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Предмет Логистика
👍 Проверено Автор24

1. упаковывание – процесс обертывания товара в упаковочные материалы, например, бумагу, или его укладывания в жесткую тару; 2. упаковка.

Научные статьи на тему «Packing»

An Efficient Algorithm for the Ellipse Packing Problem

The paper considers the problem of packing a given collection of ellipses into a rectangular container of minimal area. Our ellipses can be continuous rotated and translated. A class of radical-free quasi-phi-functions is introduced for an analytical description of non-overlapping and containment constraints for ellipses. We formulate the packing problem in the form of a nonlinear programming problem and develop an efficient solution algorithm. The algorithm allows us to reduce computational cost of our problem. We present computational results that compare with those published elsewhere recently.

Научный журнал

Quasi-Phi-Functions in Packing Problem of Ellipsoids

The paper considers the problem of packing a given collection of ellipsoids of revolution into a rectangular container of minimal volume. Our ellipsoids can be continuos rotated and translated. A class of radical-free quasi-phi-functions is used for an analytical description of non-overlapping and containment constraints. We formulate the packing problem in the form of a nonlinear programming problem and propose a solution strategy, which allow us to search for local optimal packings. The actual search for a local minimum is performed by IPOPT. We provide computational results.

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»

Preparation path

путь подготовки товара при отборе товара (в некоторой зоне отбора preparation area, например, на первом уровне склада); маршрут, по которому отборщик отбирает товар; путьподготовки включает в себя все адреса отбора по маршруту.

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