Каждый вид транспорта обладает особенностями своего функционирования, определяемыми характеристиками транспортных средств и путей сообщений. Особенности каждого вида транспорта предопределяют рациональные сферы его использования, поэтому можно говорить об относительно слабой конкуренции различных видов транспорта между собой.Each type of transport has the features of its functioning, determined by the characteristics of vehicles and means of communication. The features of each type of transport determine the rational spheres of its use, therefore, we can talk about the relatively weak competition between various modes of transport among themselves.
Dangerous goods goods which, by the nature of their physical characteristics, chemical composition, dimensions, or other specific features and nature (live animals or fish), for some reason endanger human life or health, the environment natural or general order or material goods, including those with features of the principles of humanitarianism. The transport of dangerous and oversize goods is one of the most difficult specialties in the field of goods transport in public transport, in particular in road and rail transport. Such transport is regulated by a number of legal acts that do not apply to companies carrying out tasks related to the transport of loads, the so-called neutral. The United Nations has created a closed TN directory, giving everyone a four-digit "UN number", at the same time dividing them into classes depending on the threat or the predominant threat. The provisions of the ADR agreement relate, inter alia, to the rules (requirements) for TN transport in t...