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Social media first

Предмет Журналистика
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способ организации рабочего процесса в редакции, где приоритет отдается выпуску контента в первую очередь в социальных сетях.

Научные статьи на тему «Social media first»

Media education practices media literacy to young poor in Nicaragua. Working on a model of empowerment and employability for social change. First results

The research aims to present the preliminary results of a case study on the MLSC project (Media Literacy for Social Change) applied in some of the poorest communities in Nicaragua. Study results show how young people improve their employability, getting jobs commensurate with their training, and driving social change in their communities thanks to training on media literacy proficiency. This case study focuses on collecting the voices of both participants and related institutions. The first results obtained confirm that this case study observes the main bases of building a model of media literacy focused on social change in order to promote empowerment and employability in poor communities.

Научный журнал

Общественные функции СМИ и коммуникационные модели в демократическом обществе

Mass media became an integral part of the social, political and everyday life in a contemporary world. This fact is closely related to the impetuous scientific and technological advance. Mass media became interactive (Internet, interactive television), and due to this fact its role grows. Depending on the social formation and dominant information concepts mass media activities yield to definite principles. In democratic societies these activities base on the concept of pluralism. Historical evolution of communication models in the western democratic societies reflect changes in views on the mass media social functions. The modern communication model is interactive. It means not only the more important role of the media, but first of all the greater meaning of the audience, which now can influence and determine information processes.

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Еще термины по предмету «Журналистика»

Демассификация СМИ

процесс возникновения и распространения СМИ, рассчитанных не на массовую аудиторию, а на определенные группы населения, которые характеризуют специфическими формами собственных субкультур.

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постоянный элемент периодического издания, обозначающий порядковый номер полосы (колонцифра), включающий также дату выхода, общий номер и название газеты (логотип).

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