Такие формы часто используются для создания вычисляемыхполей, предназначенных для вычисления итоговых... Пеня, созданным и вычисляемом в запросе, который назовем Список1.... Затем необходимо добавить в форму Список1 поле, в котором будет вычисляться общая сумма пени для каждого... В Конструкторе форм добавлено вычисляемоеполе Всего пени, расположенное в области Примечание формы.... В области Примечание формы создадим новое вычисляемоеполе и назовем его Всего пени.
Aim. The synthesis of robust active shielding system of magnetic field, generated by group of high voltage power lines for reducing the induction of the initial magnetic field to the sanitary standards level and reducing the sensitivity of the system to variations in the plant parameters is given. Methodology. The synthesis is based on the solution of a multi-criteria stochastic game, in which the gain vector is calculated on the basis of the Maxwell equations solutions in the quasi-stationary approximation. The equilibrium state of the game is based on the stochastic multiagent optimization algorithms of the multiswarm particles. The initial parameters for the synthesis of active shielding system are the location of the high voltage power lines with respect to the protected from transmission line space, geometry and number of cables, operating currents, as well as the size of the protected space and normative value magnetic field induction, which should be achieved as a result of s...
следует в окне Query сделать отметку в данном поле.... В нее могут быть помещены не только реальные поля, хранящиеся в какой-либо из исходных таблиц, но и вычисляемые... поля.... Вычисляемое выражение может иметь элемент образца, то есть, переменную, которая принимает текущее значение... поля данных.
Aim. The synthesis of single-circuit system of active shielding of magnetic field, generated by group of high voltage power lines, with different spatial arrangement of shielding coil. Methodology. The synthesis is based on the decision of a multi-criteria stochastic game, in which the vector payoff is calculated on the basis of the Maxwell equations solutions in the quasi-stationary approximation. The game decision is based on the stochastic multiagent optimization algorithms by multiswarm particles. The initial parameters for the synthesis of active shielding system are the location of the high voltage power lines with respect to the shielding space, geometry and number of shielding coils, operating currents, as well as the size of the shielding space and normative value magnetic flux density, which should be achieved as a result of shielding. The objective of the synthesis of the active shielding system is to determine their number, configuration, spatial arrangement, wiring diag...
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