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Briefing about the investigation

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Marianna Troksa 18423145     Reflection report               Introduction   The individual reflection is written with the purpose to analyse all the process which was made during the module investigation. The main purpose is to analyse all the weak sides of the investigation and what could be improved also as all the strong sides of what was done right. The module was run by online sessions which was most of the time preparing us for the investigation process. At first, we had a trial investigation which wasn’t graded but we could practise our skills and see how it can be improved. After the trial investigation we been given an actual investigation as part of our assignment for the module. This reflection will be focused on both investigations to analyse overall experience.             Briefing about the investigation   Trial investigation In the trial investigation I was Internal Investigator with WGP Investment and Savings Bank who receives a transferred call from the Line manager from the person called Mr Dribble who works for the company called Happy Pension. Mr Dribble reported that he was persuaded by two of our employees to make investment through them, also he reported that he was put in the significant pressure and, he reported a breach of confidential information about his investment in our company to his line manager. The task was set to investigate and establish the facts and consider if there have been any breaches of the company policies.   Actual investigation I was the investigator with AnyTown bank, I received a call from a Police Officer Who reported that employee of the bank Anita Jones received a police cautions for offences of Harassment and telecommunications. She was reported by the victim Nancy Robson who was concerned that the case won’t be taken seriously as Anita is employee of the bank. The victim receives number of abusive and threatening calls to her mobile, home and work phones. On the interview Anita admitted making the calls and received the caution. The task was set to investigate this matter and if there is any breaches of the company.     Reflection on the trial case   We were given a few weeks to present a report about the investigating this case, after starting the investigation I find it really hard as I never did anything like this before and I didn’t know where to start. From one side I was really excited as I do prefer more practise assignments then essays as I think practice assignment is more useful.  I started my investigation by researching more about the reports layouts and how to structure the report. Then we were given more and more reports about this investigation, reports as interview scripts, witness statements and history of the employee computers. At the beginning of the investigation, it was hard to see all picture but when we started to receive more documentation it was making more sense step by step. It was mentioned by our tutor that the report has to be very simple so anybody could read it and understand the whole report. And that’s how I structured my work as I didn’t have a good understanding of the perfect report, I just made it simple as possible where I include summary, actions, further actions, key findings, statements, conclusion and my recommendations. After submitting my work, I arranged with my tutor for a video call for the individual feedback. On the video call I was given all the feedback about what I did wrong and what I did good, in general as I understood that the report was a low-quality work and there was many things to improve. The feedback was really useful as I then knew exactly what was needed to be done for my second investigation.     Reflection on the actual case   After starting my second investigation I wasn’t nervous as I did have a good picture of what needed after I received personalized feedback. I took all the feedback from my tutor and improved my all weaknesses, the most difficult part which came across it was the interview as it was presented online some of the information was not audible. Overall, I was really happy with the task and my approach, I worked a few weeks on that report and when I submitted the work, I was a bit nervous again as wasn’t sure if that how my tutor expects this report to be done. Finally, when I received my grade, I was really satisfied with the outcome I did receive a B which I think is a good grade specially for the foreigner student as English is not my first language.     What did I learn from this project?   The most important what I learned in my opinion is how to structure the report that it is accessible and readable for everyone with all the Exhibits to support my report. I also learned that I can take a feedback and develop that into my future study.     Overall reflection   I applied Schon’s model to get a better vision and analyse of the whole investigation project. I applied two stages of this model which includes reflection during the action and reflection after the action was passed (Schon, 1983). During the investigation when I just started, I thought that the ask is very hard, and I wasn’t sure if I could get a good grade for the investigation as also it required a lot of time and as I am working at the same time this was my biggest doubt. I thought that this will be very stressful as I didn’t know where to start and I didn’t have clear vision on how to write the report. After the investigation report I thought that the lack of experience made it stressful and difficult. The overall investigation and the project were really interesting with a lot of learning opportunities and learning outcomes. I was really satisfied with the outcomes and experience which I learned from this investigation project, and it will definitely help me in my future career.     References   “Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books, Inc. [Accessed on 23rd November,2021]”
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