Vendor schedule
график поставок - согласованный между поставщиком и покупателем документ ,регулирующий сроки, ассортимент и порядок отгрузки товаров, являющихся предметом договора купли-продажи, договора поставки и т.п.
участок помещения склада определенной площади и высоты, с которого отправляют готовую продукцию заказчику.
The world system of underwater rift-type spreading zones is a long-lived, complex, evolving system. It includes various provinces differing in age and geodynamics. The igneous activity which accompanied the formation of the oceanic lithosphere can be used as an indicator of the processes which controlled the specific characters of different regions. The extreme western termination (Shpiss Ridge) of the extensive South-West Indian Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean is referred to in the Russian literature as the African-Antarctic Ridge of a relatively young age. Proceeding from the results of magnetic surveys, the onset of the spreading was dated less than 2 million years. Of particular interest in this connection was to study the conditions of the formation and character of igneous activity under the newly formed and developing spreading zone. The Shpiss Ridge was formed under specific conditions, where the new rift zone originated in the oceanic crust which had been formed earlier in the ...
Comparative description of indexes of the red corpuscles system of blood of measles is resulted at the end of winter stall period of maintenance in a de bene esse clean ecological area and in the area of the low radionuclear loading.
график поставок - согласованный между поставщиком и покупателем документ ,регулирующий сроки, ассортимент и порядок отгрузки товаров, являющихся предметом договора купли-продажи, договора поставки и т.п.
это информационная система для обработки первичной информации, ее структурирования и представления в виде, удобном для принятия решений.
запасы, на момент учета находящиеся в процессе транспортировки.
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