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Place of discharge

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Научные статьи на тему «Place of discharge»

Approximate calculation of active resistance and temperature of the pulse electric arc channel in a high-current discharge circuit of a powerful high-voltage capacitor energy storage

To obtain calculation correlations for active resistance Rce and maximal temperature Tme of plasma channel of pulse electric arc in the air double-electrode system (DES) with metal (graphite) electrodes, and also practical approbation of the obtained correlations for Rce and Tme in the conditions of high-voltage laboratory on the powerful capacity energy storage (CES) of electric setting, intended for reproducing on the electric loading of protracted Ccomponent of current of artificial lightning with the USA rationed on normative documents by amplitude-temporal parameters (ATP). Methodology. Electrophysics bases of high-voltage impulse technique, scientific and technical bases of development and creation of high-voltage high-current impulse electrical equipment, including powerful CES, and also measuring methods in discharge circuits of powerful high-voltage CES of pulse currents of millisecond temporal range. Results. On the basis of engineering approach the new results of approxim...

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Electric strength of arrester for Lighting Shielding of 6-35 kV Transmmcsion line with lightning overvoltage

The most common device for protection against overvoltages is a valve-type arrester. Due to obsolescence it is proposed to replace valve-type arresters with nonlinear overvoltage limiters or multi-chamber arresters. Modern recommendations for the selection of means for protection against overvoltage take into account not all factors when placing protection devices. For example, when replacing valve arrester with non-linear overvoltage arresters (arrester), accidents often occur. Often, due to the replacement of protective devices, there are violations of the operating conditions of new devices, since in the design of the arresters, they are placed in place of the vale-type arresters. Nonlinear surge arresters have a number of reliability problems, for example, due to frequent single-phase ground faults, thermal instability problems occur. Therefore, as an alternative to arresters in urban distribution networks, it is proposed to use multi-chamber arresters – devices that are a serie...

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1. грузополучатель – лицо, уполномоченное принять доставленный перевозчиком груз 2. консигнатор – сторона договора консигнации.

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