Активация путей
(path sensitizing) составление набора входных значений для обеспечения выполнение определенного пути.
набор компонент для реализации графических пользовательских интерфейсов, которые могут выполняться на любой платформе, поддерживающей виртуальную машину Java (JVM).
The article provides an experimental research of the influence of temperature on the value of initial characteristic of the limited swing induction sensor with a transverse magnetic system. The values of the swing angle, voltages of the signal windings and the excitation winding of the sensor are experimentally determined; the results of their processing are given and the functional dependence of an angle sensor code from the code of the set angles is established, taking into account the influence of temperature.
The world is currently at a crucial turning point. As in each of the five previous technological revolutions, the major bubble collapse and the ensuing recession mark the swing of the pendulum, from finance-led to production-guided capitalism. The first decades of installation of a new set of enabling technologies and infrastructures create an enormous potential for innovation across all sectors, at the same time as they lead to a strong polarization between the richer rich and the poorer poor, among people, industries, countries and regions. Reversing those processes and successfully taking advantage of the new wealth creating potential cannot be achieved by markets alone but with the help of intelligent government action. The opportunities are there in the new technologies, in the modernization of traditional industries and in preparing for the next technological revolution. It is a question of well informed industrial policy rooted in a consensus vision, shared by government, bus...
(path sensitizing) составление набора входных значений для обеспечения выполнение определенного пути.
выполняет слияние двух отсортированных частей одной последовательности.
нормы расхода ресурсов.
Возможность создать свои термины в разработке
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