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Естественный ферромагнитный резонанс

Предмет Материаловедение
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частный случай ферромагнитного резонанса, проявляющийся как избирательное резонансное поглощение энергии электромагнитных волн магнитным материалом в диапазоне СВЧ при отсутствии подмагничивающего поля.

Научные статьи на тему «Естественный ферромагнитный резонанс»

Tendencies in creating modern radio absorbing materials and coatings

Background. According to the Act of the Russian Federation "About the state regulation in the field of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of technical means", requirements for the level of electromagnetic radiation of available electronic and electrical appliances become tougher. Tests for compliance with the requirements are carried out in the anechoic chambers whose walls are coated with radio-absorbing materials (RAM) and radio-absorbing coatings (RAC) necessary for the protection of the personnel and measuring devices against the re-reflected electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Matherials and methods. This work deals with the analytical survey of the designation of contemporary RAM and RAC, theoretical principles of RAM electromagnetic losses. Results. There have been identified the major tendencies of increasing absorption of electromagnetic energy: 1. At the expense of increasing the imaginary part of dielectric permeability e". 2. At the expense of increasing the...

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