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Предмет Логистика
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доставлен – статус какого-либо действия в системе.

Научные статьи на тему «Delivered»

Инкотермс-2010. Базисные условия поставки

$DAT$ (delivered at terminal – доставлено до терминала (указание терминала прибытия)) −продавец несет...
$DAP$ (delivered at point – доставлено до пункта назначения (указание пункта назначения)) −продавец несет...
$DDP$ (delivered duty paid – доставлено с оплатой пошлины) − продавец доставляет товар заказчику в место

Статья от экспертов

Curriculum leadersihp: strategies for linking the written and delivered curriculim

The focus will be put on teachers as curriculum leaders, being challenged on a daily basis by how to attend to the delivered curriculum(the practice) without neglecting the written curriculum(the theory), and vice versa, all the while analyzing strategies that will link both curricula and implement these conclusions in their further teaching practice. Curricula present written guides identifying the content and material that should be covered, and are given to teachers (sometimes) as a detailed guide to follow religiously. However, as opposed to theory, practice is a different and delicate matter, as the teachers tries not to overstep the boundaries of the curriculum already include as much of their own creative energy as possible. These points will be expanded through analysis of the results of a qualitative research on the understanding of the content of leadership, done on pre-school and primary school teachers, whose everyday contact with their pupils will illustrate the reality...

Научный журнал


Intrafollicular drug delivery is beneficial in terms of both localized therapy of relevant skin disorders and systemic transportation of bioactive molecules. Vaterite particles are capable of loading and delivering various substances to hair follicles. Possibility to control the duration of their intrafollicular degradation can improve such a particulate delivery system. Here, we propose the use of sonophoresis (1 MHz, 1 W/cm2) to accelerate the resorption of vaterite carriers inside the hair follicles of rats in vivo. The effect of sonication is demonstrated utilizing optical coherence tomography monitoring of the skin and scanning electron microscopy investigation of the plucked hairs. A nine-minute post-treatment of skin in the site of particle delivery allowed us to almost halve the time of their degradation.

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»

Readied pallet

полный поддон - полная паллета c товаром одного типа.

🌟 Рекомендуем тебе

Third party logistics (TPL)

выполнение логистических операций третьим лицом; передача промышленной ил иторговой фирмой всех или части работ по хранению,перевозке, упаковыванию товаров и т.п. исполнителю (провайдеру) логистических услуг, например, складу общего пользования, транспорту общего пользования.

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Альтернативные (вмененные) издержки

означают упущенную выгоду предприятия, которую оно получило бы при выборе производства альтернативного товара, по альтернативной цене, на альтернативном рынке ит.д.

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