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Low voter turnout in European Parliament elections: democratic deficit or efficiency deficit

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Конспект лекции по дисциплине «Low voter turnout in European Parliament elections: democratic deficit or efficiency deficit» docx
Low voter turnout in European Parliament elections: democratic deficit or efficiency deficit Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………...3 1. Historical aspect of the European Parliament elections…………………………6 1.1 History of the European Parliament……………………………………………6 1.2 Place of the European Parliament in the European Community……………...18 2. Voter turnout in European Parliament elections……………………………….26 2.1 Voter deficit in European Parliament elections……………………………….26 2.2 Prospects for increasing voter turnout in the European Parliament…………..39 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………...52 List of literature…………………………………………………………………...56 INTRODUCTION Relevance of the research topic. The European Parliament (European Parliament) is advisory and recommendatory body of the European Union. Members of the European Parliament are elected by direct elections for a five-year term. Within the framework of the powers granted to Parliament by treaties, including the Treaty on the European Union, as well as institutional acts, the European Parliament has the right to monitor the European Commission and the European Council, participate in legislative and budgetary processes and put forward political initiatives. Parliament is the only EU body elected by direct vote. It is geographically divided between Brussels (work in committees), Strasbourg (plenary meetings) and Luxembourg (secretariat). In Brussels, parliamentary committees meet two weeks a month and advise the European Commission and the Council of Ministers. The European Parliament is a meeting of representatives of European Union citizens. Since 1979, deputies have been elected by direct universal suffrage, and the European Parliament currently includes 785 representatives, whose mandates are distributed among EU member states in accordance with the population of each country.[9,147] In most cases, the European Parliament shares legislative powers with the European Council, especially in the joint decision-making procedure. The European Parliament shares budgetary powers with the European Council by adopting an annual budget for voting, bringing it into legal force by signing and monitoring its implementation by the President of the European Parliament. Powers of control over the institutions of the European Union, especially the European Commission. Parliament has the right to grant or refuse to approve the appointment of European Commissioners, as well as dissolve the current composition of the European Commission by a vote of no confidence. In addition, the European Parliament has the right to exercise control over the activities of the European Union by submitting written and oral requests to the European Commission and the European Council. It also has the right to appoint interim investigative committees, which are responsible not only for the actions of the institutions of the European Community, but also for the actions of EU member states to implement EU policy. The Amsterdam Treaty, in force since 1999, increased the powers of the European Parliament by significantly expanding the procedure for making joint decisions. The Nice Treaty, which entered into force in 2003, also increased the role of the European Parliament as a co-sponsor of bills, in turn, expanding the procedure for making joint decisions, and also gave the European Parliament the right to bring claims to the Supreme Court of the European Community. Researchers of the party-political space of modern Europe, elections to the European Parliament (EP) provide a unique opportunity for generalized assessments and conclusions. Since they take place every five years for several days in all countries of the European Union, their results are the most objective evidence of the changes taking place in the Old World. Moreover, the voter who came to the ballot boxes is guided in his decision not only by the purely national situation, but, to one extent or another, takes into account the pan-European context, not forgetting what happened last five years outside the borders of our continent. [19,47] The object of the study is elections to the European Parliament. The subject of the study is the emergence of an efficiency deficit in elections to the European Parliament. The purpose of the study is to analyze the low voter turnout in the elections to the European Parliament. Study democracy deficits or efficiency deficits. To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks must be solved: 1) Consider the historical aspect of the European Parliament elections 2) Study the history of the European Parliament 3) Analyze the place of the European Parliament in the system of bodies of the European Community 4) Analyze voter turnout in European Parliament elections 5) Consider the voter deficit in the elections to the European Parliament and study the prospects for increasing voter turnout in the European Parliament The following methods were used in this research work: study and generalization, description, comparison, analysis, induction, deduction, analogy. Various sources and literature have been used for this study. Among the sources, it should be noted, first of all, such as: normative legal acts of the European Parliament, a member of the European Union, statistics on elections to the European Parliament in 2014, 2019. Structure of work: consists of an introduction, the main part divided into paragraphs, conclusions, a list of literature. 1. HISTORY OF CREATION OF EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 1.1 History of elections to European Parliament The European community uniting nowadays 27 countries of Western Europe - economic, legal, social cultural a reality, a powerful factor of world politics. Objective prerequisites of economic and political integration in Western Europe It is designated especially really after World War II. To it a pushed and need to combine efforts in recovery of pokslevoyenny economy, and the aspiration to resist to Soviet bloc, strengthened by a condition of "a cold voykna" on the continent and split of Europe on two camps. Not accidentally along with the purpose of association of resources of economy the West Soviet of the countries arguments in favor of the European defensive community with uniform army actively moved forward. However, having encountered resistance of many the political of forces and also some governments, these two integration trends — economic and military political — were divorced in time and developed independently when participation in economic integration didn't oblige the member country to enter into defensive alliance of NATO and vice versa. From our party at different times ambiguously оценивался integration process in Western Europe: высвечивались "class interests of ruling circles", requirement of the international division of labor, aspiration to resist to two "superstates". It is necessary to give a deep objective assessment to this phenomenon, considering expansion of cooperation of our country with the European community. But purpose of this work other. We will note only the main stages of process of integration which went as deep into, getting into the fields of economy, the right, culture, policy, and in breadth, involving all new countries in the orbit. [2,145] The beginning of process of economic integration was it is necessary creation in 1947 of the Customs union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In 1951 Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Contract on creation of European Coal and Steel Community. Integration processes received the new push in 1957 in connection with signing of the Roman contracts on creation of the European community on atomic energy and the European economic community. From this point the economic integration received acceleration and, in turn, to promote to more close political connections of the states participating in contracts. In 1965 the imposed "Contract on merge" according to which governing bodies of three organizations were joint was signed so. Thus, there was a uniform European community which was called most often the European economic community. In 1973 Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, In 1981 — Greece, in 1986 — Spain and Portugal were admitted to the European community. In 1982 community left structure Greenland (which is the autonomous territory of Denmark). The Roman contract established the main objectives of the European of community which then were specified and expanded, in particular, the Uniform European act signed by states -member in 1986. According to these documents tasks of the European community are, first of all, creation of the uniform market and gradual rapprochement of economic and social policy of member states. The uniform market means also the right of a free mobile and accommodation. Thus, the obstacles getting in the way of "free migration" are removed. Сreation of Europe "without borders" includes opening for citizens and the organizations of the countries of Community of the national markets of services and also free circulation of the capital. From coming into force of the Roman contract произошло rapprochement national trade, civil, financial and tax I am right. The compensatory mechanisms directed to equalizing the production of expenses were created. Establishment the general was of great importance for member countries of Community of standards. That prepared conditions for a new stage of integration. Since January 1, 1993 the customs control between the Community countries is subject to abolition, there will be an established total freedom of movement of the capitals, services and also labor. The task a are created of uniform fund of vital providing and alignment of the wage levels in the Community countries is in the long term set. As far as this task is difficult, follows at least from the fact that income per capita, for example, in Portugal is nearly 5.5 times lower, than in Germany. In these conditions the protection of the social and economic rights of citizens is of particular importance. Recently central board of member states adopted the Charter in protection of the rights and the interests of hired workers in a number of the most important spheres of economy. During 1958 — 1987 the trade volume between the countries of Community increased almost by 30 times. There is the general market mechanism "without partitions" in the territory of 12 countries with the general population over 320 million people, rendering significant effect on world economy. Thereby serious prerequisites for political integration of member countries which also evolutionary though not those rates as an economic integkration are created. [40] Reflection of this process is that more and more important role in political life of the European communities is played by the European Parliament which uniqueness is already that it is elected the population not of one, but many countries and official languages in him more, than to the UN. The General assembly, the prototype of European Parliament created in the 1950th years included delegates of legislature of member countries. It was created to counterbalance influence of executive power on the policy of the union. Already then the idea extended that integration eventually has to lead to creation of the uniform European state therefore the parliament needs to be chosen universal suffrage. In 1979 after the long-term discussions about an electoral system the first general elections were held. But still the European Parliament quite strongly differs from legislature of the national states including entering the European Union. First of all I didn't become the real state of the EU yet. Therefore the parliament is limited not only executive and judicial branches of the power, but, first of all, national sovereignties. Any law for which the European Parliament votes doesn't come into force without approval of Council of ministers of the European Union. About one minister from 28 member countries of the Union enters him, but not a constant basis — depending on what question is on the agenda, decides who exactly will participate in a meeting. This body is often compared to the upper houses of usual parliaments. But if their veto, as a rule, can be overcome, then the law rejected by the EU Council isn't accepted. One more characteristic example of the power of the national states — the fact that the European Parliament holds meetings in two cities at once: in Brussels and in Strasbourg (and the secretariat at him is located in Luxembourg). Deputies spend the most part of time in the capital of Belgium and it would be far more economical to make it the constant residence, but the authorities of France refused flatly it, wishing to emphasize that historically Strasbourg became the center of the European integration. In the majority of the European countries the parliamentary majority forms the government. One more difference of European Parliament that it doesn't form the government and is content only with limited influence on executive power. European Parliament deputies elects the president of the European Commission — executive body of the EU — but do it not on own initiative, and according to the offer of one more body — the European Council into which heads of state and government of EU countries enter. The president of the European Commission offers European Parliament of her commissioners — the European ministers. Vote not for everyone separately, for all list. [25,85] The European Parliament adopts acts of various degree of obligation in those spheres which are carried exclusive competence of the European Union: Customs regulation, that is compliance to all products coming to the EU to the uniform quality standard Protection of the competition Support of euro Foreign trade Rules of sea fishery Still a number of areas are carried to joint maintaining the European Union and member countries: Rules of domestic market Social policy Agriculture Health care Environment protection and др The European Union has advantage in their regulation — the states can adopt own laws in these areas only if there are no all-European rules. But, as notes The Guardian, on the example of migration crisis it is well visible that if between the countries there is no unity, europarliamentarians can seldom change a situation, even when formally have such opportunity. Still the European Parliament adopts the budget of the EU, but very small — about 1% of GDP of all European countries. Because of the shortage of powers at the European bodies many western experts speak about a problem of "democratic deficiency" which generates feeling at citizens of the EU that in the European affairs nothing depends on them. The leaving structure of European Parliament cancelled roaming in the European Union, forbade plastic ware, adopted new rules of protection of personal data and very controversial law on copyright which is called still "the law on memes" — because in one of the first editions he actually forbade distribution of memes, gif images and koub with author's content. Following the results of the current elections in European Parliament there will be 751 deputies. The countries are presented in him in proportion to their population: from six people from Malta to 96 from Germany. 73 places belong to Great Britain. When and if it after all leaves the EU, vacant places distribute in proportion between other countries. Vote is conducted only according to party lists. An electoral threshold — from 2% to 5% depending on the country. Voters choose local parties, but most of them are included into any given all-European block. They make fractions of European Parliament: conservative, social democratic, liberal, several associations of eurosceptics and nationalists. Since elections of 2014, each of these party associations can offer the candidate for a post of the president of the European Commission, but it doesn't oblige to anything the European Council. The liberal western experts with great concern call these elections "historical" as eurosceptics and nationalists can receive following the results the record number of places. [6,74] According to preliminary forecasts, they will occupy over 200 chairs against 154 present. Nevertheless the majority, let and not such sure how earlier, most likely, will keep conservative, social democratic and liberal forces. Election of European Parliament not the first time shows a key paradox of the European policy: at institute which symbolizes the European integration her opponents, frequent better, than at the national level are especially well presented. At the same time the appearance on the European elections constantly decreases: from 62% on the first elections in 1979 up to 42% for the last in 2014. It is considered that nationalists manage to mobilize better voters for these elections, than to other forces because depends on European Parliament not so much. But one of the reasons for which the European Union very slowly expands powers of the legislature is in fear that in that case the power will be received by nationalists. Elections to the European Parliament (EP) became an important event for integration community as they anyway correspond to many essential aspects of his evolution. It is the only body in the EU which is formed on the basis of a direct vote of citizens of member countries. Results of last vote require a close attention in the analysis of the country or problem plots arising in the context of development of the European integration and also the Russian interests on this field and our relationship with the European Union. At the general assessment of results of elections the most significant three subjects are represented. The first concerns rather high turnout of voters: in general across the EU it was about 50%. Practically nobody expected it. Trends of the last forty years gave the grounds for opposite forecasts. On the first direct elections to EP in 1979 to ballot boxes more than 60% of voters came, but then this indicator went down and never returned to initial heights. Rather often the voter turnout at the European elections was scandalously low (as, for example, in Poland in 2014 when she made 22%). In the late forties — the beginning of the 1950th when the integration era only began, in this respect there was a lot of enthusiasm and the overestimated expectations. But in the last one and a half-two decades they are succeeded by completely different emotions. The constitution for Europe failed. Migration crisis nearly set by the ears all with all. the Brexit can be the beginning of disintegration of all integration association. About the "second wind" which arose suddenly in support of the integration project. Probably, you shouldn't hurry with such conclusion. But the fact that it became possible (though not necessarily certainly true) has to become a subject of serious reflections. Integration development within the EU faces considerable number of problems, to solve them very not easy, and sometimes it is necessary even to include a reverse. But to draw a conclusion that "support from below" is exhausted, and on this basis to put an end to the European integration it is obviously premature. Perhaps, appropriate to correct also all negativist trend in ideas of the EU. This association, despite uneven dynamics of the development, was and remains a considerable factor European and in general to the international reality. Also it isn't necessary to hope in predictive estimates for his erosion even if it seems to someone wished on geopolitical or other bases. It is remarkable that the need for specification of estimates concerning the European integration arises in connection with elections to EP. Here it is advisable to mention one more common stereotype which is built on idea that this institute doesn't play a how many or noticeable role in development of integration and practically nothing depends on him. It corresponds to the 1960-1970th, but since then much water has flowed under the bridges, and the situation in many respects changed. In internal balance of forces between the main components of institutional structure of the EU the general trend which is traced, at least, for three decades consists in relative increase in weight of European Parliament. His support is an indispensable condition in many important links of process of development of integration policy. And presence of EP becomes more and more noticeable for citizens. [7,25] Many parties of their life — and a payment for electricity, and number of hours in working week, both tariffs of the automobile parking, and standards for data protection depend on him … Finds the reflection in these, at first sight, small questions the large problem concerning integration — readiness to perceive her not only as something, belonging to "big-time politics", but also as more and more important factor of daily existence. And rather high turnout of voters at elections to EP testifies not only to assessment by them of integration as a phenomenon, the deserving attention. It also an indicator of ideas of as far as citizens can affect this aspect of life the fact of the participation in vote. An indicator which is appropriate for correlating to arguments of the critics proving that reasonings on democratization of integration process — no more than propaganda crape or routine cover of ambitious original or geopolitical aspirations. It is obvious that such arguments are scattered as sand in the light of the shown interest in elections. In effect it is about legitimization of a role of EP as tool which allows to reveal preferences of citizens and to broadcast them in the plane of adoption of political decisions. However, it is quality characteristic not so much of an integration phenomenon how many political system, within and from which it evolves and develops. But last elections once again showed the importance of integration for unifying processes. What, perhaps, has much more essential value, than all reproaches and critical outbursts addressed to integration. The second important plot which attracts attention in connection with elections to EP concerns their results. Here the fact of not come true predictions concerning the general anti-liberal shift which much seemed inevitable in the light of trends of political development of the last time in western (and not only western) the countries is represented to the most remarkable. Roulades on this subject should be heard rather often. Them it is impossible to charge only to the corresponding political preferences or the simple logic allowing to indulge in wishful thinking. No, such estimates arise not from scratch. They reflect what occurs in internal political dynamics of considerable number of the countries, and enough significant to suggest about a certain regularity of the general character. We will mention in this context at least the USA, India and Australia. This trend is traced also in an area of the EU. According to some observers, exactly there he arose and even gained the most considerable development. In some EU countries the political shifts on this soil were very considerable, and the counter "left wave" remains hardly noticeable so far (though her signs here and there already arise). Elections to European Parliament, according to this logic, had to reflect the specified trend. And polls as if gave the grounds for such forecast. In practice neither crushing defeat of liberally focused political line, nor successful approach of the right populism happened in what very important general result of the taken place elections seems. Of course, if it is offered to consider important not that occurred, and what didn't occur, such assessment can seem at least a little indistinct. And still the fact remains: elections didn't bring the being expected failure of the liberal paradigm. It didn't win, but also didn't fail. And reached by her opponents it wasn't at all such stunning as they counted. It is clear, that the viability of any given political and ideological current is defined not by elections. But they can serve as one of important indicators. And in this case this indicator testified: it isn't necessary to hurry with the announcement of a funeral feast on political liberalism. Event estimates probably have to have more character. Right and nationalists amplified, but not so to become the dominating segment in a political range. Radical fractions of both those, and others achieved success, but not triumphal. Populists on rise, but his limits, apparently, are already reached. The most amazing is that the general configuration in European Parliament by and large remains. If to depict it the general dabs (with an inevitable share of convention), then in the center, as before, there will be conservatives, liberals and socialists. [16,14] The ratio of forces between them changed in the past and, most likely, will change in the future, but together they form some kernel of a political konstellyation in an area of integration community. Those who are more left than the center have a third of voices (and even more). As much — centrists and real or potential partners who are directly adjoining them on the right. On the extreme flank only the fifth part of voices is accumulated on the right. If all who are more right than the center unite with their participation, it will be theoretically possible to mobilize nearly a half of deputy mandates. But traditional centrists will hardly agree to participate in such coalition. In general alignment of forces in EP after elections doesn't give the grounds to expect some cataclysms or shocks. In this sense it appears a stability factor on institutional half of the EU. Especially if to compare this average landscape by results of the European elections to what is observed at the level of member countries. There more mixed picture appears. If to look at results of elections to EP over the countries, then the dispersion of preferences of voters was wider, and breaks on the political field — more radical. In some countries the forecasts noted above concerning a right populist impact came true — in Hungary, Poland, Italy. At the level of "grandees" this wave was more balanced because of different results in different countries (in France about 30 percent, in Germany — are twice less). But in general the factor of the EU softens excesses and extremes which can be observed in a country context, makes impact on a political situation. The third general subject which is of interest at a view of elections to the European Parliament from Russia — their influence on the relations of our country with the EU. This problem wasn't submitted for elections as a single question. But during discussion of the international affairs it was necessary to mention the Russian plots. At the same time sharply critical list concerning Russia was obvious. It, as a matter of fact, corresponds to the official line of the EU. Country nuances are in general leveled at the integration level here. And not on the smallest common denominator, and it is rather on the contrary — with the disciplining effect of the General foreign policy and security policy. Political heavyweights, as it was earlier, the interests which are able to protect, but without opposing the line to a course of integration association, and trying to obtain his adjustment. So happened to a question about "Nord Stream — 2". However, more such examples are practically not present, perhaps, due to the lack of projects, commensurable on scale. To bring relationship of Russia with EU countries out of a clinch in which they are already five years, probably, more simply at the bilateral level. The reason is clear: in such format purely pragmatical motives as at different participants of the EU they aren't identical can work. Whereas in relationship with integration community in general it is more difficult to come for tacit recognition of a formula business as usual. In him just the European Parliament most takes an uncompromising stand. With him — because of the specifics of his status and the nature of activity (openness, publicity, politicization, pointedness on mass media) — it is much more difficult to agree about compromises, "exchanges", mutually acceptable defaults, etc. Not accidentally the sharpest demarches addressed to Russia proceed from European Parliament. It in 2014 made the recommendation to refuse construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, then urged "to reconsider critically" the relations of the EU with Russia not to consider her the strategic partner any more, to stop construction "Nord Stream — 2", to revise the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. Elections to EP will hardly change this confrontational mood of parliamentary assembly. [11,123] You shouldn't count also on changes in connection with emergence in her far right though with some of them at certain representatives of our establishment the relations of nearly mutual sympathy were established. It is possible that even if in any given countries at the level of the government and elite moods in favor of less confrontational and more cooperative line on the Russian direction will begin to grow ripe, the European Parliament will be in this plan rather a deterrent. However, and without it there are hardly bases to be adjusted on a possibility of fast changes in the relations with the EU. Restoration of these relations will be process long and hard. We will understand already soon what contribution to him — with a plus or minus — last elections to EP will bring. 1.2 Place of the European Parliament in the system of bodies of the European community The European Parliament shouldn't be confused as it quite often happens, with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe which celebrated the 40 anniversary in 1989 — the first all-European advisory political organizational which nowadays includes 25 states of Western Europe, both members of NATO, and the neutral countries as members of "Common market" (actually European communities), and other Western European countries. Among bodies of the Council of Europe his Parliamentary assembly consisting of 177 deputies and 177 deputies deputies who are representatives of national parliaments at the all-European forum stands out. As for the European Parliament, it is representative body of the European community, created the Roman contract of 1957 (sometimes in addition called in the old manner "Common market"). All deputies of the European Parliament are elected since 1979 by a direct votes in the countries of the European community (about the procedure of elections it will be told below). Along with the European parliament in the European community also other bodies work. [5,36] It is first of all really defining activity of the Community Council which representatives of states-participating at the level of the member of the government, usually ministers of any given industry, the Commission of the European communities consisting of 17 members appointed by government enter. These are two supreme executive bodies of Community which main activities it is formulated by the meetings of heads of government and the governments of the European community which are taking place twice a year whose meetings and form the European Council (him and confuse with the Council of Europe). Besides these bodies exist also: Court of Community — the body providing interpretation of the right of Community and resolving the disputes connected with application of this right; besides, there are some advisory bodies. Uniform representative body of Community is the European Parliament (till 1962 — Assembly). His competence is defined by agreements of Community, the Uniform European act of 1986, and points of order are regulated by Regulations. It is possible to allocate three main spheres of competence of European parliament: budgetary competences (approval of the budget of Community); control of activity of bodies of Community and first of all Commission; participation in law-making activity of community, At once is evident that in this transfer is absent that the national of parliaments — lawmaking makes the main field of activity. And it not accidentally because the European Parliament has no independently legislative powers, it only participates in development of the fact that it is called "European law" as conditionally call norms by which community is guided in the activity. Moreover, not all standards of "European law" are accepted with his participation. " European law" is formed on the one hand by a set of norms (rules) which are contained in the contracts which founded community, and with another — the norms published by bodies of Community in the course of their activity. Respectively to distinguish primary and secondary right of Community. The primary right is made first of all by the Contract on creation of European association of coal and steel of April 18, 1951 and contracts on creation of the European economic community and European Atomic Energy Community of March 25, 1957. These three international treaties and also the Uniform European act of 1986 and contracts on entry into Community of new member states form what it is punished by the constitutional charter of Community. The extreme importance of primary right is that it created Community and its institutes and defined their competence. In practice primary right includes not only specified contracts (more precisely, the norms which are contained in them), but also norms which interpret their sense are higher. The greatest number of interpretation of contracts contains in the judgments of European of community. Norms of primary right are subject to strict and full application in all states-chleknakh. The parliament as it is visible from process of formation of primary "euroright", doesn't participate in this process. The secondary (derivative) right on the volume in it is a lot of time exceeds the volume of the right primary. It is formed by the norms accepted by bodies of Community in the form of regulations, directives and decisions. The parliament takes part in this rule-making activity. It gives the conclusions on the projects prepared by the Commission and after Council approves the project, it is submitted for consideration of European parliament which can make an absolute majority of voices of the members amendments to him or reject it. If the text is rejected by parliament, Council can to make the decision in the second reading only unanimously. If amendments were made to him, the Commission to consider them again and transfers the new text and also amendments of parliament which she didn't adopt to Council. Council accepts the offer of the Commission, and the decision has to be confirmed the qualified majority of voice. The amendments of parliament which aren't adopted by the Commission, has to be accepted unanimously. [4,52] The parliament can adopt acts which belong to so-called "optional acts". Their contents is very various. They sometimes concern problems purely political and don't establish any rights and duty. The resolutions adopted by European parliament on various problems are that, for example: Afghanistan, Ulster, rights of citizens, etc. Also programs, for example, the annual program of legislative activity of the Commission and the parliament of Community adopted by them after mutual consultations belong to optional acts. From told it is visible that in the rule-making sphere the part reminding a option of the American system of "controls and counterbalances" is assigned to the European Parliament. independently "legislative" functions of parliament are for the present quite modest. At the same time undoubtedly the political role of European Parliament as body without which participation important decisions aren't made increases. As a result of reform Amsterdam 1997 and Nice 2001, the parliament began to play a large role in political spheres of Europe. In some important areas, such as, the all-European Agricultural policy, or collaboration of police and judicial authorities, European Parliament still has no full powers. Nevertheless, together with the European Council, it takes a strong position in the legislation. On September 10, 1952 the meeting of Assembly of European association of coal and steel in which the countries- participating represented 78 members took place. The Roman contract of 1957 to establish that the general for three associations Assembly (European parliament) "carries out discussion and control authority", at the same time specified that she consists from "representatives of the people of member states, united in Community". Though the Roman contract in principle provided that the parliament has to be elected on the basis of "direct universal suffrage on uniform for all member states to a procedure ", till 1979 the formation of the European Parliament productions according to situation, saying that the Assembly is formed of "delegates who are appointed by the relevant parliaments from among their members and it agrees to the procedure established by each state ". The first Assembly, gathered on the first meeting was quite so formed on March 19, 1958. Such order had to remain to the edition bodies communities of the act establishing a uniform selective system. In May, 1960. The assembly approved the first project of the convertible providing direct elections to the supreme presented body of Community. However before realization it the project there passed more than 15 years. In September, 1976. Council at last adopted the Act "About an elections of the European parliamentary assembly a general pryakmy election". He determined only a small number to govern, having given the rest to the discretion of member states. In Article 1 of the Act it was noted that the population of the states united in Community elects the representatives to the European Parliament by a direct general election. The act determined also number of the representatives elected from each state. It was defined taking into account, though approximate, population of each country. The greatest number of deputies — 81 is elected from Germany (61 million inhabitants), France (56 million), Italy (57 million) and Great Britain (55 million), Spain chooses (39 million) 60 deputy, the Netherlands (14.7 million) — 25 deputies, Belgium (9.9 million), Greece (10 million), Portugal (9.8 million) — on 24 deputy, Denmark (5.2 million) — 16 deputies, Ireland (3.5 million) — 15 deputies and Luxembourg (372 thousand) — 6 deputies. Thus, all 518 deputies, that is in averages one deputy from about 622 thousand inhabitants are elected. But it only on average. In Luxembourg one deputy is elected from 62 thousand inhabitants, and in Germany — from 755 thousand. Inequality in favor of the small countries theoretically is considered as a way of ensuring the rights of the people in the conditions of political and economic hegemony of major powers. Deputies are elected to the European Parliament for a period of five years. They have no right to follow any instructions. The imperative mandate is forbidden. [3,21] According to Article 6 of the Act, activity of the member of the European Parliament is recognized as incompatible with activity of the member of the government of the member state. This list of incompatibility could be added with each member state. At the same time the double mandate, that is combination of the mandate of the deputy of national parliament and the deputy of the European Parliament is allowed. The incompatibility is extended also to a number of officials of Community. The act stipulated also that nobody can vote on elections more than once and also that vote has to happen in all member states Thursday through Sunday of the same week. The most important situation contained in Article 7 of the Act in which it was specified that before acceptance by Community of the norms installing an electoral system, uniform for all countries, and the procedure, elections in each country have to productions according to the electoral laws adopted in her therefore follows in the principle to speak not about an electoral right of Community, and about an electoral right of the certain states at elections of deputies of the European Parliament. This national legal system has much in common. An electoral system in all member states — proportional. The exception is made by Great Britain in which it is universal, except for Northern Ireland, the majority system remains. An essential obstacle in creation of the uniform electoral law of Community was the position of Great Britain which doesn't agree to introduction of a proportional system when choosing the European Parliament, being afraid that it could promote introduction of a proportional system and when electing the House of Commons. It is known that division of the country into constituencies can have certain impact on results of elections on a proportional system. In six countries — in Denmark, Greece, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Luxembourg the uniform constituency is created. In other countries where elections are carried out on a proportional system, it is formed on some constituencies, and, as a rule, borders of districts are defined by administrative-territorial division. The problem of districts in Belgium as in this country the problem of the national relations between Flemings and Walloons is particularly acute is peculiar solved. By the law of 1984 it is established that from 24 deputies of the European Parliament of II elected in the country are chosen from the Walloon region (official French) and 13 — from the Flemish region (official language Flemish). At the same time in the country three electoral boards for the French-German population, the Flemish population and the population of Brussels which is considered speaking both languages are created. Counting of votes is carried out on regions, and each voter of Brussels independently defines to what linguistic region his voice has to be carried. It is interesting to note that an active electoral right is granted in the II countries to the citizens who reached 18-year age and only in one country, namely in Greece — to the citizens who reached 20 years. As a rule, not only citizens of this country, but also citizens of other countries of Community living in it being at the time of elections in the territory of this country have an active electoral right. In Belgium, however, citizens of other member states can vote only if they constantly live in Belgium, and can't exercise the right to vote in the countries of their origin. The Belgians living abroad can vote by mail, the right to vote can be transferred also by proxy. Inhabitants of the Faroe Islands don't participate in Denmark in elections of deputies of the European Parliament. The Greek citizens living in other member states of Community can vote in the Greek consulates if they constantly live in the countries which aren't entering into Community for participation in vote they have to return to Greece. At the same time the Spanish citizens living abroad can vote in consulates both in the Community countries, and out of them. Members of the House of Lords of Great Britain don't participate in elections to the House of Commons, but they can participate in elections of the European Parliament. Passive electoral right also doesn't differ in uniformity. In five countries (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg and Great Britain) the right to be elected belongs to the citizens who reached 21 years. In four countries (Denmark, Germany, Spain and Portugal) the lowest limit is set in 18 years. In France elected the person can be not younger than 23 years, and in Italy and the Netherlands — 25 years aren't younger. [8,96] In a number of the countries, measures against promotion of the candidate by the parties and persons which don't have for this purpose serious reasons are taken. In Germany the list of candidates which collected less than 5% of votes isn't taken into account at distribution of mandates. In France at submission of the list of candidates the bail of 100 thousand francs which doesn't return if the list on elections doesn't collect at least 5% of votes is posted. In Ireland at promotion of each candidate the bail of 1 thousand Irish pounds is posted. It returns if the candidate collects not less than one third of the votes necessary for election of deputies. In the Netherlands the bail of 18 thousand guldens is posted only when the party isn't represented in the second chamber of parliament. At last, in Great Britain at nomination of candidate the bail in the sum of 1 thousand pounds which doesn't return if the candidate didn't receive the one eighth part of the given votes is posted. Many of the specified restrictions are very effective. During the last general election in the European Parliament in June, 1989 in France from 15 the public-national of lists nine couldn't step over a 5 percent boundary. Elections to the European Parliament attract smaller interest of the population in comparison with elections to national parliaments. Percent of the voters participating in elections to European Parliament below, than on national elections. If in 1984 63% of all voters, then in June, 1989 — only 58.4% participated in elections to the European Parliament. In the certain countries the activity of voters was even lower. In June, 1989 in France less than 49.4% took part in vote, and in the Netherlands and that it is less — 47.2% of voters. Though powers of the European Parliament not so are considerable, political figures of the countries entering into Community aren't indifferent to results of elections as to an indicator of influence of political parties in the country and also approval or disapproval by the population of the policy pursued by the government concerning "Common market". 2. VOTER TURNOUT IN EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS 2.1 Voter deficit in European Parliament elections Elections to European Parliament - at all not that event which draws to itself special attention of citizens of EU Member States. Only 43 percent from 445 million voters from these states participated in the previous elections of eurodeput in 2014. According to the experts, this time - vote will take place at the end of May - the appearance will be hardly much higher. At the same time it almost continuously decreased since 1979 when there took place the first direct elections to the European Parliament. Then the appearance made record 62 percent. Propaganda on elections to European Parliament: everyone for To mobilize voters a subject of Europe it is obviously problematic. The fact is that the uniform election campaign in 28 EU member states and also the uniform parties participating in it is practically absent. In each of these 28 countries everyone fights for himself because vote takes place by the national legal system everywhere. [11,17] The candidate for a post of the head of European Commission of the European conservatives, the representative of the Bavarian CSU Manfred Weber, choose only in Germany because only there the citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany Weber can stand for European Parliament. At the same time the name of Manfred Weber tells something to only a quarter of the German voters. Hundreds of the parties only partially integrated within eight different fractions of European Parliament battle for deputy mandates now. Uniform party posters, pre-election slogans and commercials on TV as it takes place on elections to national parliaments, in this case are practically absent. On May 15 there will pass the only televised debates of the leading party candidates in Europe organized by public broadcasting TV companies of EU countries. But even this discussion will be sent live not everywhere. The new structure of European Parliament should approve the candidacy of the following head of European Commission who is formally appointed by the EU Council where heads of state and government of all European Union countries enter. From last elections of fraction nominate the applicants for this major post. The candidate of the conservatives united in the European People's Party (EPP), above-mentioned Manfred Weber is. To receive a majority of votes of eurodeputies, it will need the wide coalition of the EPP with social democrats, liberals and, perhaps, also with "green". What is represented quite problematic. The candidate of the second largest fraction, the Party of European Socialists (PES), the representative of the Netherlands Frans Timmermans has less chances, than at Weber as support at the parties of social democratic orientation making fraction is reduced in many EU countries. Therefore it is at the moment more probable that heads of state and government of the countries entering the European Union will offer the candidate (for the first time the woman can become him) on a post of the head of European Commission. Many leading European politicians call the current elections to European Parliament fatal. For example, the president of France Emmanuel Macron who in March before the election campaign appealed fundamentally to reform the EU, faced the mass of serious calls. At other edge of a political range the liberal Macron is opposed by the right populists whose ranks on these European elections much more solid and more widely, than on previous. Under the leadership of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Italy Matteo Salvini the alliance of the right populists of Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary and France is formed of pravopulistsky "League". According to the experts, he can receive about 20 percent of seats in European Parliament, having collected votes of the right views and also Europeans dissatisfied with the situation. The right populists are advised by the famous specialist in the strategy of election campaigns Stephen Bannon who in 2016 helped Donald Trump to become an U.S. President. Still last summer Bannon said that traditional political parties of Europe lack inspiration, power and support of youth successfully to make a speech at the current elections. Bannon and Salvini want to change the EU too - considerably and from within. During the election campaigns in 28 EU Member States following the results of which the European Parliament will be created in most cases it is about absolutely various subjects. In other words, the national agenda dominates everywhere. Germany, for example, discusses a tax on emissions of CO2, so-called upload-filter (check of content before loading in the Internet on copyright compliance) and the future of ruling coalition. In Hungary argue on how it is possible to be protected from migrants and to support value of Christian bases of European civilization at the high level. In Italy these elections are check of that, "League" at the national level is how strong. What will allow to argue on when Salvini can initiate a break-up of the coalition with the left populist "Movement of 5 stars" that then most to head the government. [21,76] In Belgium nobody speaks about Europe because on the same day here choose also national parliament. In turn in Slovakia the European elections, it seems, really interest nobody. Only 13 percent of the Slovaks having the right to vote took part in previous. And in Great Britain the elections to European Parliament which were wanted here by nobody become a peculiar second referendum on "Brexit". The list of the countries and national peculiarities of a campaign can be continued. And what really interests citizens of EU countries. The European Parliament watches their moods, studying them during the regular polls Eurobarometer. The economy, unemployment among youth, migration and climate change - these subjects are called Europeans among the most important. According to survey conducted in February, 2019, most of the population in all states of the EU - except for Great Britain, Italy and the Czech Republic - wants these countries to remain in the European Union. On average 61 percent of respondents consider that membership in the European Union - plus for their countries. At the same time only 20 percent of respondents believe that they, participating in elections to European Parliament, can change something. Brussels and Strasbourg, probably, too far. The voter turnout on elections to European Parliament (EP) steadily decreases since the end of the 1970th years, data of assembly demonstrate. EP is the only electoral institute of the EU. The next elections of europarliamentarians will take place in EU Member States from May 23 to May 26. Citizens of the united Europe should elect 705 members of EP, without deputy mandates of Great Britain leaving the structure of community. According to data of EP which were analyzed by the correspondent of RIA Novosti if on the first elections to the European assembly which were held in 1979 the rate of activity of voters then in 9 member countries of the united Europe was 61.9%, then in 1989 when the number of the states already grew to 12, the appearance decreased to 58.98%. It continued to be reduced on elections to EP in 1999 at 15 members of the European Union (49.51%), and in 2004 in a format of 25 states of community (45.47%) and also in 2007 when the EU extended up to 27 participants (42.97%). On the last elections of europarliamentarians in 2014 the indicator of activity of voters already in 28 EU countries decreased again - to 42.61%. From the states of community the participation in elections is obligatory only in Belgium, Greece and Luxembourg. Following the results of elections to EP in 2014 on degree of indifference of voters Slovakia where to ballot boxes only 13.05% of the Slovaks having the right to vote came got a palm. Except for Romania, Bulgaria and Estonia, the voter turnout on elections of eurodeputies in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe was lower than 30%. Thus, it is possible to note that various stages of expansion of the EU in total led to decrease in an indicator of activity on the European elections. In 2014 the voter turnout exceeded 50% only in 7 of 28 countries of community. In France and Germany she made 42.43% and 48.10% respectively. The highest rate of participation of citizens of EU countries where vote isn't obligatory, was registered on Malta – 75%. Surveys conducted in EU countries show that among Europeans there is a level of credibility to community and its institutes considerably decreased. At the same time sharply the activity of the political forces acting from nationalist and anti-globalization positions amplified. The elections to European Parliament (EP) which took place on May 23-26 distinctly showed change of balance of forces in the European Union for the last five years. As TASS reports, on elections the unprecedented growth of a voter turnout was noted, and the leading centrist parties which defined decades policy of the EU lost the majority in European Parliament. Elections also showed growth of popularity of radicals - both eurosceptics, and euroenthusiasts. [26,87] By preliminary results, the largest supranational political association of the EU - the Christian Democrat European People's Party (EPP), as well as the second largest union of parties of socialist orientation "Progressive alliance of socialists and democrats" (PASD) though kept the first and second places on number of mandates, but for the first time for quarter of the century lost the total majority of chairs in parliament which is necessary to submit for approval to the EU summit the candidate for the new head of European Commission. In total in European Parliament 751 places. For the majority it is necessary to have 376 mandates which always earlier had in the sum the European People's Party and "Progressive alliance of socialists and democrats" (PASD). However this time the EPP received 179 mandates, having lost 38 in comparison with last elections of 2014. And PASD got 152 places - 34 less, than in parliament of last convocation. The official announcement of merging of "Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe" (ALDE) and movement of the president of France Emmanuel Macron "The republic on a march" became one of surprises of the current elections. Thanks to this decision they received 105 places while the ALDE in 2014 had only 68 mandates. With this result the liberals in the union with Macron's party came to the third place following the results of the current elections. This block can be considered a radical pro-European wing of European Parliament, his leader the ex-prime minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt supports the maximum deepening of integration of the European Union, up to his transformation into a confederative. Verhofstadt already regarded result of the ALDE as a victory. As showed results of elections, growth of popularity of eurosceptics and nationalists continues in the majority of the European Union countries. "The European alliance of the people and nations" (former party "Europe of the Nations and Freedoms") most of which of members represent the French party National Association (former National Front) of Marine Le Pen and also "Europe for Freedom and Democracy" party was received together by 111 mandates - in comparison with 78 mandates which they had in European Parliament of last convocation. At the same time it is noted that leaders of eurosceptics and nationalists from different EU countries should cross through the disagreements with "colleagues" from other states and to try to create perhaps more representative coalition of eurosceptics. The strong result was shown by Green / European Free Alliance party which before elections polls predicted only the sixth place, and it occupied the fourth with 69 mandates (52 in the previous structure of EP). She with 60 places is followed by fraction of moderate conservatives - "The European conservatives and reformists" which ranked third in former EP. Many observers consider that this fraction lost popularity as for pro-European voters it was too radical, and for eurosceptics - is too moderate. The last place in the list is taken by the "European United Left / Nordic Green Left" group with 38 mandates. It lost eight places in comparison with 2014. Voters showed surge in activity unknown in recent years The voting turnout in European Parliament grew for the first time from the moment of introduction of a direct vote in 1979 and made, according to preliminary data, 50.5%. Leaders of all parties and candidates for a post of the head of European Commission, commenting on results of elections, first of all thanked Europeans for sudden surge in activity. "I congratulate all of us. We didn't see such result within decades", - the candidate for a post of the head of EC Margrethe Vestager told. On the first elections to EP in 1979 the appearance made 61.99%, however further steadily decreased that visually illustrated recession of interest of Europeans in the European project. On elections in 1999 the appearance fell below psychologically important mark of 50%, having made 49.51%, and till today continued to fall, having reached the minimum in 42.61% on last elections in 2014. According to the European experts and media, the trend of recession of an appearance in the current year managed to be broken including due to fast politicization of society against the background of growth of protest moods which developed, in particular, into the movement of "yellow vests", anti-immigration performances and numerous demonstrations in the European cities under the slogans of activization of fight against climate change. Thus, Europeans became much more politically active and more radical in the views - both pro-European, and anti-European. [29,36] Who will become the head of European Commission The situation with appointment of the new head of European Commission following the results of the current vote seems ambiguous now. Right after elections - on May 28 - heads of state and government of the European Union will hold the informal EU summit for discussion of their results, however approval of the new head of European Commission has to happen at the June summit of community. It was initially supposed that the post of the head of European Commission is almost guaranteed to the candidate of the EPP Manfred Weber, also as in 2014 other protege of this party got him - to Jean-Claude Juncker. However after loss of nearly 20% of seats in European Parliament of the EPP hardly has the moral right to continue to propose the candidates for a post of the head of European Commission. It is noted that the EPP should create the eurofilsky coalition with socialists and liberals to resist to eurosceptics. As for candidates for a post of the head of European Commission, the candidate of liberals Dane Margrethe Vestager who can be helped by considerable political success of her merging of the ALDE and also the reputation earned by her on a post of the European Commissioner for the competition becomes the leader of this race. So, she became the initiator of multi-billion penalties against the key American companies, in particular IT giant Microsoft, Apple, Google. In the conditions of the amplifying disagreements between the EU and the USA and the trade war continuing between them such popularity gives it an aura of the defender of the European economic interests which will be able to conduct European Commission within the next five years. To European Parliament there went the fired mayor Righi Ushakov and disgraced Puigdemont Among other countries Great Britain took part in elections to European Parliament. As The Guardian reports, following the results of elections the party of supporters of Brexit which is led by the former party leader of independence Nigel Farage is in the lead. The Brexit party got support of 33.3% of the British who took part in elections and receives 28 of 73 seats in European Parliament. The pro-European party of the liberal democrats collected 20.9% of votes and will receive 15 places, labourists have 10 places and 15% of voices. On the fourth the place there was a Green Party from 11% of voices and seven places, on the fifth - the Conservative party led by Theresa May about less than 9% of voices and three places. In Bulgaria the "Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria" party (COAT OF ARMS) ruling in the country wins the coalition with Union of Democratic Forces right-wing party. As the Central Election Commission to which data TASS, party which is led by the prime minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov refers reports received 30.76% of votes, and her main rival - the Bulgarian Socialist Party - was supported by 25.32%. In Latvia in the European Parliament there passed representatives of two Russian-speaking political forces of Latvia at once - Social Democratic Party "Consent" and Russian Union of Latvia parties. First place following the results of elections was won by the New Unity party heading the present government of Latvia which was supported by 26.24% of voters. The second place from 17.45% of votes received "Consent". The leader of this political force - Neil Ushakov discharged of a position of the mayor Righi - stood the first number from the list of "Consent" on elections to European Parliament. According to the Central Electoral Commission, New Unity, "Consent" and the national block receive two deputy mandates in European Parliament, "For development / For!" and Russian Union of Latvia - on one. Besides Ushakov, his ex-deputy, the former vice-mayor Righi Andris Amerix is elected to European Parliament, RIA Novosti reports. In Estonia the elections to European Parliament were won by the opposition liberal Reform party which collected 26.2% of votes and received two of six mandates in European Parliament. [31,74] Also the former head of the government of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont and his former deputy of Puigdemont Oriol Zhunkeras who is in the Spanish prison became European Parliament deputies. As it is noted, Catalan politicians received two places from 54 which Spain in European Parliament has. In Spain the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (SSWP) which received 6 additional deputy mandates is in the lead. In France first place in elections was won by National Association party of Marine Le Pen with result 23.31% of voices, he is followed by ruling party "Republic on a march" from 22.41%. Europe Ecology ranked third Left-wing radical ""Green" (EELV), from 13.47%. "Republicans" who gained 8.48% got the fourth place, Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party "Not obeyed France" took the fifth place from 6.31%, the Socialist party got the sixth place, she received 6.19%. Italy was won by the Liga party entering into ruling coalition of Italy which collected 34.3% of votes. Thus the party of the Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini became the most popular in the country and considerably strengthened the positions in the European legislature. In last convocation of EP Liga had five places, in present parties have to depart almost six times more. In total Italy at the first stage will be represented by 73 eurodeputies, and after completion of process of an exit of Great Britain of the EU the republic will get three more places. The leader of Liga - the Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini famous for the critical relation to the present structure of governing bodies of the EU, already expressed the intention to cooperate closely in future EP with French National Association Marine Le Pen, the prime minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán whose party "FIDESZ-Hungarian Civic Alliance" is also in the lead on elections, and Brexit party in Great Britain. Earlier Salvini repeatedly supported revision of a number of the European agreements and also repeatedly supported cancellation of the anti-Russian sanctions and strengthening of the relations with the Russian Federation. Austria was won by the conservative Austrian People's Party (APP) of the chancellor Sebastian Kurz from 35.4% of voices. The Social Democratic Party of Austria (SDPA) from 23.6% of voices, the third - the right Freedom Party of Austria (FPA) from 18.1% of voices ranks second. Germany won against the block of the Christian Democrat and Christian and social unions (CDU/CSU) which collected about 28.2% of votes, but I lost 7% in comparison with 2014. The chairman of CDU Annegret Crump-Karrenbauer recognized that the result doesn't meet expectations of the German conservatives, however noticed that they carried out a task to win. "The result doesn't meet own expectations of CDU as people's party", - the leader of CDU told. According to her, in working hours of the government of Germany there is no that dynamics which citizens of the country expect. Judging by preliminary results, eurosceptics and far right will control in new parliament of at least 115 places from 751, reports the Politico Europe edition. In France the National Association party of Marine Le Pen came the first, having received 23.3% of votes — is 0.9% more, than the coalition of centrist parties which kernel was a movement of the president Emmanuel Macron "Forward, the Republic!". The first eurosceptics appeared also in Italy where Matteo Salvini's Liga entering into ruling coalition received 34.3% of votes. She was ahead of the main competitor by 10% — left-centrist Democratic party. In Great Britain the Brexit Party of Nigel Faraj was the most popular, she was supported by 31.7% of voters. Despite a sure performance, far right remain separated and will hardly be able to create the coalition in parliament, capable to set the tone, Politico Europe notes. It is necessary for formation of fraction that its number was at least 25 deputies and representatives of seven countries entered her. The most numerous fraction far right in new parliament — alliance led by Salvini where National Association will also enter — will be able to control about 75 places, follows from calculations of Politico Europe. It will make her the fourth largest, third there will be a pro-European party "Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe" which will control 109 mandates — 40 more, than following the results of 2014. However, Salvini said that he already held negotiations with Le Pen and Faraj and expects that their coalition will receive from 100 to 150 mandates. However it is all the same it is less, than the cumulative number of the representatives of parties supporting closer integration into the EU. [32,17] Following the results of elections for the first time since 1979 in parliament two traditional parties — the European People's Party and "Alliance of socialists and democrats" lost the cumulative majority. According to preliminary data, they will receive 329 deputy mandates. Five years ago they won 412 places. It means that in the future at distribution of posts in European Commission and in legislative work they should conduct negotiations with other parties, first of all with liberals. The statement of the new president of the European Commission who will replace Jean-Claude Juncker will pass in the fall. In general pro-European parties, including traditional alliances, liberals and "green", kept leadership, analysts note. "The pro-European majority following the results of the European elections of 2019 remains strong. Fight of pro-European and euroskeptical forces ended with a victory of pro-European forces" — the adviser to the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini Natali Tochchi wrote to Twitter. Results of elections to European Parliament were unsuccessful for the coalition ruling in the country into which the right-centrist block of the Christian Democrat and Christian and social unions (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDPG) enter. CDU/CSU, according to preliminary data, received 28.9% of votes — 7% less, than in 2014. The performance of social democrats was even more failure — 15.8% of voters voted for them that is 11.5% less, than on last elections. But the result was improved by the "green", received 20.5% of votes, is twice more in comparison with a performance five years ago. The failure of the parties entering into the coalition can lead to appeals to dismiss it and to hold new elections. Representatives of the social democrats who are afraid that their voters pass into a camp of "green" will probably insist on such scenario, Deutsche Welle writes. Earlier the German chancellor Angela Merkel said that she won't begin to propose the candidature on new elections therefore extraordinary vote can accelerate her leaving policy. Party of the president Macron "Forward, Republic!" I ranked second, having received 22.41% of votes and having conceded the second time in a row to "National association" Le Pen. Traditional parties — left-centrist Party of socialists and right-centrist "Republicans" — received only 6 and 8.5% respectively. The leader far right Marine Le Pen called these results a victory of the people and the evidence of inaccuracy of a course of Macron and called for dissolution of parliament. However experts consider that results of elections won't influence domestic policy of the republic. "Macron could minimize the scale of the defeat therefore I don't expect serious changes" — the expert of the International institute of strategic researches Francois Heysbour wrote to Twitter. "The moderate performance of Macron won't lead to considerable weakening of his positions on the internal arena, considering a failure of socialists and republicans. It will continue to remain a powerful figure in Europe unless results of elections to European Parliament will lower desire of some leaders to support his ambitions on reforms of the EU" — the head of the Center of the European reforms Charles Grant considers. The Brexit Party which won Britain was created in November, 2018, she urges to leave the European Union as soon as possible. But about 35% of voters supported for the parties supporting cancellation of Brexit — the Liberal - democratic party, Green party and Change UK. Ruling Conservative party, whose management supports Brexit, but only on the terms of the contract which is previously agreed with the EU, received 8.7%. Labourists who allow holding the second referendum on membership in the EU if they don't manage to realize softer Brexit, than offer conservatives, received 14%. Results of conservatives and labourists — the lowest elections to European Parliament for 40 years. It shows that in Britain still there is no consent what to do with Brexit — the kingdom is still divided, the expert of analytical center Open Europe Henry Newman notes. Results of the European elections won't influence domestic policy in Britain unless labourists will begin to support more actively the idea of the second referendum to interfere with strengthening of the liberal democrats, Grant agrees. [24,17] The British delegation in the European Parliament has 73 places. After Brexit 46 of these mandates will be abolished, and the number of parliament will be reduced to 705 places. Subsequently these can occupy 46 chairs deputies from the countries which will join the EU in the future. 27 will be distributed between the countries which have not enough representatives. For example, France and Spain will receive five extra seats, Italy and the Netherlands — on three, Ireland — two, Poland, Estonia, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland — on one. "League" headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs Salvini will receive up to 28 seats in European Parliament — is twice more than her partners in ruling coalition from the populist "Movement "of 5 stars". On the second place Democratic party with 18 places. Salvini promised that the result of elections won't provoke a cabinet crisis, however strengthening of disputes in ruling coalition is inevitable as Salvini uses the received mandate on carrying out the priority offers within the country, among which — granting autonomy to the developed northern territories and introduction of the uniform flat income tax schedule (15%) that can increase the budget deficit of Italy more, than the norm of 3% provided by the EU, The Guardian writes. The first thing that is striking when evaluating the results of the May 2019 elections is the atypical high electoral activity of Europeans for this event. If in 2014 only 43.1% of those who had the right to vote came to the polling stations, and in 2004 and 2009. turnout was at the same level, then according to the results of the current elections a figure of 50.94% was indicated. 2.2 Prospects for increasing voter turnout in the European Parliament To estimate this low-predictable surge in the electoral activity by the European political scientists differing as we will see, both over the countries, and on certain European regions, it is possible only considering that for the last five years Europe and the world were influenced by series of earlier various events which weren't taking place. Here and a large-scale outcome on the European continent of flows of refugees from the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and sharp shift of the American administration when D. Trump passed to confrontational methods of dialogue with Europeans. Citizens of the EU weren't indifferent also to events in Ukraine which changed a disposition of the European Union concerning Russia accused of the actions which aren't meeting rules of international law. Far from an ideal was a situation in the European Union which was obviously not ready neither to Brexit, nor to an internal revolt of the East European members of the Union who didn't agree with the immigration quotas developed for them by the Bruxelles bureaucracy recently. The last, in turn, sharply reacted to some features of internal life of Poland and Hungary. Europeans were concerned, certainly, also by unemployment problems, first of all in the South European regions, and disagreements of earlier defined EU of budget deficit with realities of a number of EU Member States, both power problems, and issues of climate change. Quite naturally, also the increased terrorist threat, and rise in crime, universal corruption scandals couldn't remain unaddressed. [39,85] All this required immediate solutions both on national, and at the all-European level. Here the European Parliament which had to give a signal to national political elite had to tell the word. It is quite natural that figures of selective activity over the certain countries didn't coincide with result in 50.94% as temperature on "the European hospital". If in Belgium and Luxembourg where participation in elections is not the right, but a duty of citizens, it was expressed in indicators of 88.4% and 84.1%, then in the majority of countries of Eastern Europe it was traditionally low: Slovakia — 22.7%, Slovenia — 28.3%, the Czech Republic — 28.7%, Croatia 29.6%. Hardly broke a thirty-percentage barrier Bulgaria — 30.8%, Lithuania — 33.6%, Estonia — 37.6%. From the Western European states among lagging behind there was Portugal — 31.4%. The following, forty-percentage barrier, overcame Finland — 40.7%, the Netherlands — 41.9%, Cyprus — 44.9%, Poland — 45.68%, Ireland — 49.3%. We will note that on elections to EP of 2004-2014 all above-stated countries also didn't shine with high turnout. The all-European conditional average result was exceeded by group of some sparsely populated European Union countries. Malta — 72.7% became the champion. From the Eastern Europeans first place on an appearance was won by Lithuania — 53%, lagged behind Romanians a little — 51%. However the main electoral contribution to the specified average figure was made by the large European states: Spain — 64.3%, Germany — 61.4%, Italy — 54.5%, France — 50.1%. Also the North European share in electoral "moneybox" of the EU is noticeable: Denmark — 66%, Sweden — 53.3%, the Austrians — 59.3% didn't pump up. Obviously Great Britain — 37% dropped out of the Western European trend that quite explainably absolute ambiguity of her further stay in the EU. High rates of the listed states especially impress against the background of results of five-year prescription. Then to ballot boxes less Spaniards, for 16% of Danes, for 13% of Germans, for 14% of the Austrians, for 6.5% of the French, for 4.5% of Swedes came to 19%. The explanation for sharp increase in electoral activity in general lies on a surface. Besides the all-European and world context always concerning politically active part of the population of these states, a role was played by a certain heat of internal political fight. Rough election campaigns of the last time stimulated a considerable part of the population to more active participation not only in national, but also in the all-European political life. Preceding the analysis of party and political country results, we will note one feature inherent in all elections to EP. On these elections the greatest activity is shown by the voter of the parties which are in the countries in opposition. Supporters of parties, it is temporary (or it is constant) discharged of imperious levers in the states, on euroelections have an additional opportunity to express the support to those who don't take direct responsibility for events and the phenomena of the negative plan interelective (in EP) the fifth anniversary. Therefore, as a rule, the representation of national opposition in European Parliament is much wider and more various, than in own states. Especially as in many countries the elections to EP are held according to more democratic procedure lowering a percentage barrier to election in the supreme body of legislature of the European Union. Confirmation that opposition parties speak at elections to EP stronger, than on national votes, were their current results. At the same time the trend of sharp strengthening of parties of any one ideological and political direction wasn't traced. If on the nationalist flank of Europe a victory in the countries M. Le Pen (France) and NFA (Belgium) celebrated the won first place in national offset "National association", then in the neighboring Netherlands temporarily stripped of power social democrats from the Labour Party became leaders. In Greece electorally bypassed all entering into the European People's Party "New democrats". Especially I impressed success of the British party of Brexit which in the conditions of bitter struggle around the future exit of the country from the EU could be ahead sharply of the main competitors from a camp of conservatives and labourists. We will note that Brexit became the all-around champion of elections to EP on number of the votes given for party H. of Faraj. Nevertheless, in the majority of EU Member States to the finish the parties which are in power came the first. Though their electoral resource in some cases considerably weakened, exactly the mighty of this world headed the list of winners in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Malta. Won against parties of prime ministers absolute majority of these countries. "League" surely came out only in Italy on top, having pushed aside the movement "Five Stars" heading the coalition with M. Salvini's party on the third position. Ligista collected almost twice more votes, than "pyatizvezdochnik".[21,247] And still ruling parties if to analyze the final results of elections, missed many former voters. So, the CDU-CSU bloc in comparison with euroelections of 2014 lost more than 6% of the electorate. Their partners in the coalition social democrats suffered still heavy losses — 11.5%. The real defeat was suffered on elections of 2019, in comparison with previous, by the British conservatives who lost 15.2% of voices for the past fifth anniversary. Losses were suffered also by ruling parties of the left sense. So, the Greek SYRIZA lost about 3% of voices for a present electoral cycle. A little positions of the Swedish social democrats and socialists of Portugal weakened. Trends of weakening of parties of national establishment are especially brightly traced in the analysis of an alignment of forces in new structure of EP. The percentage indicators transformed to deputy mandates demonstrate visible losses in the ranks of the European People's Party (EPP). Instead of the former 221 deputy today "populists" can count on 180. Belonging to this fraction of deputies from FIDESZ (13 people) is still not clear. In percentage terms V. Orban's party set the European record, having got support of 52% of electorate. At the moment Hungarian "populists" continue to be registered in the ranks of the EPP though until recently their membership was suspended. Losses of "Progressive Alliance of Social Democrats and Socialists" fraction aren't less impressive. Instead of the former 191 member of fraction they can have only 146 places. And this figure not final because following the results of Brexit Strasbourg where EP is located, will abandon 10 representatives of the British labourists. The European liberals (ALDE) who were closely cooperating with them in recent years can offset losses of two EP main fractions. Their representation in EP sharply increased — from 67 up to 109 deputies. However a half of beginners belong to makronovsky "Forward, France" at which disagreements with the EPP concerning distribution of seats in governing bodies of the European Union were already outlined. Also the destiny before the final decision of a problem of Brexit of 16 deputies from the British liberals isn't clear. To some extent weakening of the position of the second fraction in EP — social democrats — is compensated considerable (+19 places) by gain of deputy corps "Green". The last, most likely, strengthened the positions due to loss of a certain number of places in EP at ideological and political group of United Left close to them (minus 11 places). Some part "Green" could be received from leaving to them a small part of social democrats. However practice of votes in EP of the last legislature shows that "Green" categorically don't accept purely economic approach to many problems characteristic of the EPP. On the elections to European Parliament which were taking place from May 23 to May 26 the voters showed high turnout which, according to preliminary data, was 51%. It is 8% higher, than on elections of 2014, and the greatest indicator since 1994. In comparison with last elections the appearance grew in Germany by 12%, in France — for 8%, and in Great Britain — almost for 1.5%. As for the deputies elected in EP on category of "eurosceptics", the number of their ranks is also not clear. First, real Brexit will make unreal presence at EP of 29 deputies — N. Faraj's supporters. Secondly, organizationally in EP of last legislature the eurosceptics were scattered on three groups. NFA of Belgium, the Alternative for Germany, the Right and justice (Poland) and the Danish People's Party were found in "European Conservatives and Reformists" fraction. YuKIP which successor was "Brexit" as well as Swedish Democrats, entered in "Europe for freedom and democracy". In 2016 in EP the efforts M. Le Pen created "Europe of the nations and freedoms". Following the results of the current elections in her 56 deputies, and from M. Salvini's "League" of 28 people, and from party M. Le Pen — 22 are registered. For creation of parliamentary group they need to have representatives not less than from 7 countries entering the EU. The task is quite feasible, unlike personal contradictions of the brightest persons in a camp of eurosceptics. [38,25] In general today three fractions of eurosceptics total 171 deputies in the ranks. As their small reserve it is possible to call those who aren't included into any fractions (37 deputies). Simple arithmetic calculation shows that the opinion alternative to the EP pro-system fractions, a little more than 200 deputies can support. It, certainly, will create some problems when forming working bodies of new convocation of European Parliament. However any fatal conflicts in his activity of a maloozhidayema. Statistics of results of elections to EP of 2019 will hardly significantly affect nature of work of the supreme body of legislature of the European Union. In any case, arithmetic most of supporters of adjustment, but not changes of a position of EP on the main questions of foreign and domestic policy of the EU, maybe in the near future to define the nature of activity of the European Union. Ruling SYRIZA of the prime minister Alexis Tsipras lost to conservative "New democracy" of 10% of voices: "New democracy" was supported by 33.23% of voters, SYRIZA was supported by 23.76%. They will receive in European Parliament at least nine and seven places respectively. One place will be taken by Greek Decision party which is called pro-Russian (it supports rapprochement with Russia and China). Reacting to defeat of the party, Tsipras on Sunday evening declared that he won't wait for October for planned elections, and initiates early. Possible date — June 30. Strengthening of far right won't influence seriously dialogue with Russia, the chairman of presidium of Council for foreign and defensive policy Fedor Lukyanov noted in a conversation with RBC. The majority of places there will still be taken by traditional parties, he specified and the European Parliament doesn't play a significant role in the European institutes. Now, Lukyanov considers, the Russian subject became rather a means of internal political fight. He gave a situation with the right populist Austrian People's Party which management called for pragmatic approach in the relations with Russia as an example, but fell a victim of media scandal. Passing to parliament even of such figures as Silvio Berlusconi, won't have serious impact on the relations of the European Union with Russia, the associate professor of integration processes of MGIMO Alexander Tevdoy-Burmuli is sure. Even if the veteran of the Italian policy will remain in European Parliament and will work in one of committees, at most, what he will be able to influence, is a development of regulations and agenda, but decisions of committee will depend on a position of all his members, and there will be the same deal as in general in parliament, that is eurosceptics and supporters have changes of the relations with Moscow minority. Elections to the European Parliament allowed several famous politicians to receive mandates. The ex-prime minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi was elected the eurodeputy from his party "Forza Italia!". the 82-year-old politician said that he spent many forces for a campaign and intends to work in parliament. To European Parliament there went also the former Prime Minister of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont disappearing from the Spanish justice in Brussels. It isn't yet clear, whether he will be able to receive the deputy mandate. For the first time in European Parliament the former mayor of Riga Neil Ushakov was elected. He already said that he would like to work in parliamentary committee on regional development. However, small increase in number of eurosceptics threatens with nothing to European Parliament. Brussels concerns a question of Britain more. Because it didn't manage to settle internal disagreements and at last to leave the EU, the country should take part in vote. The enterprise it is close to senseless, at the end of October the kingdom officially has to leave the general European house — with the agreement or without. It turns out that the chairs of the British delegates won on elections in European Parliament will become empty. And there is a lot of places at Britain — 73 of 751: they are distributed according to the size of the population of the countries. Brussels already planned that the number of chairs after an exit of Britain will decrease up to 705, and a part of the British places will distribute between other countries. These plans, however, didn't include that London will receive the second delay of the Brexit. Now Europeans should solve this legislative riddle. And as similar precedents in the past weren't, the ready decision doesn't exist too. If strictly to obey the letter of the law, then the British delegates can refuse to leave the places after an exit of the country from the EU on the ground that vote guarantees them the five-year mandate. Then the European Union will find itself in a strange situation: his course on the near future will be defined by the country which formally has no relation to him. [36,75] British voters call the future elections "the most senseless in the history". The The Sun newspaper counted that they will cost taxpayers more than 100 million pounds sterling. Parties also are put in a difficult situation: as they will agitate for themselves if they have no clear ideas of in what they will be engaged in European Parliament. Best of all it is known by the revived "Party of the Brexit" of Nigel Faraj. It is going to bring Great Britain out of the EU at last. Everything is simple. Therefore she is also in the lead on polls. Why some the British still are going to go to polling precincts. They consider vote as the second referendum: either on the Brexit, or on trust to the prime minister Theresa May. If conservatives turn out a complete fiasco, it can force party leadership to displace unpopular May. In any case, rumors about her resignation go long ago, and her many subject kingdoms blame for the Brexit failure. Others hope that good result of labourists, speakers having forgiven to a rigid exit of the country from the EU, will push politicians to cancellation of the Brexit. According to the last research of the European Council on the international affairs (ESMD), 54% of Europeans aren't going to vote at all on elections because they "don't believe in politicians both on national, and on European levels". Only 24% of respondents declared the belief that they "both the European, and national system in general work well". "But from our research it is also clear that Europeans didn't become the victims of political polarization yet — the head of ESMD Mark Leonard claims. — Instead of being drawn towards extremes, the European electorate is confused, got stuck in a chaos whirlpool and therefore moves in all directions, drifts between right and left, between populists and a mainstream. In these conditions the traditional parties have a chance again to win voters, but they shouldn't represent themselves as supporters of maintaining the status quo at all. They have to be approved as courageous reformers, to present policy which will change life of ordinary people to the best". However these most ordinary people not especially hope for politicians. In France the protesters against social injustice "yellow vests" created the lists of candidates at the upcoming elections. The movement "Citizens' initiative" founded by "yellow vests" managed to find the sponsor acting through the singer Fransisa Lallana who agreed to offer 800 thousand euros for an election campaign. The informal leader of a campaign of "yellow vests" to Brussels is the nurse Ingrid Levavasser. However, she refused to head the list of the movement on elections. It would seem, considering huge popularity of the ideas of "yellow vests" in France, a considerable part of voices is provided to them. But their many adherents consider treachery that they in general got into policy. So so far polls give to Citizens initiative no more than 3% of voices though in March it was supported by 5.5% of the French. And for passing to European Parliament it is necessary to collect at least 5% of votes. Other group "yellow vests" — "Yellow and citizens" — concluded the strange alliance with the far-right party "Patriots" led by the former member of the National Front Florean of Philippot and filled up her electoral list. The European campaign can promote transformation of "yellow vests" into real political force or, in case of a failure, will hammer the last nail into a coffin of the fading protest movement. Against the background of the Brexit and growth of protest moods the European Union is put in quite strange situation: laws disperse from common sense more and more, and attempts to find common sense take away from old rules further and further. Results of the European elections became the next subject of disputes and charges of authorities in power of the PSOE of connivance to separatists. In Spain on most of the leaders of parties supporting independence of Catalonia and anyway connected with a referendum on October 1, 2017, the warrant for the arrest is issued, and some of them already are under examination. Nevertheless by results of euroelections the parties supporting independence managed to receive places in EP. However K. Puigdemont, O. Zhunkeras and Tony Komin need personal presence in Madrid for completion of necessary procedures, including for bringing of an oath on the constitution of the country and further receiving accreditation in European Parliament that will turn back for them immediate arrest or it is simply impossible in view of investigation. Antonio Tajani who was the chairman of EP prior to the beginning of July, 2019 when the moment of issue of mandates to representatives of the parties supporting independence of Catalonia came said that he doesn't want to interfere with national electoral process at all. [34,75] Taking into account opposition of the left and right camps and their differences in rigidity of decision-making on a Catalan question not to avoid further national disorders in Catalonia and polarization of opinions in the Spanish society. It in turn will help the growing populism from outside as the Catalan parties supporting independence and far right from Vaux. Nevertheless, at the moment Catalan parties haven't enough chances to achieve success in fight for independence in Spain. Him it is simply unprofitable to join neither left, nor the right camp as prevention of getting out of Catalonia of structure of Spain — one of the few points uniting a political range of General Cortes. Moreover, process of separation of Catalonia without amending the constitution is impossible: no legal procedure besides a national referendum will be considered as legitimate. Any of the leading parties isn't going to concede to Catalan politicians in a question of office of the region. The difference only in that, will be under construction how exactly dialogue with them — "groping stones legs" or with tough application of Article 155 of the constitution of Spain that, in our opinion, will only aggravate contradictions and will give картбланш to populist rhetoric in Catalonia. Returning to assessment of the current positions of the leading party, we will emphasize that following the results of "supervoskresenye" the Spanish socialists became the most numerous group in fraction of "Progressive alliance of socialists and democrats" that does the PSOE by the leading social democratic force in the EU. In the conditions of the increased fragmentation of European Parliament the decision-making at the supranational level in many respects will depend on that how successful will be cooperation between various fractions and their leaders. In this context E. Macron and P. Sanchez's meeting which took place on May 27 which was anyway connected with formation of a new course of interaction between socialists and liberalami9 is of great interest. The sources close to the prime minister specified that both "defend need of creation of alliance of progressive and pro-European forces which will stop far right". Taking into account the general results of elections to EP it is possible to assume that both politicians undertook the management of the of "political families". Socialists and liberals seek to unite forces (respectively 147 and 109 places in EP) that it is in the long term capable to lead to the tripartite coalition with the shift of positions of the European People's Party towards social democrats and liberals. Election on a post of the head of European Parliament of the Italian politician David Sassoli nominated by Progressive alliance of socialists and democrats and supported by a part of populists became on July 3 confirmation of it. In summary, it seems necessary to highlight the following features of the electoral cycle in Spain, which combined the four levels of voting. Like the April 28 general election, the "super-election" marked the transformation of the traditional bipartisan system: instead of two parties, left and right camps enter the confrontation. The relative majority and chances to consolidate power at all levels are on the side of the left. In just one year, the ISRP has grown significantly, and the main opponent in the person of the People's Party has lost its position at all levels of government. The camp of the right itself is more divided, each of the three parties pursues its own ambitions, and the Citizens party, which is key to Spanish politics, is essentially centrist, which does not exclude taking a flexible position in relation to the course of the center-left and in the future is able to create the necessary conditions for a coalition with the ISRP. Nevertheless, the ambitions of each party become an obstacle when it comes to forming coalitions, and minority governments, given the experience of recent years, are ineffective in Spain. Political uncertainty and the unwillingness of the conditionally right-wing bloc to cede to the center-left could ultimately lead to a new round of political crisis. As for the elections to the European Parliament, the ISRP has become a clear leader not only within Spain, but also within the EU social democratic bloc. This, in turn, can turn the Spanish socialists into the flagship of the fight against Euroscepticism and extreme right-wing populist sentiments, as well as strengthen Madrid's political weight in European institutions. [29,76] Pro-European political forces will still retain a majority in the European Parliament, occupying 66.25% of the seat. In addition to the EPP and PES factions, two more factions can join the new parliamentary majority - the Liberals (ALDE) and maybe the Greens (Z-ESA), with whom they are likely to join forces to form a new majority. Liberals managed to increase the number of their group by 37 deputies compared to 2014, becoming the third group in the European Parliament. The Greens also significantly increased the size of their faction by 22 deputies and came in fourth place, especially thanks to excellent results in Germany, where they took second place after the CDU/CSU, ahead of the SPD, as well as in a number of other member countries: Belgium, the Netherlands and France. EPP and PES are facing difficult negotiations with representatives of these political groups to include one or both in a new majority coalition. In the outgoing European Parliament, Eurosceptics had 4 factions, three soft Eurosceptics (ECR, ESPD and EL-LZS) and one tough Eurosceptics (ENS), which in total had 206 deputies (27.55%), and the ENS was the smallest in the EP. In the new composition of the European Parliament, the total number of Eurosceptics will be 214 deputies (28.5%). In general, they failed to significantly increase their representation in the European Parliament of the new convocation. Obviously, two right-wing factions will remain: the ECR, which will have the 64 of deputy (-13) and will become the 5th largest, and the ENS, which will now have at least 58 deputies. CONCLUSION The low interest of Europeans in elections to uniform regulatory authorities is quite explainable. The European Parliament is the only political body of the EU which members are elected directly inhabitants of uniform Europe. The second legislature - Council of ministers - represents a meeting of members of the governments of the European countries and is responsible for formation of executive authorities - European Commissions. Thus, vote in parliamentary elections remains the only opportunity to have a direct impact on management of the European Union for the ordinary European. However at the same time powers of European Parliament are so limited that many consider it only an expensive talk show. First, members of parliament have no right to define own agenda. For them it is done by European Commission (though it also can listen to opinion of parliamentarians). The European Parliament also doesn't influence international policy of the EU and in the work doesn't concern many questions, important for Europe (such as Common Agricultural Policy). Moreover, all the acts adopted by European Parliament have to be agreed with Council of ministers. Any law undergoes two readings in both legislature and in case parliamentarians and ministers don't manage to come to a consensus, they form the special bilateral commission which has to reach compromise satisfying all. At last, residents of many European countries (for example, Great Britain or Spain) got used that results of parliamentary elections have a direct impact on the structure of the government. In case of the all-European vote they can hope that when forming European Commission the cabinet ministers will consider the result of elections only. It is clear, that one hope isn't enough to force in general apolitical Europeans to come to polling precincts. Nevertheless activity of European Parliament doesn't take place for the EU completely. Parliamentarians are capable to have serious impact on such spheres of life as consumer protection, the uniform market, the labor law, immigration and environment protection. At last, together with Council of ministers the European Parliament forms the budget of the EU. In several cases the European Parliament managed to have decisive impact on laws, really important for most of Europeans. For example, parliamentarians managed to force, contrary to opinion of European Commission and pressure of the French government, producers of cosmetics as soon as possible to refuse testing of products for animals. The European Parliament also adopted a package of the laws guaranteeing careful attitude to water resources and forced to clean producers of gasoline it from lead impurity. After all, how process of adoption of laws in European Parliament was complicated, being accepted, these laws force legislature of all members of the EU to adopt the relevant amendments. Thus, activity of European Parliament forms the legislative agenda of the whole Europe. ervy elections to European Parliament took place in 1979 and since then there pass each five years. Before May Day expansion of the EU in parliament there were 626 places. Now citizens of the EU have to elect 732 deputies and after 2007 the EU includes Bulgaria and Romania, 56 more parliamentarians will join them. The members of the EU are presented in European Parliament in proportion to the population. At this parliamentarian from the countries with the greatest population represent more people, than deputies from the sparsely populated countries. The group of deputies from Malta - them in EP only five people is smallest. Germany delegates to European Parliament of 99 deputies. In 2004 the European selective marathon lasted four days. On June 10 elections took place in the Netherlands and Great Britain, June 11 - in Ireland, citizens of Latvia and Malta voted on June 12. In the Czech Republic elections lasted two days - on June 11 and 12, and in Italy - 12 and 13. In other countries the citizens voted on Sunday, June 13. In all countries the voters vote according to party lists. Candidates for European Parliament are always members of any given National Party. In some countries, having given the vote for any given party, the voter also has an opportunity to call the candidate whom he would like to see in European Parliament. Except that candidates of European Parliament are representatives of national parties, almost all of them also are a part of one of fractions of European Parliament. To create fraction, at least 16 deputies representing at least 5 countries are necessary. The fraction is more numerous, the more it receives financings, time for performances in the course of the debate and portfolios in various commissions. Now in European Parliament there are seven fractions: Right centrists: European People's Party and "European democrats". This fraction unites politicians of conservative and conservative and Christian sense. Socialists: This fraction includes socialist deputy, social democrats and labourists. The party is a member of the Socialist International. Liberal democrats: European liberal, democratic and reformatory party. On April 30, a day before expansion of the EU, this party replaced the name and now is called "the Pan-European party". Left radicals: The United Left of Europe - Northern GreenLeft. This fraction includes the socialist deputy and communists differing in radical views of political affairs. Among other, this party is supported even by the French and Danish Trotskyists. Green and separatists: This fraction represents the union of two parties with various ideology - the European federation of green parties and the European Free Alliance. Members of the first party defend the traditional "green" agenda, members of Alliance political self-determination of their people living in the territory of EU Member States worries. The Alliance includes representatives of the Scots, Catalans, Flemings, Basques, Corsicans and other people which were left without own statehood. Right: The union for the sake of Europe for the nations. This union includes the deputies of the right sense in the majority opposing also the idea of association of Europe. Eurosceptics: Democracy and Variety of Europe. Members of this fraction consider the mission fight against association of Europe. Though most of deputies are members of any given fraction, in European Parliament there is also a group of independent deputies. list of references 1. 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