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Лексико-синтаксическая структура английского научного текста

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Конспект лекции по дисциплине «Лексико-синтаксическая структура английского научного текста» pdf
© Анна Гурарий 1 ЛЕКСИКО-СИНТАКСИЧЕСКАЯ СТРУКТУРА АНГЛИЙСКОГО НАУЧНОГО ТЕКСТА Лекция 3 © Анна Гурарий 2 The content of the paragraph 1. 2. 3. The topic sentence. In most cases, the first sentence of a paragraph is the topic sentence. The topic sentence tells you what the paragraph will be about. From a good topic sentence, you should be able to predict the content of the paragraph. The support sentences. The topic sentence is followed by the support sentences. Support sentences expand on the topic sentence. The material in the support sentences should be presented in a systematic way. Order of importance, chronological order, order of operations or space order are most frequently used. The concluding sentence. The concluding sentence summarizes the main point of the paragraph. It often re-states the idea in the topic sentence using different words. Not all paragraphs have a concluding sentence. *University of New England. Writing essays, reviews and reports. https://www.une.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/12313/WE_Paragraphs_A cademic-writing.pdf © Анна Гурарий 3 The “wander - wonder” transition. The elements of the good paragraph Purpose Audience Unity Clarity Coherence © Анна Гурарий 1. Purpose = the goal of the writer The three most common goals of academic writing are: • to inform the readers • to persuade the readers • to entertain the readers ! FOCUS is the paragraph’s best friend ! 4 © Анна Гурарий 5 1. Purpose Here are some sample topics followed by example purpose statements: Topic: How to play dominoes Purpose statement: The purpose of this paragraph is to explain to the reader how to play the game called dominoes. Topic: The effects of insufficient sleep Purpose statement: The purpose of this paragraph is to tell the negative effects or results of not getting enough sleep each night. Topic: The messiest room that I have ever seen Purpose statement: The purpose of this paragraph is to describe the messiest room that I have ever seen. © Анна Гурарий 6 ЗАДАНИЕ. ТАЙМИНГ: 10 минут Read each of the following topics. Then write a purpose statement for each one: Topic: Western society is chronically sleep deprived Topic: Tuition fees in Russian universities Topic: The global warming and its effects on wildlife Topic: Colleges need to do much more to help graduates get great jobs Topic: My worst date ever © Анна Гурарий 2. Audience Consider these two main elements in relating to your audience: • viewpoint or person (first, second, or third) • formal or informal writing ! Good writers do not shift between first, second, and third person within one piece of writing ! 7 © Анна Гурарий 3. Clarity = easiness of understanding your writing and the author’s position • Use descriptive (or precise) words Avoid vague and unclear words, such as good and nice. Instead choose clear and precise words. 8 © Анна Гурарий ЗАДАНИЕ. ТАЙМИНГ: 5 минут Suggest THREE alternatives to the given adjectives 1. good 2. bad 3. fun 4. big 5. small 6. old 9 © Анна Гурарий 10 4. Unity Two of the sentences do not belong. Which one? There are many ways to classify movies, and perhaps the most basic is by general genre—fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid docudrama. Most feature films fall into the category of fiction because the story line for the film has been invented. The characters and plot are not real, and the story often presents fantasy-type scenarios. One such example is the Batman series, for everyone knows that Batman is not a real person. I loved this type of movie when I was a child. Another category is the nonfiction movie. This popular movie style tells the story of a real person—living or dead—or an event. In fact, it is often adapted from the written account of a person or event. Finally, there is the hybrid film, which is basically a combination of the two. The word hybrid is also used to describe a type of car. In this type of film, the writer takes a real event or person and adds fictional information, often to make the film more interesting. Perhaps the most famous example of this type of film is Titanic. In it, the director adds the romantic element of the forbidden love between two young people. With these three genres of film readily available to moviegoers, there is always something for everyone at the movie theatre. * http://ngl.cengage.com © Анна Гурарий 4. Unity = all the sentences are related to the topic sentence and its controlling idea. ! Good writers stay on topic by making sure that each supporting sentence relates to the topic sentence ! 11 © Анна Гурарий 5. Coherence = all of the ideas are organized and flow smoothly and logically from one to the next. When a paragraph or essay has coherence, the reader can follow the main ideas more easily. Three important features of coherence are: 1. logical order 2. repetition of key words 3. use of transitional words and phrases 12 © Анна Гурарий 5. Coherence 13 © Анна Гурарий 14 ЗАДАНИЕ. ТАЙМИНГ: 10 минут • Презентовать в форме доклада ключевые идеи и положения прочитанной статьи • Дискуссия © Анна Гурарий 15 ЗАДАНИЕ. ТАЙМИНГ: 20 минут • Сформировать 5 команд • Проанализировать полученные тексты • Выделить ключевые отличия в лексико – синтаксической структуре представленных текстов © Анна Гурарий 16 Features of the texts Newspaper IELTS essay AW 1. Reader = “you” = to persuade the reader 1. No “I/you/we etc” 1. No “I/you/we etc” + distance from the reader 2. Style is conversational 2. The structure: causes + impacts + solutions 2. The clear structure 3. Informal spoken language 3. Formal language 3. More formal style. The role of adjectives and grammar constructions! 4. Rhetorical questions 4. From general to specific 4. The purpose is to explore 5. Good journalism is supported by statistics 5. No references to the sources Very precise information about the sources + correct use of them
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