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In transit

Предмет Логистика
👍 Проверено Автор24

в транзите – статус какого-либо действия в системе.

Научные статьи на тему «In transit»

Виды запасов

создаются на производственных или сервисных предприятиях; заделы незавершенного производства (work-in-process...
торговли розничной торговли (trade inventory); транспортные (транзитные) запасы или запасы в пути (in-transit

Статья от экспертов


The dissolution of the Soviet Union made its former states to find their way to the market economy. Even if the transition period (transition economy) is not over, most of the trends have already been identified: passage to the liberal taxation system being one of them. Some significant tax reforms were undertaken in Georgia in 2005-2012. The reforms involved adaptation of a new tax codes, reducing the number of taxes from 26 to 6 and reorganizing the tax administration, with a foreign investment being defined as the priority of the economy. Globalisation processes influenced the taxation reforms and numerous international treaties have been signed. Even though Georgia has achieved important improvement in taxation system, there are, however, some major limitations. The objective of our research is to analyse the reforms of Georgia and elaborate some recommendations based on the macroeconomic theories and experience of other countries.

Научный журнал

Statistical analysis of basis factor influence on in-transit freight in Ukraine by regression model

In the article a component is selected the method of main among plenty of indexes 4 main factors which were fixed in basis of construction of regressive model of transit traffics of goods Ukraine.

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»


укладка поступивших на склад товаров в штабель или в складскую ячейку с внесением соответствующих пометок в план-карту и записей в карточки складского учета; товары повышенного спроса должны размещаться как можно ближе к участку комплектации.

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