продукция, принятая к перевозке или находящаяся в процессе перевозки; различное имущество физических и юридических лиц, перевозимое из одного места вдругое.
задержан – статус какого-либо действия или товара в системе.
отдельные блоки
\frame {
The weak cardίnality theorems hold...
\begίn{block}{Second Explanatίon}∠1-2>
The weak cardίnality theorems hold both for
Specific features of the English legal discourse and trends of its transformationin the context of global challenges have been considered in the paper
Real judo begins with making holds (grapping), the presence of which can result in judoka''s scoring attack and throws. A hold is a grapping operation performed by hands allowing withholding any part of the body to meet the opponent''s attacking moves, techniques and defensive actions. Releasing from a hold and winning it is called the struggle for a hold. In competitions, a qualified judoka spends 80 % of his time on making a hold. Many experts believe that developing your own personal hold is the primary condition for winning a fight. It means that the quality of a hold in judo largely determines the effectiveness of the fight. A technique of the holds and methods of teaching it, as well as physical abilities that improve hold efficiency, and opportunities of improving them require a more detailed consideration. To date, methods of teaching holds in judo are not developed enough. Unfortunately, there are no studies about the specific features of making holds in the...
продукция, принятая к перевозке или находящаяся в процессе перевозки; различное имущество физических и юридических лиц, перевозимое из одного места вдругое.
путь подготовки товара при отборе товара (в некоторой зоне отбора preparation area, например, на первом уровне склада); маршрут, по которому отборщик отбирает товар; путьподготовки включает в себя все адреса отбора по маршруту.
это информационная система для обработки первичной информации, ее структурирования и представления в виде, удобном для принятия решений.
Возможность создать свои термины в разработке
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