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Clock Skew

Предмет Электроника, электротехника, радиотехника
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временной сдвиг тактового импульса относительно заданного положения, вызванный паразитными задержками в цепях тактирования.

Научные статьи на тему «Clock Skew»

Reduction of clock skew with selected nets in high performance CMOS VLSI

Clock skew minimization in high speed VLSI synchronous systems is extremely important, and significant research interest in clock distribution networks exists "within both the industrial and academic communities. The large die size, deterioration in interconnect performance in sub_micron process and high frequency makes the clock design and implementation a major challenge. In this paper, we describe an implementation of a multi-level balanced clock-free distribution scheme that improves the performance considerably. The focus of this clock-tree distribution scheme is to.balance the loading and allocate interconnect delay optimally to take advantage of "self_adjusf" aspect of clock tree into account. Optimal delay allocation among the clock nets do not need to balance all the nets, which use more wires and may cause problem in dense chip.

Научный журнал

Рассинхронизация часов поступательно двигающейся жёсткой системы отсчёта

In the article clock skew in laboratory system of two hours has been calculated: centering at a starting point of rigid reference system and in remote point. The first out of these methods is general relativistic while the second uses kinematic time dilation. As a result clock skew of two hours depends on a distance vector between hours and on some kind of vector index, which depends on a particular law of starting point movement.

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Еще термины по предмету «Электроника, электротехника, радиотехника»

Лампа накачки

электрическая лампа, предназначенная для накачки лазера.

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восьмиэлектродная электронно-управляемая лампа, имеющая анод, катод, управляющий электрод и пять дополнительных электродов.

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