продукция, принятая к перевозке или находящаяся в процессе перевозки; различное имущество физических и юридических лиц, перевозимое из одного места вдругое.
The year 2016 was the second consecutive year of economic recession. Non competitiveness of Belarusian producers was the main reason for the decline. The economic authorities refrained from any extensive institutional changes and, by doing so, did not in any way curb negative trends. They still prioritized the prevention of financial destabilization and pursued stringent monetary and fiscal policy. This helped to neutralize the threat of a new inflation and depreciation upsurge. At the same time, the structural recession in combination with tough economic policy contributed to the actualization of debt problems. New threats to the country are seen in bad private debts, which deteriorate the quality of bank assets and increase public debt. Also, 2016 saw a decline in social standards and household incomes leading to growing social tension.
The results of locked intramedullary osteosynthesis in 48 patients with pseudarthrosis and nonunion of the tibia, from 6 months to 4 years, have been observed. In 27 cases the patients had been previously operated by means of external fixation with Ilizarov apparatus (13), with plates (11), with screws (2), with plate and Ilizarov apparatus (1). We achieved union in 44 patients (91,6%) at 10±1,3 months, including 4 from 6 patients with bone defects and osteomyelitis of the tibia with remission. The results of treatment allow the application of locked intramedullary osteosynthesis in complicated pseudarthrosis.
продукция, принятая к перевозке или находящаяся в процессе перевозки; различное имущество физических и юридических лиц, перевозимое из одного места вдругое.
полный поддон - полная паллета c товаром одного типа.
это расходы финансовых ресурсов на непосредственную закупку товарно-материальных ценностей запаса у поставщика.
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