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Lawyers in film. Film Reflection Assignment "Bridge of Spies"

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Lawyers in Film LAW/ART 279 LLM 526 Fall 2019 Film Reflection Assignment “Bridge of Spies” Student Name: ID#: Film Title: Bridge of Spies Year: 2015 I. Reflections 1. Explain how, in your opinion, “Bridge of Spies” qualifies as a “law film” using Machura’s 4 characteristics: a. The geography of the law b. The language and dress of the law c. Legal personnel d. The authority of the law 2. Abel: “You never asked me if I was a spy.” Donovan: “It doesn’t matter.” Section 20(a) of Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court provide that it is the duty of an attorney to maintain allegiance to the [United States of America] and to support its constitution. On the other hand, paragraph (i) of the same section provides that it is also an attorney’s duty “in the defense of a person accused of crime, by all fair and honorable means, regardless of his personal opinion as to the guilt of the accused, to present every defense that the law permits, to the end that no person may be deprived of life or liberty, but by due process of law.” James Donovan had both a duty of allegiance to the USA and a duty of represent a client by all fair means regardless of his personal opinion of Abel’s guilt. Was James Donovan right to represent Rudolf Abel even though Abel was seen as a “traitor”? How did Donovan manage to represent Abel without violating his duty to maintain allegiance to the US? 3. A “traitor” is someone who betrays his country by committing treason. Was Rudolf Abel a traitor; that is, did he betray his country by committing treason? Explain your answer. 4. During the Cold War, East Germany and the Soviet Union were portrayed in the West as being dark, dreary and repressive places to live. What techniques did Steven Spielberg, the film’s director, use to capture this sense of drabness in the film? 5. James Donovan did not tell his family about his work, particularly when he traveled to Europe. Professional rules of ethics provide that it is the duty of an attorney to maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to himself, to preserve the secrets of his clients. Nonetheless, Donovan has a duty to his family. Did Donovan make the right decision in not telling his family about the full scope of his representation of Abel? Explain your answer. 6. Using the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct as a guide, what conduct would you categorize as being “clearly unethical”? What conduct would you categorize as being “questionable”? Make sure you cite the specific ethical cannon(s) you believe the cited conduct violates and/or explain why you thing it is questionable.
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