Multiethnic group
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lectures on the topic: "multiethnic group"
Information about the group: the faculty of Humanities and social Sciences, gr. GMU-12,13, 14. Specialty "municipal management"
Literature used in preparing: Stefanenko T. G. "Ethnopsychology"/tutorial for Universities/M: Aspectrics, 2009;Krasko, V. G. "Ethnic psychology"textbook for higher. educational institutions, M: Publishing center "Academy", 2002, Radin N. To. "Ethnopsychology"/Electronic textbook, Nizhniy Novgorod, 2008.
The aim of the lecture: the formation of ideas of students about the work in a multiethnic collective.
Objectives of the lecture:
- to reveal the gender and age stereotypes of various ethnic groups
-to identify features of labor interaction in the cultural traditions of the various ethnic groups, employment,
-to form the concept of interethnic and interfaith conflicts in the team,
-determine methods of forming group cohesion
Lesson plan
The stages of the lecture
The contents of the lecture
Methods and means of teaching
5-7 minutes
1. 1. Determination of gender and age stereotypes of various ethnic groups in the professions.
A monologue, speaking to an audience (it is proposed to formulate the concept of "profession", "gender stereotype" to try to assume these differences in stereotypes in the team"
10-13 minutes
1. Features of labor interaction in the cultural traditions of the various ethnic groups.
15-17 minutes
2. 2. Ethnic characteristics of a job: resume and cover letter writing, interview when applying for a job, the first year of adaptation.
A monologue, speaking to an audience (it is proposed to name the pros and cons of CV's, interviews, cover letters)
10 minutes
3. Межэтнические и межконфессиональные конфликты в полиэтническом коллективе.
Монолог, обращение к аудитории (предлагается графически изобразить конфликт, попытаться отыскать причины межнационального конфликта)
10 minutes
4. Methods of forming group cohesion.
Monologue, dialogue(discourse on methods), practices (training exercises)
Detailed outline of lectures
1. Entry.
Gender and age stereotypes of different ethnic groups in matters of profession.
Students are encouraged to define the concepts of "Profession", "gender stereotypes" to try to articulate differences in various ethnic groups. After completing these tasks, the teacher concludes.
Profession (lat. professio - from profiteor - declare his business) is a kind of work the person owning a complex of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired through special training.
Stereotypes — sustainable education, actualizing (reproducing in the mind and human behavior) in appropriate situations. True they live in the subconscious, although usually easily recognized.
Regarding professional activities, as well as career choices there are various stereotypes that are prevalent in society. Generally, stereotypes about the profession can be defined as age and gender. Our task today will be to study these stereotypes and define these stereotypes in different ethnic groups.
Thus, the age stereotype in the profession is a concept which is an application installed in the society norm, which is acceptable to its members. For example, in Russia it is accepted that this age corresponds to one or another profession. Usually, this refers to those occupations which require some training, opportunities, health, availability of free time. For example, the profession of promoter, DJ, etc. is considered to be mainly the youth of the profession, the profession of the students and , on the contrary, such a profession as a guard, the commandant are "older".
There are a huge number of social stereotypes, including gender stereotypes - culturally and socially determined notions about the qualities and behavior norms of men and women. Under assumption E. Eglee, the cause of the formation of gender stereotypes is the differing male and female social roles.
Typical male image includes a set of characteristics associated with professional competence, rational thinking and an active lifestyle, and typically female – with social and communication skills, warmth and emotional support.
Universal life value at the present stage among the representatives of different professions is the desire to achieve, and this combined traditionally feminine and masculine preferences. For example, it was found that female soldiers simultaneously characterized by higher levels of sociability, courage and self-control in comparison with the representatives of the same profession as men. Research in the field of gender psychology have become particularly relevant in recent years due to the rapidly changing socio-economic conditions of the population, especially in economically developed countries, and one of the promising directions is recognized, the study of the variability of occupational choice.
The different ethnic groups there are differences in gender stereotypes, but in the modern world, in terms of emancipation, these stereotypes tend to disappear.
2. Features of labor interaction in the cultural traditions of the various ethnic groups.
Labor interaction in the cultures of different ethnic groups has a number of distinctive means which we now consider.
USA. For the American style of business interaction characteristic of utilitarianism (all should give the income): the lack of needless labor; neglect of traditions; the punctuality in the fulfilment of this promise; the thoroughness in the elaboration of the organization of any business; analysis, the separation of functions and meticulous inspection of execution; the determination to make today better than yesterday; great attention to detail; specialization of personnel and production; brevity and clarity, constructivism.
Rules of engagement:
When business contacts Americans do not report detailed information, but expect understanding of work and doing business the American way.
Americans respond quickly to all and require partners to do the same. For faster communication use electronic means of communication.
In business emails and conversations you always need to specify the names of organizations or names of people who could represent the business partner.
A universal principle of American business – making a profit. The objective of joint action can be far and near. If the proposals contribute to the achievement of the major objectives of the American partner, they are sure will interest him. But these suggestions should be achievable.
Before a business negotiation determine in advance the desired result. Plan the conversation in such a way that it touches your main objectives and benefits.
UK. The business world in the UK is heterogeneous not only in social terms but also in their "workshop" of specialization that distinguishes it from business circles of other countries.
English for business is characterized by the caste system, which, on the one hand, determines its high professional level, and on the other prevents the inflow of "fresh blood".
Businessmen of great Britain – some of the most qualified in the business world of the West. But due to the nature of historical and economic development, political systems, relations between different social strata and groups business in this country, or rather, its industrial sector, has not reached the heights of development that have been observed in Germany, Japan and the USA. English businessmen working in industry, are able to carefully analyze the situation on the market, make short-term and medium-term forecasts. In General, however, they are unable to rise to the highest level of analysis long-term prospects, where in addition to the economic factors of great importance are the social, political and global. As a rule, English businessmen show assertiveness, when it comes to short-term rewards, deals, bringing immediate benefits, and reluctant to expenditures whose benefits will only
after 5-10 years.
At the same time, financial and commodity sectors of British business almost has no equal in the world. The financial sector plays a role not only Bank of ideas and ideology in the carrying out of those or other innovations.
France. Before the establishment of business relations with French firms, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of these relationships: entering the market with their goods; the cooperation and scientific-technical relations; creation of joint ventures etc. In each case methods of work will vary.
Learn as much as possible about the firms you are interested in, send them a set of promotional literature and catalogues, which are the products of your company and let them know the terms on which you are willing to ship their products. All this should be stated in the French language; the French would be sensitive to the use of the English or German language in business communication with them, believing that it infringes on their sense of national dignity. If you are the importer, send your request with a maximum list of what you would like to obtain from the French firm. Try to find out the reaction of the partner to make an offer by calling or contacting him in another way, ask him confirm the receipt of the proposal, expressing hope for an early response.
In the business life of France, the important role played by the relationship and Dating. Therefore, usually new contacts through intermediaries who are linked by family, financial or friendly relations with the desired person. The elite of the business world is limited and does not admit to his world of new, unknown people.
You should be prepared for the bureaucratic red tape, especially in the nationalized the large enterprises. If you do not have direct access to the decision-makers and you negotiate at a lower level, you should wait until your proposal reaches the appropriate managers and will develop the solution; here decisions are made by a limited number of persons of high rank.
The French thoroughly study all aspects and implications of proposals. Unlike American businessmen French try to avoid risky financial operations. They allow you to convince yourself of the feasibility of the suggestions made, preferring reasoned and thoroughly discuss every detail of the forthcoming transaction.
Sometimes during the discussion of French entrepreneurs interrupt the interlocutor, expressing criticisms or counterarguments.
This should not be taken as disrespectful – so they have taken. But it is better if you will prepare for the negotiations, possess the merits, will not give knock yourself confused and show some assertiveness.
For the French, more important arguments, backed by facts and good techno-economic analysis.
When concluding contracts with large enterprises, emphasis should be placed on technical characteristics and durability of products offered; the negotiations with small and medium-sized enterprises should immediately demonstrate tangible economic benefits of the transaction.
Contracts signed by the French, very specific, specific and concise. The French don't like it when their partners make some changes in the negotiations.
In France, many important decisions are made not only in the office but also at the dining table. Business techniques can take the form of a cocktail, Breakfast, lunch or dinner. The Affairs is accepted to speak only after coffee. The French don't like to discuss a question that interests them the most, approach it gradually, after a long conversation on various neutral topics and as if in passing.
The most suitable topics for table talk: performances, books, exhibitions, tourist attractions, country and city. Especially appreciated the interlocutor a knowledge of art, primarily French. Should be wary to raise the issues of religion, personal problems, issues related to the situation in the service, income and expenditure, to discuss their own illness, marital status, political preferences.
If you are invited for dinner – this is an exceptional honor. Arriving for dinner should be a quarter of an hour beyond the appointed time. You should bring a gift: flowers (only not white and the chrysanthemum, which in France are considered as symbol of mourning), a bottle of champagne (or wine expensive brand), a box of chocolates.
Kitchen for the French – their national pride. Welcome any enthusiastic comments about the quality of food and drinks on the table. It is not customary to leave food on your plate, add some salt dishes according to your taste or use the spices – it can be regarded as disrespectful to the owners.
The culture of consumption of alcoholic beverages that are the usual companions of a French feast, suggests a glass of aperitif (port, anise liqueur or a whiskey and soda, served with salted nuts, special cookies, small sandwiches with cheese or ham), three or four glasses of wine (white under fish and seafoods, red meat and cheese), and after dessert or coffee – fruit vodka, stout liqueur or brandy. The most important requirement is moderation in drink.
Much importance is attached by the French to various forms of politeness. When you skip forward, not rassharkivany in the door go first. But during important meetings and conferences the first part of the head of the highest rank.
In France it is not customary to refer to the interlocutors by name, if only they are told to do so. Usually use "sir" to men and "Madam" to women. It is considered rude if the traditional greetings do not add "Monsieur" or "Madame" or their names.
3. Ethnic characteristics of a job: resume and cover letter writing, interview when applying for a job, the first year of adaptation.
Characteristics of employment in different ethnic groups has features. So, in some States, the recruitment is carried out only after submission of CV, cover letters, others requested the applicants to be interviewed. I propose to deal in this matter.
So, a cover letter (eng. cover letter) is for explaining or supplementing an official letter to the offer documents when applying for a job or a letter offered to the package of documents sent to anyone else (contractors, business partners, etc.).
Such cover letters are in Germany, in this country, among other documents, a cover letter is required.
Summary (from the French. résumé or the Latin. curriculum vitae — "for life", a biography, pronounced curiculum Vite, often shortened to CV, in the Soviet tradition, an autobiography) is a document that contains information about the skills, experience, education, and other relevant information normally required when considering the candidacy of a person for employment.
Interview when applying for a job is the clarification of the applicant's experience and his personal qualities, ie.
The interview is the talk of equal people, each of which has its own position, having a right to exist, and a range of interests that can be shared. Interviews are mainly held in Russia and the CIS countries.
When applying for a job are also frequently proposed adaptation of the first year.
When you receive a new employee on the job is very important, but often overlooked is the stage of entering the position.
For any person a new job – a kind of stress, he has to get used to the new rules, to get acquainted and get used to unfamiliar people, to examine the norms and rules of conduct. To the adaptation process is not delayed and the employee as early as possible began to work effectively, management of the company needs to pay attention to such a serious procedure as an adaptation.
Adaptation — the process of familiarization of the employee with the activities and organization and change their own behavior in accordance with the requirements of the environment.
The adaptation process is a two — way process. On the one hand, the fact that people started work in the company, it is a conscious choice, based on a specific motivation for the decision, and the responsibility for this decision. On the other hand, the organization assumes certain obligations when hiring an employee for a particular job.
According research conducted by Western companies, a quality programme can reduce staff turnover by 10-20% per year.
Adaptation programmes at different enterprises are developed and implemented with consideration of the peculiarities of these companies, but their main goal is a careful approach to new employee, desire to make entry into the position most efficient and comfortable.
It should also be noted that the process of adaptation consists of several modules or stages, and are found as simplified programs (number of employees not more than 35-40 people) and a more complex and structured adaptation programs
We present to your attention an example of a typical programme of adaptation of a new employee in the workplace.
Program induction
The procedure of induction is quite General. It establishes General rules and prescribes a set of necessary procedures. The content of the programme depends on the following conditions:
• the content of the work;
• the status and level of responsibility;
• working environment;
• personal characteristics of employee.
The participants of the procedure:
• Line managers provide for the creation and implementation of the programme of induction in the workplace.
• Employees have the opportunity to provide real support and assistance in the adaptation of the employee.
• Colleagues working in the same Department or in related departments.
• As a rule, the human resources Department.
Organization procedures
The first day a new employee it is advisable to start later than usual , so that all staff were already on the ground and you can perform all the formalities without fuss and haste. Usually the new employee meets with someone from HR first thing and ensures completion of necessary documents. After that new employee is the supervisor (not necessarily a direct supervisor) who is responsible for the implementation of the programme of induction.
First, the employee receives the tools and equipment necessary for the job. Then it lead into the workplace and introduced to colleagues. And only after that begin to acquaint him with the organization.
A list of possible topics may be:
• detailed history of the company and its development;
• senior and middle management;
• the most important company documents (e.g., mission, strategy, quality management, etc.);
• a description of the business of the organization; policies of work with customers;
• the content of the work, job descriptions, limits of authority, responsibility;
• quality system;
• interact with other departments or people;
• safety at the enterprise (instruction);
• a list of documents that a new employee must be consulted in the first place.
One of the most practical ways of providing information — creating a package of documents, which consists of the usual promotional materials and specific materials prepared specifically for a particular employee.
It is desirable that the adaptation process ended in a questionnaire survey, formal or attestation interview, which summed up would be the final outcome of the adaptation period and the planned further activities to improve the efficiency of the employee. It is also recommended to conduct a survey to understand
The list of necessary actions
Before the arrival of the new employee should:
• ensure that job description is ready and true;
• identify a formal mentor or agree with any of his future colleagues about informal help and care;
• check whether the workplace;
• to give prior information to all employees about the arrival of a new employee;
• prepare all materials that will be issued to the employee on the first day of work;
• to prepare the necessary permits;
• to call the employee on the eve of his official work to make sure that everything is in order.
First day:
• in conjunction with the new employee to understand his responsibilities;
• explain the rules for compensation of possible costs;
• to introduce the requirements of confidentiality;
• to introduce the internal labor regulations;
• to discuss the management style, culture, traditions, norms, etc. used by your organization;
• to acquaint with basic procedures and policies for staff;
• to familiarize with the organizational structure and chain of command (if necessary);
• conduct safety training;
• conduct training on first aid;
• to familiarize with the rules and procedures in case of evacuation, to show fire exits;
• to familiarize with the procedure and communications positions;
• to acquaint him with the requirements to the appearance;
• to introduce the requirements of the security system, opening and closing office;
• represent the employee's subordinates, colleagues and supervisors;
• to provide information of a personal plan: location of canteen, toilets, places to stay, Smoking, etc.;
• provide information about the traditions of the Department or group in which the employee will work.
Until the end of the period of adaptation:
• to familiarize with the special procedures;
• to acquaint with the specifics of his work in the Department and organization;
• to analyse the competence and to develop an individual program of perspective training;
• explain the administrative system of organization used rules and procedures;
• to familiarize with the requirements and standards of performance;
• to introduce the reporting system.
Since the procedure of induction is not regulated by any specific legal rules, all of the above is a recommendation. For each organization this procedure is exclusively individual in nature and is an internal affair of the organization is to decide which volume to use a particular procedure, what additional aspects to make, and whether to use them at all.
Students are encouraged to find the strengths and weaknesses of all ways of employment.
4. Ethnic and religious conflicts in political regional the team.
To inter-ethnic conflicts include any form of (organized political action, mass unrest, separatist actions, civil war, etc.), in which the confrontation takes place along the line of an ethnic community. Their main features are the following. All ethnic conflicts are complex, composite nature. Because their essence is determined ultimately by the desire of the ethnic group to their own state (even if at the moment such a goal is not assigned due to the lack of real possibilities to achieve it), these conflicts inevitably become political. But this is not enough: to the ethnic crisis is "ripe", the ethnic group should feel discriminated and socio-economic indicators (low income, prevalence of prestigious professions, lack of access to good education, etc.) and spiritual (religion oppress, limit the use of the language, respect the customs and traditions...), So any ethnic conflict -- it's not even two and three and four "normal" inter-ethnic conflict in a single space.
Ethnic conflicts occur between individual members, social groups of different ethnic groups. Ethnic group is driven by the need for self-preservation, the protection of their values and traditions. The most painful and emotional conflicts arising from infringement of the values of the ethnic group. Value conflicts can occur in any sphere of society. But the more clearly the specifics of the value of ethnic conflict manifested in contradictions, arising from differences in culture, language, religion and other socio-cultural features of ethnic groups. For example, the main motive of the civil war in ex-Yugoslavia, according to experts, has become a religion which, because of certain historical reasons, divided the people with a single ethnic roots in some religious subcultures (Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim).
At the household level may have ethnic conflicts caused by socio-psychological factors, common to unconscious hostility towards members of a particular ethnic group. In the long course of warfare, whatever its causes, the conflicting ethnic groups such hostility against each other is massive.
Often conflicts between norms and values and midozolam different cultures occur at the household level, in the course of everyday communication.
Most contentious in this regard are the regions with high migration. Immigrants generally do not take into account social and cultural characteristics of local people than provoke negative attitude of the "natives."
It should be borne in mind that a purely ethnic causes of conflict in real life does not actually exist. Ethnic identity and solidarity as a way to protect their interests, goals, values, etc.
Sociologists, political scientists and anthropologists, in an effort to highlight the conflict of others close to him social phenomena, often consider conflict solely as a struggle between groups as the clash of incompatible interests. With that understanding, conflict is a stage of extreme aggravation of contradictions, manifested in conflict behavior, and has the exact date of the confrontation. We have to admit that, on Earth, almost everywhere there are contradictions between the ethnic communities.
In the workforce arise inter-ethnic conflicts on the background of disruption, harassment, and discrimination. As a rule, conflicts are hidden, separate from other relations in nature, however, becomes visible with an increase of discontent one with the other.
5. Methods of forming group cohesion
The cohesion of the team is a degree of unity of the collective, manifested in unity of opinions, beliefs, traditions, nature of interpersonal relationships, moods, etc., and also in the unity of practical activity.
On the state of team unity in the workplace is influenced by the overall situation in society, the nature of social relations. Also influenced by features of the workplace, features of the implemented it management processes, especially relations with other labor groups, etc. Another important group of factors shaping the cohesion of the team, are group phenomena and the processes occurring in the workplace.
Such factors include the nature of formal organizational ties between members of the staff enshrined in the formal structure of this Department. A great influence on the cohesion of the team is having its informal organizational structure. Informal contacts at work and outside of it, cooperation and mutual support provide a more comfortable climate than the negative attitudes manifested in quarrels and conflicts.
Communications occupy an important place in the life of the organization and have a tremendous impact on individuals and groups.
Here is formed a bilateral communication process that is a method by which the message sender reaches the recipient. This process is irrespective of, whether talking to the interlocutors, exchange do people communicate with gestures or by e-mail, always involves eight steps: the birth of the idea, encoding, transmitting, receiving, decoding of the message, acceptance of message, use of information, providing feedback.
Recently become increasingly popular trainings in team building. This is not surprising because it is known that close-knit friendly team always leads the company to success. Cohesion is the ability for the team to become a single entity to achieve specific goals and objectives. Only part of a good team it is possible to establish the necessary work environment to effectively communicate to all its members and to utilize the talents and skills of each. A cohesive team is the key to success.
The on the team building training gives the opportunity to better know each other from different sides, to find similarities in group members to build more effective communication, improve the climate in the team, shape and enhance the overall team spirit in the team. Training on cohesion allows all participants to realize themselves as a team, to practice the skills of successful joint solution of the task together to find optimal methods for the achievement of common goals. The objective of the training on the team building is to bring members to the team in terms of collective creative activities, the development of flexibility in communication, interchangeability and reciprocity and the development of responsibility for the common good. This task, among others, successfully solved in training "leadership and management: techniques of effective influence" and training "Effective communication: cooperation in the name of the case."
So, in the course of our lecture we came to the conclusion that the most effective method of unity of the group is training.