YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Faculty Baiseitova Aigerim MIPPM Professor +77470084060 baiseitova@alumni.usc.edu Department of International Law at the Faculty of “International Relations” Subject Contents JSC "KAZAKH ABYLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGES » 1 Problem Statement 3 Recommendations 4 Conclusions 5 Bibliography 6 INSERT PAPER TITLE Problem Statement The topics to address are: • What is the main policy/planning/management problem? Describe the main policy/management problem under investigation. This section should include a clear discussion of the policy/planning/management problem that you plan to investigate in your paper. For practical insights on how to formulate a policy issue statement, refer to Eugene Bardach’s Practical Guide for Policy Analysis (3rd Edition) (2009). • What is the importance or significance of the topic area? Why is the topic area important? What are you interested in and why should someone reading it be interested in this topic? What implications or consequences does the issue have for governmental and business organizations (or, perhaps, for the country, in general)? Why should policy-makers, business leaders or simply affected stakeholders try to learn more about or solve the issue or problem? In writing a Problem Statement, follow this outline for each problem: Example: Problem Statement. The shift of the economy to new technologies has created a greater digital divide and income gaps between the poor and college-educated population. First paragraph – Amplify or expand on what the problem is Next paragraphs – Present your documentation of the problem Subsequent paragraph – Identify causes and, if possible, determinants of determinants Subsequent paragraph – Describe implications in terms of societal, economic, or environmental impact Final paragraph (if appropriate) – Indicate any relationships this problem may have with other problems you are describing Recommendations Recommendations are one of the most important and creative sections of your Project. You should develop at least three recommendations (courses of action) to resolve the critical issue or policy problems that you have discussed. State the descriptive contents of your recommendations, describe the tradeoffs relative to other options, and provide a rationale for the choice you have made. The kinds of recommendations you might propose might involve: • New or revised policies • New or revised strategies • New or revised programs • Improved services, processes, or operations (e.g., efficiency, effectiveness, cost containment, public welfare, public safety, or customer satisfaction) of business, governmental and/or non-governmental organizations? In writing recommendations, follow this outline for each recommendation: Example: Recommendation 1. The Office of XYZ should implement ABC. First paragraph – Amplify or expand on what you are recommending Next paragraphs – Outline what needs to be done or tasks completed to implement the recommendation Subsequent paragraph – Identify resources needed to accomplish it, as well as potential savings or new revenues Subsequent paragraph – Describe the benefits of implementing this recommendation Final paragraph (if appropriate) – Indicate any relationships this recommendation may have with other recommendations Conclusions • How will your recommendations make a difference (e.g., your value-added contributions to the policy issue)? Bibliography • Should begin on a new page • Should be a work in progress with you adding references as you complete each part of the research paper • Use between 5 to 15 references (50% of which print materials). • When using sources found on the Internet, include the link with the bibliographic reference. • Journals or magazines from international literature can be listed in foreign language, but need to be translated into English. • American Psychological Association (APA style) formatting is preferred. Other requirements: Consideration Guidelines for Reflection Paper Length Executive Summary: 3-5 pages maximum if single space; 5-8 pages maximum if double space (excluding cover page, table of contents, exhibits and appendices) Font Size 12 point Software MS Word with PowerPoint or Excel inserts Visuals Insert graphs, maps, charts, images, etc. as in-text exhibits or appendices if applicapble
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