Актуарный метод
предполагает последовательное начисление процентных денег на реальную сумму долга.
«внутренняя» стоимость опциона: разница между ценой исполнения опциона и текущей ценой соответствующего финансового инструмента (положительная в случае опциона «пут» и отрицательная в случае «колл»).
Why has constructivism emerged as an important force in the field of international relations and politics in the end of the 20th century? Why constructivism and not any other theoretical approach? The constructivist perspective of international relations appeared as a counterbalance to rationalism that was entrenched in US Political Science throughout the last decades. Analyzing the contemporary state of world affairs through the prism of social constructivism provides us with a unique understanding of how intersubjective perceptions lead to unique epistemic interpretations of reality, which form the ideological framework within which social constructs are being generated. Constructivism succeeds not only in identifying the motives behind the behavior of international actors, but also in unfolding the mechanism through which those motives are being envisaged and accepted through the process of social construction here lies the greatest value of the constructivist approach in IR theo...
предполагает последовательное начисление процентных денег на реальную сумму долга.
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долгосрочно устойчивый уровень реального процента.
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