Place of discharge
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участок помещения склада определенной площади и высоты, в котором находятся полки и шкафы с заданными адресами хранения, где хранятся товары, запрещенные для продажи до выяснения причин.
Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue belongs to highly invasive malignancies of head and neck area. The natural isoquinoline alkaloid berberine has demonstrated anti-tumor potential in various cancer types. This research was aimed to study in vitro effects of berberine in squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue. Berberine reduced the proliferation of CAL-27 cells in a dosedependent manner (IC50 = 36μM). Furthermore, berberine strongly inhibited invasion of squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue cells (EC50 = 0,9μM). Anti-proliferative and anti-invasive actions displayed by berberine in CAL-27 cell line suggest the in vitro anticancer efficacy of the natural isoquinoline alkaloid.
Background: Thiol-disulfide metabolism is essential for normal function of the organism. Thus the interest of the scientists in this area of research continues to grow. Material and methods: Copper coordination compounds (CCC), derivatives of thiosemicarbaside (CMD-4, CMJ-33, CMT-67), action on thiol-disulfide metabolism in the healthy Ratta albicans kidneys were studied. The animals were divided in 6 groups of 7 rats each. The control group included healthy rats which were injected i/m physiological solution 3 times a week, for 30 days. The rats from groups 2-6 have got 3 times a week, for 30 days, i/m injections of CCC. The activity of following thiol-disulfide metabolism enzymes in the renal supernatant has been measured: glutathion-reductase (GR), glutathion-peroxidase (GPO), glutathion-S-transferase (G-S-T), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GTP), glutaredoxin (Grx), as well the amount of the protein SH-groups and of the total glutathione, reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glut...
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документ для оформления приемки товарноматериальных ценностей в случае расхождения фактического наличия с данными сопроводительных документов поставщика; порядок и сроки оформления актов предусмотрены инструкциями о порядке приемки изделий народного потребления по количеству и качеству.
величина экономически оправданной компенсации некоторого уменьшения запаса или использования оцениваемого ресурса другими ресурсами без уменьшения выпуска продукции; например, потеря тонны нефти потребует от предприятия соответствующего по калорийности количества дополнительного ресурса — его стоимость и составит затраты замещения этой тонны нефти.
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