перевозка товара из одного места хранения в другое.
место, в котором начинается ответственность перевозчика.
There is often a place for discrepancy and misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication. They can easily upset our maturity and psychological well-being. We begin to feel anxious, tend to think and behave in stereotypical and constricted ways. Psychological acceptance of cross-cultural differences in one of the communicators is able to strengthen the tendency towards reciprocal communication and mutual understanding. Acceptance depends on personal qualities of communicators, their cultural wealth, experience in person-centered communication, need for mutual enrichment, personal and cultural growth, etc. The article shows basic psychological and pedagogical ways of encouraging in students the ability to accept cross-cultural differences.
During the time past after acceptance of Islam in Western Siberia, the specific ceremonial traditions not always meeting «the requirements » of classical (based on the Koran) Islam but close to the souls of the Siberian Muslims were based at this territory. One of these traditions is honoring of ascetics, i.e. carries of Islam who brought their faith to this place. The burials of the missionaries as well as all connected things evoke a wide response in modern scientific community.
перевозка товара из одного места хранения в другое.
выгрузка груза из одного транспортного средства и погрузка его в другое, с промежуточным хранением или без такового.
количество тонн груза, которое может принять судно сверх собственной массы до осадки по грузовую марку.
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