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Red goods

Предмет Логистика
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товар, который потребитель использует в течение короткого срока после покупки и который приносит незначительную прибыль (например, продукты питания).

Научные статьи на тему «Red goods»

Краснолаковая керамика в черняховской культуре

The population of the Chernyakhov Culture (the second third of the 3 rd the first third of the 5 th century AD) was mainly the Goths tribes. Most of the finds of Red slip ware on Chernyakhov's sites came from the Black Sea coast and the Lower Danube. The wares from the Eastern zone of this territory have analogues mainly in the Crimea, and they form the «North Black Sea» series. The wares from Western zone have most of analogues from the provinces of the Lower Danube, and they were also produced there. They form the «West Black Sea» series. Therefore, the Chernyakhov market of imported table wares was divided into two spheres of influence. It can be explained not only by geographical closeness to the different economic centres of the RomanEmpire, but also by division of the Goths into two branches (Terwingi-Visigoths and Greutungi-Ostrogoths). There was drastic increase of imported Roman goods to Chernyakhov settlements happened in the second third of the 4 th century. This fact...

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Necroeconomic foundations and the development of business in post-revolution Georgia

After fifteen years of economic transformations we can conclude that the transition period in Georgia and many other post-communist countries has ended but, unfortunately, the economic (and not only economic) system is far from the Western style of capitalism. It is better characterized as “post-communist capitalism.” The key reason is the “necroeconomy.” The collapse of the communist regime and the breakdown of the command economy revealed that, with rare exceptions (hydroelectric power, mining and primary processing of raw materials), the goods produced in these countries were incompatible with international standards and could not compete with Western products. Only an efficient bankruptcy law is an effective tool against necroeconomy. In transition countries, including Georgia, business procedures were so burdensome that some entrepreneurs corrupted officials in order to speed up the process. Others, as a means of avoiding oppressive regulations, conducted their businesses unoff...

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Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»


физическое или юридическое лицо, использующее транспортные средства для коммерческих перевозок.

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Third Party Logistics (3PL) , логистика третьей стороны

для логистики на данном уровне характерен комплекс услуг, в основе которого лежит механизм субподряда: набор услуг предоставляется в конечном итоге одним оператором, но комплексность достигается тем, что в процессе участвуют несколько компаний, «сторон», интегрируемых им по всей длине распределительной цепи.

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грузовые вагоны, предназначенные для перевозки наливных грузов (бензин, керосин, молоко, масло и др.).

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