У статті розглянуто основні функції заробітної плати на ринку праці. Доведено, що заробітна плата, окрім таких основних функцій як: відтворювальна, стимулююча, регулююча, соціальна, формування та збалансованості платоспроможної ємності національного ринку, має виконувати ще структурну та захисну. Виокремлено основні чинники впливу на рівень заробітної плати та запропонована їх класифікація, що сприятиме визначенню основних напрямів стабілізації ситуації з оплатою праці в країні.The article deals with the basic functions of wages in the labor market. It has been proved that wages, in addition to such basic functions as: reproductive, stimulating, regulating, social, formation and balance of solvency capacity of the national market, have to perform even structural and protective. The main factors influencing the level of wages and their classification are proposed, which will help to determine the main directions of stabilization of the wage situation in the country.
This paper attempts to estimate the impact of wage arrears on subjective well being, as measured by the RLMS (Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey). This latter is a comprehensive survey, conducted from 1992 up to 1998, on a representative sample of Russian households and individuals. The results are unambiguous: working with wage arrears implies a clear fall in satisfaction. We are able to calculate the shadow price of wage arrears, that is the increase in wages which would place an individual with wage arrears on the same indifference curve as an individual without such arrears. Another result, on the face of it more puzzling, is that the level of satisfaction provided by a job with arrears is lower than that provided by inactivity (although higher than that provided by unemployment). We suggest some explanations which we will test in further work. Sub-regressions show that the psychological impact of wage arrears is greater for men and less well-educated workers, and smaller fo...