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Ethnic identity and culture

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Outline lectures on the theme: "Ethnic identity and culture" Information about the group: the faculty of Humanities and social Sciences, gr. GMU-12,13, 14. Specialty "municipal management" Literature used in preparing: Stefanenko T. G. "Ethnopsychology"/tutorial for Universities/M: Aspectrics, 2009;Krasko, V. G. "Ethnic psychology"textbook for higher. educational institutions, M: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. The aim of the lecture: the formation of ideas of students about ethnic identity and culture. Objectives of lecture: to form an idea of students about ethnic consciousness, to unveil the concept of ethics and etiquette, and business communication from different ethnic groups to determine the features of life of different ethnic groups. Lesson plan The stages of the lecture The contents of the lecture Methods and means of teaching 5-7 minutes Entry. 1. The concept of ethnic consciousness. A monologue, addressing the audience Exercise "Analogy" 10-13 minutes 2. The life of different ethnic groups: home, school, work, leisure monologue 10-13 minutes 3. Ethics and etiquette of business communication in different ethnic groups A monologue, addressing the audience A detailed outline of classes 1. Entry. The concept of ethnic consciousness. 1.1. Appeal to the audience. Exercise "Analogy." Students are encouraged to define their own concept of "Ethnic consciousness" by speaking of analogies on this topic. After writing all of the analogies to try to explain the concept. 1.2 Monologue. Ethnic consciousness is deterministic ethnic context of Gestalt, predmetnika in a fixed system of values, meanings and modes of action form of consciousness that produces the ethnic image of the world" (A. N. Lozova). Ethnic consciousness seen as a set of ideas, knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes identified and learned in the process of ontogenesis, accumulated through life experience and ethnic groups. In the structure of ethnic consciousness are the following components: ideological and psychological, rational and emotional, the everyday and the scientific, static and dynamic. The nature of ethnic consciousness is determined by social behavior of an individual (AM Berezin). In the framework of ethnic consciousness appears and develops ethnic identity. The concept of ethnic identity is determined at the individual and group levels. Ethnic identity is a representation of an individual or an entire group of people about yourself or the image of their ethnic group, which reflect knowledge of their own ethnic group and relevant to the group. Ethnic identity is a form of awareness of a person or people "belonging to a particular ethnic group, based on commonality of language, culture, historical fate and the recognition of special specific historical traits of his people" (AM Liovochkin). The phenomenon of ethnic identity is associated with the awareness of the elements of material, social and spiritual culture of their own ethnic group. The key point of ethnic identity is the identification of individuals with a particular ethnic community, which is evident in the self. It joins a set of ideas or concepts that form a system of symbols, leading to the selection of members of all ethnic communities. Of the components of ethnic identity include the original culture, value orientation, ethnicity, etc. (V. S. Mukhina). Every nation has its own national consciousness, which is expressed in a complex body of social, political, economic, moral, aesthetic, philosophical, religious and other views and beliefs that characterize a certain level of spiritual development of the nation. In General, the national consciousness has the following characteristics: • the existence of coherent ethnic picture of the world, which is a set of sustainable, connected ideas and opinions about social being, life and activity, inherent to members of a specific ethnic community; • the "right" transmission from generation to generation in the process normally worked out this ethnic community socialization; • determination of them all and holistic complex perception of life of the ethnic community: social institutions; systems of personal and group (including professional) relationships, rites and rituals, ideology, art and folklore; the auto-stereotypes (i.e., the image of the representatives of the nation), causing the internal politics of ethnicity; heterostereotypes (i.e. image neighbors); ethnic (in particular, and inter-state) relations, i.e. paradigms "foreign policy" of the ethnic community (rules of conduct with representatives of "foreign" ethnic communities), etc.; • correlation with behavioral stereotypes that are characteristic of members of this ethnic group; according to the social conditions of life of the ethnic community, the stage of social development, the structure of the life support (the base material) and the ratio of the ethnic picture of the world with the norms and values dominant in other Nations that can be expressed as the inclusion in some ethnic cultural unity or separation, the opposition of other Nations. 2. The life of different ethnic groups: home, school, work, leisure. Russia — the state in which territory lives more than 170 people. Most of them varies considerably according to their population: 82 million (83% of the population) Russians, over 5 million Tartars, more than 3 million Ukrainians, 1.7 million — are Chuvash. Each ethnic group formed their way of life, attitude to learning, work. Presenting features of life of some ethnic groups. As the Russian representatives of the Slavic ethnic group Study a variety of sources, reflecting the life, culture and way of life of representatives of the Slavic nationalities, the generalization of the results of the special socio-psychological research shows that, in General, most of them currently has: • high degree of understanding of reality, although somewhat delayed in time from a particular situation; • a high level of General education and prepared for life and work; • the balance in decisions, actions and work, reactions to the complexities and difficulties of life; • sociability, friendliness without compulsion, constant willingness to provide support to others; • fairly smooth and friendly attitude towards representatives of other nationalities; • no under normal conditions of everyday life in the pursuit of education isolated from other micro-groups on a national basis; • in extreme conditions of life and activities that require extreme tension of spiritual and physical forces, they have invariably manifested the vitality, dedication, willingness to sacrifice in the name of other people. Turkic and Altai peoples of Russia The most common national-psychological features of their representatives affecting inter-ethnic relations are: • acute national pride, a special sense of awareness of their national identity; • ruggedness and simplicity in everyday life and in the performance of professional and everyday duties; • high sense of responsibility to the team leader and colleagues; • discipline, diligence and perseverance when carrying out any activities; • the sharp directness of judgment, openness in collaboration and communication with representatives of their and other ethnic communities, the desire for equal relations with them; • group, national and tribal cohesion; • with a weak knowledge of the Russian language there is a certain shyness and restraint when dealing with representatives of other ethnic communities, some of the passivity, the desire to be satisfied with communication in their national environment. Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia Finno-Ugric peoples (Mordva, Udmurt, Mari, Komi, Khanty, Mansi, Saami, Karelians) living in the Northern, Central and southern parts of the Ural are derived from the Ananyino archaeological culture (VII-W. BC), when they started to form Perm and Volga Finns are the ancestors of the representatives of this ethnic community. All these peoples, and Finns, Karelians and Hungarians share common roots, similar language, some identical elements in the culture and a kind of national-psychological features. The latter include: • hard work, discipline, diligence and precision in all activities; • simplicity in daily life and at home; • firmness, prudence, calmness and consistency in actions and deeds; • keen instinct in the choice of means and methods to achieve in any case productive of positive results; • the desire for emotional and intellectual intimacy with other people, understanding their way of life and thinking, respect their opinions, traditions, customs and habits; • high degree of sensitivity in interpersonal relations, willingness to understand and forgive the errors and mistakes of the representatives of other ethnic communities. Representatives of the Tungus-Manchurian group of peoples of Russia The representatives of these peoples (Yakuts, Nenets, Koryak, Itelmen, Nanai, Oroch, Chukchi, Evenks, evens, Eskimos) living in the harsh conditions of the far North, Siberia and the Far East, are disciplined, efficient, unpretentious in everyday life. Ancestral hard work northerner requires special training, early and active direct inclusion into the labour market. In this case, they have the majority of hunters, herders, fishermen formed a natural ethical attitude towards nature, other people, from childhood to develop qualities such as stamina, willpower, camaraderie, sense of self-esteem. They usually tolerate any hardships. At the same time, usually the painful experience of separation from home, they have giperplazirovannah a sense of longing for the native place of residence. Many of them are difficult to adapt to the conditions of a multicultural team than immigrants from other regions of our country. The Peoples Of The North Caucasus Certain commonality and the uniqueness of the socio-economic, political and historical conditions of development, lifestyle, culture led to the formation of typical features of social and national-psychological appearance of representatives of the North Caucasus. Critical ethnographic, social-psychological and sociological studies show that they have: • developed a keen sense of national pride, self-love and self-esteem, greater commitment to national traditions and habits conducive to maintaining tribal cohesion and responsibility; • the main features of the choleric and sanguine types of temperament, explosive emotionality, hypersensitivity to other people's actions and judgments, a strong desire for self-expression and self-presentation; • large autonomy, activity and initiative, tenacity and perseverance in achieving goals in all types of activities, especially those that are individually preferred and beneficial; • careful attention and respect to elders, social status and position; • fairly high educational level, good physical preparation, a relatively weak knowledge of the Russian language; • desire for leadership among the representatives of other ethnic communities and multicultural groups, as well as the formation of numerous micro-groups on Patriotic grounds. 3. Ethics and etiquette of business communication in different ethnic groups. Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important kinds of relations with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical standards that reflect our notions of good and evil, justice and injustice, rightness or wrongness of people's actions. And, communicating in business cooperation with their subordinates, boss or colleagues, one way or another, consciously or spontaneously based on these representations. But depending on how one understands moral standards, invest in them, to what extent he takes into account in General communication, it can facilitate your business communication and make it more efficient, to help in the solution of tasks and achievement of goals and hinder this communication or even make it impossible. Ethics (otherc. — custom, disposition) is a theory of morality, morality. The term "ethics" was first used by Aristotle (384 322 BC) to refer to practical philosophy, which should give the answer to the question, what must we do to do the right, moral things. Morality (fee. — moral) is a system of ethical values that are recognised by the person. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation of public relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life — in the family, everyday life, politics, science, labor, etc. The major categories of ethics are: "good", "evil", "justice", "good", "responsibility", "duty", "conscience" etc. Ethics in business communication can be defined as the totality of moral norms, rules and ideas governing the conduct and relations of people in the process of their production activities. It is a special case of ethics in General and contains its main characteristics. In socio-philosophical terms, the ethics of business communication determined by the socio-economic structure of society and structure of their social organization and the dominant type of social consciousness. In traditional society, the main mechanism of business communication are of ritual, tradition and custom. They correspond to the norms, values, and standards of ethics of business communication. Business etiquette in various countries, and, consequently, different ethnic groups, has a number of features. Consider the features of business etiquette from the British, Germans, French. Business etiquette in England Business etiquette in the UK is largely determined by the principles and values of the business culture of this country and has its own characteristics. As you know, the British are very polite and courteous. It largely determines the style of their communication. The British practice to give evasive answers to direct questions, dialogues are often ambiguous. To understand what exactly they want you to say, you should carefully monitor the tone of voice and facial expression. In difficult situations, the British are showing restraint and composure. But the British prefer the humorous approach to all life situations and business is no exception. The peculiarities of business etiquette in Britain include the following features. The communication must adhere to certain distance, as the British are very sensitive to personal space. Polite will respect a handshake at the initial introduction. In conversation views are welcomed straight in the eye. However, don't do it for too long. Business communication with the British does not provide personal questions. Don't forget that the suave British quite often give instructions in the form of polite requests. So we should not forget the important stuff. Entering the room you want to skip the older posts. At a business meeting is unacceptable keep your hands folded. The British take it as a sign of boredom and disinterest in the case. So the British avoided the number 13. Going to the British partner to visit, better a little late than to come in. Because to come before the appointed time is considered indecent. Sometimes in a meeting invitation can be used, what clothes should come. Like many European Nations, the British are actively fighting for animal rights, so don't come in clothes from natural fur and leather. The British are very knowledgeable and professional, possess a high culture. In their range of interests and often include literature, sport and art. In the business environment, the British are among the most skilled businessmen in the world. Business etiquette France The basis of the national character of the French is their complete conviction that they are the first nation on the European continent. This belief is due to an important historical role in world history, and is supported by the French education and training. Quite often the French are easy to communicate even familiarly, but at the same time, can be arrogant, mindful of his origins. Rules negotiations in France Business cards play an important role in business communication. They should not print in Russian, most businesspeople in France read English. Business cards should make unilateral as the reverse side is often used for various records. To welcome a better person mentioning his name, or you can use the impersonal treatment "Monsieur" and "Madame". When meeting and parting, sure handshake. Clothing for the French, reflecting social status and success, so it should be chosen with taste and style. Preferred conservative clothes high quality from natural materials. The characteristic French gallantry, resourcefulness, wit and generosity. In business they focus on long-term perspectives, so working with partners to establish a close personal collaboration. Therefore the first business of the meeting is to show cordiality and politeness, but not to friendly familiarity. In France there is a strong hierarchy in decision making: the last word always for those who occupy the highest position. When doing business with French partners it is worth remembering that in this country is quite high bureaucracy and administrative procedures can take a long time. Essential relationships. In France women are respected men not only in everyday situations but also in business, and to pay their respects men consider it a great honor. Business etiquette of Germany Germany is a country of high living standards. Due to the fact that there has been for many years in all aspects of life there is order and strict control over it, most often any communication with the Germans leaving a feeling of calm and trustworthiness. Social security, advanced infrastructure, security, distinguish this country from many others. Clarity and order in everything – the main characteristics of the German character. For this reason, building a mutually beneficial partnership should start with these features. Business meeting for the Germans – it is purely a formal event, with participation of all the experts, in their opinion, should be well prepared. Impromptu talks are not welcome. Professionalism, deep specialization, are considered the Central criteria of a person in the business. Therefore, you can be sure that the higher the position the Germans, the more competent he is in his field. In this case the Germans expected from their partners. It is also worth considering that the Austrians are rather inclined not to collective decision-making at all levels of government, and to the individual that reflects their desire for independence. From the foregoing it is not difficult to conclude that preliminary approval of meetings and punctuality is valued very highly. Official is eloquent of the Germans, from their business dress code (strict and neat suit business style) and ending with the traditions of communication. In Germany a widespread conversion by name even among close colleagues, so go to "you" with German better only after he is offered. However, there is an interesting feature; communicating in the German language, the Germans refer to each other by name and communicating in English – named. Quite often you can hear the appeal to the person and for his professional and academic degree. All the regalia of the German, he received for his work, you can always see on his business card. Germans prefer to clearly separate work and private life. Therefore, they rarely invite business associates to dinner at a restaurant or to his home, preferring to discuss business during dinner in the restaurant. The menu and the choice of location determines the inviting party. It is not customary to talk business until something has been eaten. A conversation about business is always the initiator of the meeting. If on a business lunch you are invited, the expense will be paid by the inviting side, if on the contrary, it implies the payment from your side. The restaurant tips are given, including the amount you pay, rather than leaving on the table, as is customary, for example, in America. If you still were in the house, you should not forget a gift; a bottle of good wine would be very appropriate. Formal relations imply the Germans and distance in communication – arm's length; the violation of the distance perceived by the Germans as an invasion of personal space. Healthy is hard to shake the other person hand, looking him in the eye. In German business etiquette are welcome smile and humor. Thus, we studied the material presented in the lectures, which meets us on the main points raised in this thread. Let us give the answer. So 1. What is ethnic consciousness and identity? 2. What are the distinctive features of life (character traits, attitude to work, learning). 3. What the ethics and etiquette of business communication, what are the features of business communication exists in various countries: England, France, Germany.
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