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Marxism after Marx

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LECTURE 5 MARXISM AFTER MARX P2051 THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY SANDY BRIAN HAGER 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism 4. Review & Preview 5. Essays 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism 4. Review & Preview 5. Essays 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism 4. Review & Preview 5. Essays 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism 4. Review & Preview 5. Essays 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism 4. Review & Preview 5. Essays 1. Theories of Imperialism from competition to monopoly from overproduction to capital exports imperialism: an alliance of state & capital Lenin’s prediction: global war between capitalist powers post-WWII reality: -Cold War -decolonization -Keynesianism 2. Dependency Theory development of core depends on underdevelopment of periphery unequal exchange solution: import substitution industrialisation (ISI) failures of ISI & debt crises export-led development in E. Asia emerging markets: global convergence? Source: Milanovic (2019): 212 3. Neo-Gramscianism culture & ideology: superstructure not determined by the economic base hegemony: the importance of class Source: Cox (1981): 138 4. Review & Preview 1. Theories of Imperialism from competition to monopoly / capital export solves overproduction / new rivalries & global war 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory development in core means underdevelopment in periphery / unequal exchange / ISI as solution 3. Neo-Gramscianism 1. Theories of Imperialism 2. Dependency Theory 3. Neo-Gramscianism culture & ideology > economic laws / class hegemony Next Week DOMESTIC APPROACHES 5. Essays introduction y about? Why does it matter? What is your argument (thesis statement)? How is the organized? body ting literature & background / your argument & analysis (connected to thesis stateme conclusion summarizing key points
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